Shock! Somebody not seeing eye to eye with a moderator! HURL HIM TO THE SHARKS I SAY.Me criticizing SP for making a loose or irresponsible statement does not make me ignorant. SP's affiliation with and frequency in exposure to a different culture does not somehow justify such over-generalized comments. So until you can somehow substantiate what you've just said, your last post holds no weight.
This is irrelevant, but I'm assuming you're just mentioning this in passing.
Again, with the "noob" accusation. This seems to be a popular way of dismissing someone's comment on this site. It's the near-equivalent of calling someone a "commie" in the '60s or a "terrorist" in this decade. If you're gonna get at me, back up what you're going to say and don't just resort to freely using this catch-all dismissive term.
As for me disrespecting SP, to say the very least, it is the comment in passing that was ignorant in itself. So I do take back having called him ignorant. However, I should be able to point out and criticize him for having made such a statement, regardless of what the majority of those on this site view as being the social norm in terms of generalizations. To reiterate, an ignorant comment made by someone does not necessarily imply that (s)he is ignorant, so I take back having called SP that. However, the essence of my original post still stands.
Go read the post. Now re-read it. You go tell me how that statement is put under the guise or context of mere sarcasm. Light-hearted statement? Maybe. But it's primary intent is not to be sarcastic. It is first and foremost used to help explain (if you can call it that) why there is a mistranslation. As far as I'm concerned, you've yet to explain how I am "ignorant".
Thanks, Meta-Kirby! Someone who at least understands what I have to say..
*To anyone: Please, don't bother responding on how long this post is or how it diverges from the original message in this topic. I am fully aware of both aspects. And, no, I am not over-reacting. Only subtle taboo becomes widely accepted when we ourselves let it be this way for reasons of convenience, fear of backlash, or what have you.
I'm inclined to agree with you however, the thread title is a tad misleading, I believe someone pointed out that it would make sense to rectify it. Assuming they've not suffered any mishaps, I'm pretty sure Brawl has, or will very shortly, go gold.
I just hope they announce the PAL and Oceanic release dates soon, we like smashing too :|