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Brawl and Halo


Smash Rookie
May 25, 2007
This holiday season i think this game [brawl] will have a chance in beating Halo 3 in sales or at lease i think :psycho:


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Even though most of us here think SSBB would be a better game (Just saying i mean it is a smash forum)


Just your average kind of Luigi.
Oct 4, 2006
Williamsburg, VA
Halo 2 currently holds the day-one entertainment record. That includes computer games, movies, etc. It pulled in some 125 million, I believe. In comparison, Spider-Man 3 brought in 150 million worldwide during its first weekend.

Halo 3 is going to top that. Smash will be a blip on the year's entertainment radar.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
O i was wondering when you were going to turn up...

But it doesnt even hold a candle to many to many games overall sales


Smash Journeyman
May 8, 2006
Gainesville, Florida
Halo 2 currently holds the day-one entertainment record. That includes computer games, movies, etc. It pulled in some 125 million, I believe. In comparison, Spider-Man 3 brought in 150 million worldwide during its first weekend.

Halo 3 is going to top that. Smash will be a blip on the year's entertainment radar.
blip? please elaborate.

I think it'll be close, but halo just has too many fanboys.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
I dont know how you could call this a blip i mean if everyone who bought ssbm bought this (which they should) then that would be plenty and Halo still aint that special in its overall sales (in comparison to very high sales i mean not just in any sales)

He is Legend

Smash Rookie
May 11, 2007
Theres a thread like this already.... Anyways Halo 3 will **** Brawl in sales.

Theres no doubt about it. Most of the people who have wii's now are the non-hardcore who only play wii sports so don't think that the wii's strong sales will mean brawl will sell well. Wii Sports and Wii Health will be the top selling wii games still.


Space Jump
May 7, 2006
Super Smash Bros. Melee sold 6 million copies--the original Halo sold 8 million. If the copies sold are again 3:4 after both Brawl and 3 are released, then Halo will dominate the sales chart.


Smash Ace
May 15, 2006
Hiram, Ga
Yea, Halo will definately win, but i am looking forward to both games with great excitement... and now Starcraft 2.


Mar 16, 2007
The thing is, Halo is the "cool" game that all of the "cool" people play and own, because it's "cool," to say nothing of it's inherent appeal to gamers as a very intricate FPS. It is very widely appealing in comparison with the small Nintendo fan niche that Smash fills.

Smash, on the other hand, is the fun thing to do if it's there, eliciting cries of, "Hey, this game is awesome! I used to be a beast as Roy!" when someone sees someone else playing it. Most friends groups only play it when everyone's around, because you can only play against people when everyone's together. Halo on the other hand can be enjoyed in your own home.

The addition of online play to Brawl may change that dynamic a bit, but that change will be slow, and the nature of Smash may not lend itself well due to the tendency for the internet to lag. Everyone will be able to play online, but will they want to? The desire to actually own Smash is less than that for Halo. Go figure.


Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2006
Phillipsburg, NJ
Well Sakurai hints that SSBB will OWN. But with the hype for Halo I predict that in the beginning
Halo will pull through but Brawl will have a chance later.


Smash Cadet
Apr 20, 2007
Lowell, MA
i think it would be close, cuz the wii sold more than the 360 (edit: World-wide), so ssbb would have a better chance, since almost everyone that has the wii would evenually buy brawl. but i know that over 4million halo 3 are in reserved.


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2005
Halo 2 currently holds the day-one entertainment record. That includes computer games, movies, etc. It pulled in some 125 million, I believe. In comparison, Spider-Man 3 brought in 150 million worldwide during its first weekend.

Halo 3 is going to top that. Smash will be a blip on the year's entertainment radar.
Calling smash bros. a "blip" is a bit far. Halo does have pretty extreme popularity in the west, but Super Smash Bros. is by no means a "blip".

Halo will definitely have higher sales, but Smash Bros. may be able to eat away at them quite a bit, especially in Japan.


