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Brawlbros diddy (replays)


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
First off, never air dodge pick up a naner on a platform unless it's to dodge an attack as well as picking it up. Always Z pick up naners on platforms so you can c-stick throw while coming down. People barely ever expect mid air Z pick up throws, trust me and it's essential if you want to ever play a really tough person who knows how to fight diddy on ******* places like lylat cruise or bf. You seem kinda reckless, you just react to everything and that worries me because you're going to make alot of mistakes and pay for alot of things you really shouldn't in the first place. You fair'd the wolf's shield in one match low to the ground so it was laggy, and you got punished for it. You just seem to throw out attacks without thinking. You can have speed, but if you're going to have speed you have to think alot before doing anything and I couldn't tell if you were thinking about what you were doing at all or not--just reacting. Never dsmash for anything other than KO's, maybe other diddy's do it, but just don't. The dsmash is a great KO move, fsmash instead at all times instead of dsmashing. The dsmash is too laggy and slow to use it normally anyway so you mise will save it up for when your opponent is at high percents to kill them. I saw a lack of tilts, you did utilt out of dash attacks though. You can utilt wolf 2-3 times out of a dash attack and then go into usmash straight from 0 so it might be good to save up that combo. Dtilts are good at low percents too because you can juggle them with it, but I wouldn't follow them up against a character like wolf who can just fsmash you if you try to do anything else, it's better to shield and see how they react the first time before following the dtilts up. You roll waaay too much too, it's predictable and a bad habbit. If you ever want to win a diddy ditto against another diddy that thinks everything through, you're going to have to outthink them if you ever want to win. gl it'll come in time.


Smash Ace
Mar 19, 2008
ya what i was thinking was definitly the lack of tilts and recklessness, but i didnt pick up on the airdodge'ing nanerz on platforms thanks for the tip man.

I sometimes dsmash becuase the back part can hit rollers and both of us roll spammed like idiots that match, but yea I definitly need to stop doing that too...=\

nothing like some bad replays to shine some light on how much you suck

edit: I qouted you in my sig just for motivational purposes and I thought it was funny.
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