Sorry, haters. Brawl WILL NOT SUCK. It cannot. Why? Let me tell you why.
Nintendo has WAY TOO MUCH to lose if it sucks.
1. It is a big holiday game, and the only other big holiday game for the Wii is Mario Galaxy, which is going to be awesome. Nintendo must have faith if they expect it to be up to par with Galaxies quality, as well as other huge holiday guarunteed hits, like Halo 3, Assasin's Creed, Heavenly Sword, Stranglehold, Tony Hawk, Ratchet & Clank, Army of Two, Haze, Quake Wars, Beautiful Katamari, and Mass Effect, all of which are are for the competing consoles. Brawl has to stand toe-to-toe with all of them, so Nintendo has to go full force into the game.
2. Nintendo has gotten the rights to 3rd party characters to put into the game. If they put these characters in a bad game, why should the companies who own the characters want to do anything with Nintendo in the future? They've given their biggest names a bad rep (not that sonic already has a good one...) So, too keep good 3rd party relations, Nintendo can't have a bad game.
3. Money. Think about it. The third party rights, the big development team, and the elite list of composers, not too mention all the time that has to have gone into the project. I highly doubt the development has been cheap, and if the game is bad, it won't sell, and Nintendo will have taken a huge financial hit. If it's good, it'll sell, and Nintendo will have done well. Nintendo relies on the game to do well with how much they've put in.
4. The fans. The hardcore fans. The dedicated gamers are doubting Nintendo's love for them, and Brawl is a game that pays tons of fanservice the Nintendo loyal. If it's no good, we'll be the first to know, we won't buy it, and Nintendo will just get even more crap from the ones who have been with them all along.
5. Melee was a game that has been popular for as long as the Gamecube was alive. It was a game that kept selling, and people kept playing, which kept gamecubes being played. If Brawl sucks, this won't happen. If theres ever a large game drought in the future, there may not be much to dust off a Wii. Nintendo needs a multiplayer game to keep people coming, and as Melee did that for the cube, Brawl has got to do it for the Wii.
No, my friends, it won't suck. Not to mention, have you even seen the game in action? Looked at the screens? IT LOOKS GREAT! Sakurai is trying to improve it, and I'm sure he's doing it. Not to mention, Hideo Kojima loves it, and he knows his stuff.
Rest easy, friends, Brawl is going to rock this world. maybe even another, too.