Just your average kind of Luigi.
Oct 4, 2006
Williamsburg, VA
Halo is in the top 40 selling franchises of all time. Smash doesn't even make the list.

I'm not a Halo fanboy. I enjoy halo. I prefer smash. That doesn't mean I'm oblivious to the figures:

Halo has only 2 games, and is a top selling franchise. It's been the single largest day-one of entertainment sales, which is very, very impressive. It also DOES have very high sales.

And the Halo-bashing is aggravating. If you don't like it, fine. That doesn't make it overrated. It's rated exactly as it is. Think of it this way: everyone who owns the game and plays regularly enjoys it. That enjoyment is increased by the ability to play online. Halo is easily the most successful console online game, and the most successful console FPS.

If a small but plucky fanbase loved the game, but sales figures would small, THAT would be overrated. A massive group of people playing a game which gets better the more people you have playing it... not overrated.



Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
You can't prove or disprove if something is overrated or not since rating is all down to personal opinion. Claiming that someone's opinion that Halo is overrated is false is nonsense.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 19, 2006
Drifting along
omg i cant believe people r this obssessed with comparing everything in the gaming industry. the two games rnt even on the same platform let alone the same genre. who cares which sells more? not me...i'm just hoping brawl will be kickass (which i know it will). does anyone think they'll be meditating over microsofts financial endeavours when playin brawl?


Space Jump
May 7, 2006
You can't prove or disprove if something is overrated or not since rating is all down to personal opinion. Claiming that someone's opinion that Halo is overrated is false is nonsense.
Or you could just state why it is overrated instead of blindly insulting fans of obscure games.


Smash Apprentice
May 15, 2007
Ontario, Canada
I know this is sort of off topic, but I gotta get it out there.

If you ask me, top sales mean nothing. All it shows us is that the vast majority of people perfer an FPS like Halo to play. Keep in mind that this includes all dolts, low-lifes, and possibly heathens. People perfer Halo since it's so easy to play. People don't perfer Smash since it takes alot more out of you to play properly. Here's an interesting point:

Halo holds a few awards. Excellence in audio... Console and Overall Game of the Year,
Console Action / Adventure, Visual Engineering ... Best Action Game...

Sure it sold alot, but when you take a game like Half-Life 2....

It didn't sell as much, but it's got:

35 Game of the Year awards, including Overall Game of the Year at IGN

GameSpot's Award for Best Shooter, GameSpot's Reader's Choice - PC Game of the Year Award, Game of the Year from The Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences, and "Best Game" with the Game Developers Choice Awards, where it was also given various awards for technology, characters, and writing.

including "Best Game" and "Best Online Game."

Just because millions of people buy a game, doesn't mean that millions of people know anything about a game. How much a game sells doesn't say anything about the game except "most people like to play it".

So my point is, even if Brawl doesn't sell as much as Halo.... Why does it matter? It's still a fun game.

As I said before, this is kind of off topic, but this seems like the best thread to bring this up, as this whole "Brawl vs Halo" thing has been brought up more than once on more than one thread.


Just your average kind of Luigi.
Oct 4, 2006
Williamsburg, VA
I know this is sort of off topic, but I gotta get it out there.

If you ask me, top sales mean nothing. All it shows us is that the vast majority of people perfer an FPS like Halo to play. Keep in mind that this includes all dolts, low-lifes, and possibly heathens. People perfer Halo since it's so easy to play. People don't perfer Smash since it takes alot more out of you to play properly. Here's an interesting point:

Halo holds a few awards. Excellence in audio... Console and Overall Game of the Year,
Console Action / Adventure, Visual Engineering ... Best Action Game...

Sure it sold alot, but when you take a game like Half-Life 2....

It didn't sell as much, but it's got:

35 Game of the Year awards, including Overall Game of the Year at IGN

GameSpot's Award for Best Shooter, GameSpot's Reader's Choice - PC Game of the Year Award, Game of the Year from The Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences, and "Best Game" with the Game Developers Choice Awards, where it was also given various awards for technology, characters, and writing.

including "Best Game" and "Best Online Game."

