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BRSTM making guide using Sony ACID (And SFX)


Smash Apprentice
Jan 20, 2011
the bravo chaahc
Well well, wouldn't think I'd share my style would ya? *here it is.

*weather you buy or keygen, is entirely up to you and I shall not be held responsible for your decisions

Before we begin, this tutorial Requires:
Sony ACID Pro
BrawlBox V 0.65 or newer
Noise reduction Plugin (register it first)
[SFX ONLY] Smashbox (Click here for smashbox if you are using windows 7 64-bit like I am)

once you have that AND the noise reduction plugin installed and activated (restarting ACID),

You have 2 options from this point LOL! you can:
Use this file and skip the setup (Skipping to the audio file section) [but please, before you work on a new music hack, right click near the markers and (markers and regions) DELETE THEM ALL]
*Note, when using my file, select ignore all missing files and leave them offline, then delete the blank clip (the markers in there are loop points for "you spin me right round", DON'T BOTHER UPLOADING THAT, I already made a copy to upload)


Set up ACID from scratch
1) open a new project and add an Audio track by right clicking the area shown and selecting it (CTRL+Q)

2) Pop open the FX box and add some Effects, leaving the track EQ alone for now

3) Add these FX in ORDER: Sony Volume, *Graphic EQ, *(Slide Track EQ to this slot), *Clipped Peak restoration, Click and crackle removal
Your Chain Should look like this:

Click OK


Adjusting the FX
4) the BIG one we want to go for first is the graphic EQ, go to it and make sure you are on the envelope tab. *Copy this pattern: (points are added when you drag the line)

5) Track EQ: (this will be restoring the bass the graphic EQ took out) enable envelope 1 and set the frequency to 250 and the mini-dropdown to low shelf
as for the gain, you are free to adjust it to your liking when listening to an audio file within ACID

6) Clipped Peak restoration (AKA the safety net): just go to it and have ALL the boxes checked (You will NOT be touching the slider unless necessary [when the red bar drops too close to 6 WITH the volume low])

7) Click and crackle removal (Will remove clicks caused by "looping"): Just set the preset to remove Lots of crackle

adding a wav (or MP3) and optimizing it
8 ) now drop your audio file in the timeline, sliding it to the left and
* * a) zoom in on the beginning and drag the side of the clip to edit out the silent part


10) Double click the audio clip on the timeline to set the Loop Region to it

11) Play the project and
* * a) right click the clip and go to event clip (spawning a sub menu)
* * b) select Normalize

12) go back to the FX and select the volume tab
* * a) Play around with it ( with the system volume at max) until the volume sounds like it's as loud as it can go (you can adjust the final volume later with the master slider
* * b) go to the Clipped peak restoration tab, the red bar should be reading volume levels upside down, DO NOT LET IT GO PAST 6, the halfway point (quick millisecond jumps past it are ok), the meter should on average be constantly showing at least a sliver of red
* * c) if the clipped peak restoration meter is dropping below 6 or hanging around it, go back to the volume tab and decrease it, if it is STILL hanging around 6, THEN adjust the slider in the clipped peak restoration tab

13) Track EQ: play around with the gain and rolloff until the music sounds decent to you

if all sounds good, GREAT onward to looping (don't go to brawlbox just yet)

Looping your song (Hopefully PERFECTY)
14) you should see a dark blue bar above the timeline the same length as the clip, this is the Loop Region and as long as loop is turned on, the music will loop within these points, this is the accuracy advantage you have over finding them in brawlbox through guesswork:
* * a) Drag the Right hand end of it to the expected end of the song before it loops
* * b) Do the same for the Left Hand end, Only this one is for your Beginning loop point

15) play around with these points until you have found a PERFECT LOOP (Or decent one), you can fast forward (skip) close to the end loop to re-test as it will loop with no stop/start delay like it does in brawlbox

16) Once you have found the loop points, press R and click the green marker where your start loop is

17) Make sure the time is read out in samples, if it is not, right click the time readout and change the time format to Samples

18) Now you can go ahead and adjust that master volume (vertical slider) to a more suitable volume (just be warned, setting it too low under 0, will result in it being too soft in brawl) *(I recommend leaving it at 0)

19) press M on keyboard to place a marker (you will delete this marker AFTER you make your BRSTM file to avoid confusion on your future projects)

20) slide the beginning loop point of the Loop region ALL THE WAY TO THE LEFT END OF THE TIMELINE

21) (with the cursor still on that beginning loop), Render as Wav (checking the box Render Loop Region only [ this will eliminate the need to adjust the end point in brawlbox])

BrawlBox Part
22) Open brawlbox and go for your usual New BRSTM, and open your rendered wav from ACID

