He was R.O.B. and trying to pick a fight, so I gave him one. He got the smash ball and went after me, then proceeded to run the rest of the match. Very frustrating. So I went Pikachu and he went Yoshi on Green Hill Zone, beat him up, he went MK on SV, kicked his ***. Then he sat there.
You were trying to get him to fight you after a while? Haha, I must be the one remembering wrong.
Yeah, desyncs are just what they sound like. Desynchronization. If someone does something or has something activated in hacks that isn't quite compatible with other elements of the game, it can throw everything apart. Everyone will see something different happening on their screens, and consequently everyone's matches might finish at different times.
In my case, I was bored and sitting at the top of the SMI towers as Lucario, watching what will happen to everyone else. On my screen I see myself wallclinging up at the top infinitely (or at least until someone knocks the towers down), while everyone else sees me fall down after the three seconds Lucario can wallcling, and then I no longer move to them. Whatever happens to them can be up to anything else. I mainly saw them running around, trying to attack each other, sometimes suiciding, sometimes taunting. It's interesting and something fun to do when you're bored.
Edit: Am novelist. Switching characters frequently as per usual. I'll triple uptaunt if I think I see you.