Just because millions of people buy a game, doesn't mean that millions of people know anything about a game. How much a game sells doesn't say anything about the game except "most people like to play it".

So my point is, even if Brawl doesn't sell as much as Halo.... Why does it matter? It's still a fun game.

As I said before, this is kind of off topic, but this seems like the best thread to bring this up, as this whole "Brawl vs Halo" thing has been brought up more than once on more than one thread.
I agree with all of that. I really do. That doesn't stop the fact that halo is accessible and widely played. I am not heralding it as the greatest FPS known to man. But I think it's a far stretch to call it overrated. As far as I'm aware, no one here has called it the greatest game ever. But it is a good game, and it is a popular game. That shouldn't merit bashing by nintendo fanboys. That's like an Xbox fan saying that, say, Mario was overrated. Or Zelda. Or Pokemon.

It's what the market can bear. IGN awards are fantastic, but sales records are what matter. It's all well and good if one editor loves a game, but it's consumers who decide whether or not there's going to be a sequel.

Also, voicing an opinion would be "I don't like Halo as much as most people. I don't think it's that good." Calling it overrated implies that few people actually enjoy it, but it's touted as the best thing since slice bread. You may think it's overrated, but sales figures show otherwise. I'm not bashing fans of obscure games. However, if someone were to come to me and babble on for hours about how Final Fantasy 3 on Nintendo DS was the pinnacle of the series... that would be an instance of a game being overrated. Shoot, if someone came in here and claimed Halo was the best game known to man, that's overrated.

Also, to those who say that there's no comparison...
There is. The competitive market is for video game consoles. Halo 3 and Smash are arguably the largest system sellers for their respective systems. Thus, sales figures bear comparison.


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
Or you could just state why it is overrated instead of blindly insulting fans of obscure games.
And all that person would be doing is voicing their personal opinion on what they think of the game to which those fans would obviously disagree with and argue back. If there's one thing about arguing, especially over the internet, is that most of the time neither parties will settle on a compromise or have their views swayed by the others argument. People are stubborn like that.

Fanboys of practically anything will blindly insult fans of other franchises until the end of time, it just seems to be built into the gaming community unfortunately.

Also, voicing an opinion would be "I don't like Halo as much as most people. I don't think it's that good." Calling it overrated implies that few people actually enjoy it, but it's touted as the best thing since slice bread. You may think it's overrated, but sales figures show otherwise. I'm not bashing fans of obscure games. However, if someone were to come to me and babble on for hours about how Final Fantasy 3 on Nintendo DS was the pinnacle of the series... that would be an instance of a game being overrated.
I think your comparison in that instance is a bit unfair. On the one hand you're comparing how everyone sees Halo, how it's critically acclaimed and rated highly by everyone and a particular person not enjoying it as much and saying it's "overrated", which is a perfectly fine opinion as it suggests that YOU don't believe it lives up to the hype and the seal of gaming excellence given by the gaming community. Calling a game overrated isn't suggesting that the community by and large doesn't enjoy it because it is often the gaming community that will give it such hype and ratings.

You then compare it with one person going on about FF3 being the pinnacle of the series. One person telling you it's great does not make a game overrated since that does not reflect the general gaming consensus on the greatness of FF3 on the DS. If you played the game after being told it's incredibly awesome by every review on every gaming site and found it to be poor it's your opinion that the game is overrated and again that reflects your opinion only, not everyone elses.


Smash Journeyman
May 20, 2007
To be honest, I couldn't care less which game is sold more. I just know that I will have a hell of a ****ing time playing Brawl, just like the halo fanboys will enjoy playing Halo 3. :)


Just your average kind of Luigi.
Oct 4, 2006
Williamsburg, VA
And all that person would be doing is voicing their personal opinion on what they think of the game to which those fans would obviously disagree with and argue back. If there's one thing about arguing, especially over the internet, is that most of the time neither parties will settle on a compromise or have their views swayed by the others argument. People are stubborn like that.

