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Can someone explain how do do this? (L-cancel?)

Neo Rhetoric

Smash Rookie
Jun 4, 2003
Calmly existing as a spectator
Hey all! I just need a quick primer on how to execute these moves. I saw an example of them posted as a vid in this forum: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNd6ciPDmGQ

First, I think it's called L-cancelling? Basically, I need to know what buttons I need to be pushing (and when to push them) so I can do 2 back kicks or two up slashes in one jump. The video had many examples. The most help would be the entire button combination, including the 2 kicks/slashes, and an easy explanation.

Also, I can sometimes do wolf's back kick move while facing forward by quickly pressing the stick back the other direction, but it's not really reliable. Help?

Lastly, what does DI mean? I'm having trouble learning stage scarring.

Thanks in advance, I could really use the help! :)

Oi Kyon

Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2008
First, I think it's called L-cancelling? Basically, I need to know what buttons I need to be pushing (and when to push them) so I can do 2 back kicks or two up slashes in one jump. The video had many examples. The most help would be the entire button combination, including the 2 kicks/slashes, and an easy explanation.
There's no L-canceling in Brawl, its just that some of Wolf's attack can do that.

Also, I can sometimes do wolf's back kick move while facing forward by quickly pressing the stick back the other direction, but it's not really reliable. Help?
Its RARing. http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=140981

Lastly, what does DI mean? I'm having trouble learning stage scarring.
Directional Influence.

Neo Rhetoric

Smash Rookie
Jun 4, 2003
Calmly existing as a spectator
Thanks. The RAR link answered that question, but I'm still in the dark about the other two.

If its not l-cancelling, then why can't I pull off 2 quick back kicks or upward slashes in a jump as fast as I see them in the video i linked? Am I missing something? This one is particularily important for me to learn.

Also, how do I change my directional influence? The FAQs on stage scarring just say "DI from the ledge, then use >B immediately." How would I "DI", exactly?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 30, 2008
northern CA
To stage scar all you need to do is push the control stick away from the ledge and then immediately use forward b. I find this much easier using the c-stick set to special.

I don't really know what you mean about L-cancelling and doing two kicks. I think in the video he's just doing the first kick immediately after he jumps which gives him time to do another kick as he's coming down. I think you're getting this confused with L-cancelling wolf's fair. You can do this by just fairing right after a short hop.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 25, 2008
Philadelphia area
The lag canceling on wolf's F-air is done by executing the move immediately after you jump. There is no special trick to it really, it's just that by doing the move quickly enough, you can ensure that the attack animation ends before you hit the ground, thus negating the lag from it. I find the easiest way to do this is simply to quickly slide your thumb across the jump button right down onto the A button. For the B-air, he is often doing the same thing, but that move hardly has any lag anyway. It is just a great move in general because you can use it so many times.

In general I think some of us are trying to avoid calling this "L-cancelling" because L-cancelling is a technique that was central to gameplay in Melee and is no longer available in Brawl. It creates a lot of confusion when people use that term for a Brawl character.

Changing direction with the aerial: this is generally referred to as a reverse aerial, and it is done really just how you would imagine it would be. You very quickly turn around and then jump in the direction you want to go. Spend some time practicing it, it's very worthwhile for every character. If you are running forward you can keep your forward momentum when you jump if you turn around and jump immediately afterward.

DI is where you use the control stick to influence the direction you fly in the air. It is usually used to refer to the technique of changing your direction when someone has hit you. The easiest way to see it is when you are stuck in somebody's multi-hit AAA combo; if you move the control stick away from them you will get out of it faster.

In the context you read "DI," it was just a way of telling you to let go of the ledge. You move the control stick away from the ledge and then immediately use over B to stage scar (whoever said to DI downward was giving you bad advice. It is easier if you DI away.) Overall though you should look up DI on this forum and learn to do it because it can seriously lengthen the time you stay alive if you learn to do it (you can make it much harder to KO you if you use it properly).

With all that said: all the answers to these questions are already available in existing threads and a little searching would have found them for you. Of course, it would be nice if we had a stickied compendium of stuff like this at the top, but all we've got is a dead video thread...


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2008
Yo Couch

no L-canceling in brawl. and RAR is extremely simple. it's like a basic. not an AT.


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2008
Thanks. The RAR link answered that question, but I'm still in the dark about the other two.

If its not l-cancelling, then why can't I pull off 2 quick back kicks or upward slashes in a jump as fast as I see them in the video i linked? Am I missing something?
Yeah, its germ.
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