23) Remember that time setting in ACID? the cursor should still be at the loop point (if it isn't you can click on the marker you placed to easily restore it) *copy the time (AKA samples) value (by that I mean type it out) into the start field (your start loop point setting) and press enter

23) the moment of truth: enable the loop checkbox and TEST IT, it should be PERFECT or at least NEAR PERFECT

24) create the BRSTM and enjoy (you don't have to name it to the music you want to replace as I have made a renaming program GUI to make this easier)

[SFX part]

1) Optimising SFX generally follows the same steps for BRSTMs except they skip the looping part and has the EQs off MOST (not all) of the time (so go and make those adjustments from the BRSTM guide)

*the steps taken in acid should ONLY follow the volume optimisation steps (of cource you are free to do your OWN adjustments, in which case, SKIP to the rendering step)

Converting to mono and frequency settings

2) if you have your SFX set and loop region highlighting the whole clip (or part you want to SFXify), RIGHT CLICK the clip, go to the first option (spawning submenu), then go to CHANNELS, and choose either:

Left Only
Right Only


3) Go to render as (in file or the render button)

4) set the format to WAV, and CLICK CUSTOM

5) set the channels to MONO

6) set the frequency to:

48KHz (if if falls within the target SFX's time and it's frequency is the same)

32KHz (recommended) (If the target SFX is 48KHz, but the length is longer)


6KHz (if the SFX you are making is for the wii mote sound)

7) click ok then render it

8 ) (THIS PART MAY LOOK DIFFERENT IF YOU ARE USING WINDOWS VISTA or 7 32-bit) the reason why my smashbox window look like XP is because I am using it on a 64 bit OS, If you would like to lean how to get it to work (AND PLAY SOUNDS [this is what doesn't work with it on 64 bit], click the guide link in my sig)

open smashbox and find the Group ID, Collection ID, and wave ID of the SFX you want to replace and copy those into Sawndz
(Example Images below for noobs)

^Group ID

^Collection ID

^Wave ID

9) Click Insert (Not insert sawnd lol [noobs])


11)go to and double click the sound you rendered, and wait for the next step

12) SUCCESS! go test

fake step 13) I am looking forward you your feedback, if you have problems with running smashbox in windows XP mode, let me know in the smashbox on 64 bit guide


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Seattle, WA
Hey, a fellow BRSTM guide! First off, I want to say thanks for posting. This program you're using seems like a more complex version of Audacity. The "Graphic EQ" looks just like the Equalization in Audacity that I use for my guide. If you'd like to check it out and compare, our steps seem pretty similar. I've never set markers when making a BRSTM, I just fiddle with the start/end loop points until I get a seamless loop...that would probably save me some time, I might try that later.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 20, 2011
the bravo chaahc
Hey, a fellow BRSTM guide! First off, I want to say thanks for posting. This program you're using seems like a more complex version of Audacity. The "Graphic EQ" looks just like the Equalization in Audacity that I use for my guide. If you'd like to check it out and compare, our steps seem pretty similar. I've never set markers when making a BRSTM, I just fiddle with the start/end loop points until I get a seamless loop...that would probably save me some time, I might try that later.
when starting off in brawl hacking, music was the first thing I could pick up and understand easily.

so looking for a guide, I found one (it happened to be yours)

as for the EQ, I followed your guide to set it

Then, I figured, I will follow it closely, but carry them out in ACID instead.

since then, I have been able to improve my methods of BRSTM creation. But since many only used audacity and fiddled around in brawlbox (and I had tools that sped that up), I ended up making this guide

(It will later on be expanded upon to add making SFX hacks, which currently are converted to mono wavs through audacity (Again the tols I use have some advantages over what was available in audacity, and there is already a link to another guide by me if the user has windows 7 64-bit and is trying to use smashbox

a link is also in my siggy)


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Seattle, WA
when starting off in brawl hacking, music was the first thing I could pick up and understand easily.

so looking for a guide, I found one (it happened to be yours)

as for the EQ, I followed your guide to set it

Then, I figured, I will follow it closely, but carry them out in ACID instead.

since then, I have been able to improve my methods of BRSTM creation. But since many only used audacity and fiddled around in brawlbox (and I had tools that sped that up), I ended up making this guide

(It will later on be expanded upon to add making SFX hacks, which currently are converted to mono wavs through audacity (Again the tols I use have some advantages over what was available in audacity, and there is already a link to another guide by me if the user has windows 7 64-bit and is trying to use smashbox

a link is also in my siggy)
I'm honored that I inspired you to make a guide yourself.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 20, 2011
the bravo chaahc
I'm honored that I inspired you to make a guide yourself.
added SFX section at the end of the guide
(this part also shows off smashbox working on a 64-bit OS, if anyone asks about updating the smashbox code or how to use or "fix" it on 64 bit, send them here (or to the thread in my siggy) )
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