Fanboys of practically anything will blindly insult fans of other franchises until the end of time, it just seems to be built into the gaming community unfortunately.

I think your comparison in that instance is a bit unfair. On the one hand you're comparing how everyone sees Halo, how it's critically acclaimed and rated highly by everyone and a particular person not enjoying it as much and saying it's "overrated", which is a perfectly fine opinion as it suggests that YOU don't believe it lives up to the hype and the seal of gaming excellence given by the gaming community. Calling a game overrated isn't suggesting that the community by and large doesn't enjoy it because it is often the gaming community that will give it such hype and ratings.

You then compare it with one person going on about FF3 being the pinnacle of the series. One person telling you it's great does not make a game overrated since that does not reflect the general gaming consensus on the greatness of FF3 on the DS. If you played the game after being told it's incredibly awesome by every review on every gaming site and found it to be poor it's your opinion that the game is overrated and again that reflects your opinion only, not everyone elses.
Someone saying "I think it's overrated" and "It is overrated" are different statements.

I've said all I have to say on this subject--I feel that I have fairly valid points without degrading into arguing semantics.


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
Someone saying "I think it's overrated" and "It is overrated" are different statements.
It's either laziness of omission of "I think" when stating personal opinion, which happens a lot, or some sort of delusion that some people seem to suffer that they think that their opinion is tantamount to fact. Either way, a lot of opinions on the internets seem to come out without the part of the sentence that actually states it's their opinion and I think you'd have to be talking to some ignorant fanboy to assume it was a diliberate case of the latter in your statement. After all, the reviews, sales and opinion of the gaming community as a whole says that it isn't. Brawl vs. Halo topics are silly anyway, people should really stop posting them.


Smash Apprentice
May 15, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Just let it be known that I do not think that Halo is overrated. But--

It's what the market can bear. IGN awards are fantastic, but sales records are what matter. It's all well and good if one editor loves a game, but it's consumers who decide whether or not there's going to be a sequel.
I personally believe that awards and reception matter far more to me than sales. Awards are given by people who know what to look for in a game (in all aspects), sales are determined by what people think is fun. Having said that though, you are totally correct when you say that sales determine if there's going to be a sequel (aka a gomes 'life'). I kind of neglected to think about that... yet it is still important to mention a games quality, since us consumers are responsible for a game's success.

On a personal note, I would perfer one great hit that has all of the developer's heart and soul put into it, as opposed to a game that is commercially successful, and has a lot of future, but is not quite as great.

Again though, I really do love to play Halo. I just cannot agree that it is the best FPS personally, and I know no body here has said it IS, but I know some of you are thinking it ;) . IMO Gondeneye is still the best console FPS. Just my opinion.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2006
Perfect Dark FTW!!!
But Halo will definitely sell more than Smash. But that just means less n00bs online for us, right?


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2007
Vault 101
It's hard for me to judge this...Smash and Halo are both my favorite games. But...
Halo = More sales. Period.
Either way, I'll definitely buy them both, and love them both equally.


Space Jump
May 7, 2006
And all that person would be doing is voicing their personal opinion on what they think of the game to which those fans would obviously disagree with and argue back. If there's one thing about arguing, especially over the internet, is that most of the time neither parties will settle on a compromise or have their views swayed by the others argument. People are stubborn like that.
My point was that people spit on popular games just for the sake of being different. You may call this sort of thing an aspect of counterculture, but reckless abolishing can annoy just about anyone.


Smash Journeyman
May 13, 2006
A few points i believe have to be made...

1) Goldeneye is the best console FPS ever!!!

2) I like smash WAY better than Halo and i have way more fun playing it than playing Halo (just as most of this site does)

3) Halo 3 will outsale smash because it has a bigger fanbase, and there are more 360's sold than wii's.

