Well, I think Nitendo expects me to play a Xbox 360 while waiting, so I'll do just that. Way to f***ing suck Nintendo-AGAIN! Kojima ***** you all day long-still. How Australia probably won't get it until (late) 2009, Europe until this time next year, NA in 3 months, and Japan in 2 1/2 months is utterly beyond me. Nintendo f***ing sucks with release dates, and I'll never give them slack-ever. Because I'm a d*** pain in the a** when it comes to release dates-above everything else. At leats Kojima knows to release his most hyped game(s) ever everywhere at the same time, and not suck at them, and make one country continent thingy wait forever. Ya, it must suck to be a Aussie-or even a European. That is why I hate Japan gets the game first with a passion-because everyone outside of NA can wait anywhere from a week-to a few months-and NoA refuses to do any better.
Kojima's release dates > God's release dates > Microsoft's Release dates > Sony's Release Dates > Nintendo's release dates. I just pwned Nintendo.