rather than minigames added into the game, i'd much prefer to see unique/interesting multiplayer game modes. The special melee option in Smash:Melee is pretty limited and the gimmicks they have aren't particularly cool; Everybody's small, everybody's big, everybody's fast, everybody's slow, ect...
What about a 3v1 where the player who's alone gets to be permanently mushroomed, and the players on the 3 man team are all permanently poison-mushroomed.
Or... Doppelganger, where every player gets a copy of himself placed about four feet to the right of where he's standing. The Doppelganger would do everything that the player did. I'm grasping here, but you get the idea.
Anybody have any other ideas for neat gimmick matches?
another thing i'd like to see is a "fair" item option.
I was thinking there could be a white box above the ring and every minute or so it would start flashing. After it flashes a couple times, an item from the item list pops inside the box. From this point on, if anyone hit the box, the item would come falling out and could be picked up.
This way, everyone gets fair warning and time to prepare for the item that is coming down the pipeline, and a chance to grab it. Players would be fighting over control of the board so that they could use the item. And it'd make it harder for Falco Lazer Camping and other similar strategies.
They could be set to have a slow enough respawn that they would be "bonuses" rather than the focus of the game. Because, as it stands, no competitive player(and no-one in my circle)plays with items at all. I'd like to be able to have them on in a way that added to the strategy of the game, so that they could be included in serious play.
My friends and I, on the rare occasions that we actually do free for alls, like to play king of the thing. Someone chooses a platform or obstacle of some kind, and we fight over control of it. King of the Hill makes huge sense in a game like Smash Brothers. If you can keep your opponents percentage high than you can keep them away easier (since they go further) and keep control of the "hill". It lends itself perfectly to the smash system, so I also really hope they include something like this.
That being said, no matter what cursory modes they include i'm sure almost all of us will just be doing 1v1 item-off melee like we were before, I know I probably will.