4) I wished MGS4 wasnt a ps3 exlclusive :(


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
My point was that people spit on popular games just for the sake of being different. You may call this sort of thing an aspect of counterculture, but reckless abolishing can annoy just about anyone.
Yeah seems to happen far too much, especially when concerning popular games on rival consoles. Some X360 fanboy couldn't possibly admit that a PS3 game looks appealing merely because it's on PS3 and then you get someone who hates such incredibly popular games like FF7 not because they're bad games but because everyone else likes them, so it somehow makes them cool. It's intellectual thought processes like that which makes part of the gaming community such a pleasure to communicate with.

He also claimed to hate FF7, because, for example, it has no story.
Ahahahahahaha. Seriously.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
On a personal note, I would perfer one great hit that has all of the developer's heart and soul put into it, as opposed to a game that is commercially successful, and has a lot of future, but is not quite as great.
Amen, brother. It's just like with music. And any other form of popular art, like movies and comics. Some people shape art, others produce products. The products sell well because they're easy. Movies these days, I often find amusing and stuff, sure, but that's it. Full of wit, but no real soul that keeps it all together.

But Halo will definitely sell more than Smash. But that just means less n00bs online for us, right?
What am I doing babbling about art and not-art? Nothing more needs to be said. I have seen the light. Long live obscurity.

My point was that people spit on popular games just for the sake of being different. You may call this sort of thing an aspect of counterculture, but reckless abolishing can annoy just about anyone.
Hmm, yeah, it's a strange tendency. I've talked to this one guy who idolized FF6. Fair enough. He also claimed to hate FF7, because, for example, it has no story. Based on the fact that people still argue about and try to interpret the plot of FF7, I dare say the guy has no idea.
But yeah, everyone really should think about what they say and why they do so. Being a hypocrite destroys yourself.


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2005
Halo is in the top 40 selling franchises of all time. Smash doesn't even make the list.
Sorry for asking this again, but can I see the source for that list? I really want to see it.

If you're talking about the one on wikipedia. I looked at that list and then I looked at the amount of games sold for each Smash Bros. Melee and smash bros. 64. The lowest franchise on the list (battlefield) had sold approximitely 9.9 million, well from what I can gather Smash bros. has sold approximitely 10.89 million, which kind of confused me. Anyways Halo is #31 on the lsit, so Halo and Smash bros. aren't actually that far away.Plus a lot of games on that list include more than 2 games in their series.

So, what I concluded is that the Halo franchise, which has sold 14.7 million, has sold about 1.4 times the amount. That hardly makes Super Smash Bros. a "blip".

In fact, according to the site, Halo 2 has sold 8 million copies and Super Smash Bros Melee has sold 6 million copies. This actually makes me reconsider the possibilty of Smash Bros. Brawl actually almost reaching the amount of Halo 3 copies sold or even surpassing it.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
I'm 100% sure that there's already a topic on this from a while ago. Jee jee search.

Halo 3 will outsell Brawl, but not because of the 360 having a wider or bigger fanbase. The Wii is dangerously close to passing the 360 in terms of worldwide sales (I think it's nearing 2 million or so now), and by the time they both release, I'm pretty sure that that number will be much closer, or even perhaps the other way around.

Either way, Halo 3 will still sell more because everyone who owns a 360 will get it. A good portion of Wii owners will buy Smash, but it definitely won't be 1:1 or near it like Halo 3 will be.

Chi's Finest

Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2005
I'm 100% sure that there's already a topic on this from a while ago. Jee jee search.

Halo 3 will outsell Brawl, but not because of the 360 having a wider or bigger fanbase. The Wii is dangerously close to passing the 360 in terms of worldwide sales (I think it's nearing 2 million or so now), and by the time they both release, I'm pretty sure that that number will be much closer, or even perhaps the other way around.

Either way, Halo 3 will still sell more because everyone who owns a 360 will get it. A good portion of Wii owners will buy Smash, but it definitely won't be 1:1 or near it like Halo 3 will be.
The amounts are 10 mil vs 6 mil. So it's a 4 mil difference, but I think Wii will be only about 2 million behind by the time Brawl is out.
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