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Boomerangs are ruining my life


Smash Journeyman
May 24, 2007
Atlanta, Ga
I have been playing online now for about a month i suppose, and lately I have been having a lot of trouble against Links. I guess that I main Samus, but I can use most of the characters pretty well (some better than others obviously), except im really bad 1v1 with Mario/luigi/and Link. Surprisingly enough, these 3 character completely toggle my game play when i fight against good ones. I have tried using pika, samus, ness, CF, and fox (my top 5 i guess, fox is def. #5) but I still have not found a good way to match up with good links or mario/luigi's.

So i guess im curious as to who good players choose, or how they go about fighting a talented Link, mario, and luigi (mainly just link, i am atleast gaining ground on mario and luigi).

If you say "learn how to use Link/Mario/Luigi" then yeah, im working on it, and thanks for nothing. But as of right now, my link is way too awful to fight against a talented link.

Also, I try not to throw links too much. I know thats stupid, and i will if they are at high damages, or if they miss a dair z-cancel at my feet, but im trying to improve my game, not just camp and spam grab. I also get sick of links complaining all the time, but thats another topic.

Thanks for any advice.


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
If links complain about grabbing, thy'll complain about everything. so don't worry about that. seriously if you bump into a person like that, just don't say anything. you pwning the crap out of them is all you need to do.

as far as having trouble with those guys, sounds like you have trouble with awkward projectiles. (unlike fox's which are pretty straightforward) so you need to null out certain things with a fast canceled aerial. things like sh dair zc will null a fireball and let you immediately advance forward as for boomerangs, i'd say just predict what angle its comin at and just hop over it and exploit the lag.


Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2005
Olympia, WA
So i guess im curious as to who good players choose, or how they go about fighting a talented Link, mario, and luigi (mainly just link, i am atleast gaining ground on mario and luigi).

If you say "learn how to use Link/Mario/Luigi" then yeah, im working on it, and thanks for nothing. But as of right now, my link is way too awful to fight against a talented link.
Actually, that was one of the biggest ways I improved my game against luigi, I started playing him myself. I used to have loads of troubles vs him because I didn't know the exact timing for his moves and how long of a cool down then had on them.

Also, you say your link is too awful to fight against a good link, you can do other matches besides ditto. Fight as link against people who play your main character and see how they defeat you, and use it. Make notes of when you were vulnerable to their attacks, or what they did that could throw you off your game or upset your game plan.


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2007
The reason you're having a difficult time is probably because:

1. 9/10 Link players only play him because they're already good at the game, and thus are naturally harder to fight against.

2. Links are defensive more than offensive, which means rushing into attacks are going to screw you in the long run. Start trying to predict moves and use stun times to your advantage. Remember, you need to predict, because there's not enough time to see someone attack, then try to get in while the attack lags. Good players always use minimal lag attacks to draw you in so there's no way you have enough time, unless you get a lucky dash in with someone fast like Falcon.

Yeah, also remember you can deflect projectiles like the boomrang with a neutral-air or something. And don't get discouraged. You'll have trouble remembering to predict your opponent.


Smash Journeyman
May 24, 2007
Atlanta, Ga
Thanks guys, and Metroid, i think I might start trying to use link more often, you make a good point because I would like to have a good link/mario/luigi, but im not going to improve them by not using them 1v1.

Kso, Metroid, Umbrasquall: I feel like an idiot (a big one), but i never really thought of using the nair to deflect projectiles, so thanks for that guys.

And to James, yes link is not the best character, but until you play a dominate link on Kaillera, I wouldn't say that link should be no problem.

On a side note, I just noticed the difference between online play and console play is pretty freakin big. I use samus a lot on kaillera, and if u have every played me then u know i love the z-canceled dairs (dropping the hammer). I played on a console the other day, and my timing was noticeably thrown off, i must have thrown my grab out 7-8 times (accidentally) which i never do on kaillera (once a match, maybe). Has anyone else had problems with timing when switching from console to kaillera?

Also, who is Johnny_MC, he got me pretty good the other day


Smash Journeyman
Oct 31, 2006
Silver Spring, MD
Can tilts null boomerangs?

On a side note, I just noticed the difference between online play and console play is pretty freakin big.
Oh hellzyesh. I have found it very difficult just calibrating my controller to mimic console conditions. And it never is quite the same. That's why I haven't been playing online lately, because i love the smoothness of console.

I've found that i can squeeze in extral aerials in between jumps by spamming (something that i can't do in console). The lack of lag (actual gameplay now, not the one caused by sucky bandwidths) on the online version definitely requires me to think quicker, execute quicker, everything quicker. And just like bjdavis said, i sometimes grab accidentally, i think the buttons are just more sensitive to input.


Smash Journeyman
May 24, 2007
Atlanta, Ga
Yeah, he was pretty **** good. Im nothing special, i still get beat pretty bad by a few different people, but I hadn't played/heard of him before, and he put the hurtin on me


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
Yeah, he was pretty **** good. Im nothing special, i still get beat pretty bad by a few different people, but I hadn't played/heard of him before, and he put the hurtin on me
He's arguably the 2nd best player in the world, him or superboom. Or somewhere close to it

ie : as good as a human being can become at smash without being isai.

You lost because you were playing johnny. Anyone from MC or PPS will kill you btw. Without even trying either.

Best advice I can give? Play for 2 more years. Just play, you'll get better just from practice. tips help a lot but experience is the dominating factor.

Also, hook up with Jaime, he'll play you all day if you want and help you out.


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
or anyone in my crew. we don't play online too much tho....kinda sux.

dylan you and all the other falcon players are gonna LOVE my new combo video.

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
loool im sure their not ruining your life its only a game. just keep on training your get used to boomerangs and dodgingthem even tough i don't play this game anymore lol .
i moved to SSBM when it came out :)


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2007
We'd like to think that America = world.

Johnny plays with Isai on a regular basis, so he has to be good or he won't keep up. His handle is Smashthugz on the forums.

Yeah, don't forget about the Japanese people. Some of them are freaking amazing. The sma64 server's been down for the past week, but when I was able to log on, pretty much everyone is at least decent. Take the top 5% of emularena, expand the size of that pool of people, and stick them in a server exclusively for smash and you have sma64. Apparently everyone in Japan was born knowing how to z-cancel and short-hop perfectly because I've seen maybe only 10 missed cancels in the dozens of people (and like 50 games) that I've played.

The better players that you'll come across every 5-7 or so people you play are extremely fast (Asian speed lol) and pull off crazy stunts. For example with fox: reflector jab combo, infinite u-air, and pivot-jab juggles (I can't even imagine how they're pulling these off so consistently, maybe they're on keyboard). Anyway they have crazy precision, one guy pulled off multiple b-air combos on me in a falcon mirror.

And I've played with maybe 2 players so far that have great mindgames and consistently 0-death no sweat with every character.


Smash Master
Aug 18, 2005
One time I asked Isai who the best person he's ever played was. He said Johnny is, and this was right after he got back from playing the Japanese people.

But overall the Japanese ssb64 community is, like Umbrasquall said, far more advanced than the North American community. I'd say if anyone has the ability to reach Isai's level in ssb64 it'll prolly be a Japanese player like Prince.


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2007
Mindgame wise I'd say that Isai, Johnny, and Superboom are better than the best Japanese players I've played so far.

Technical skill and reaction-time wise though, I haven't seen anyone in the US play that precisely or quickly, the closest in terms of speed is probably Neph's fox, and that's because he's on keys.


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
I bet they take advantage of the lack of DI
LOL they most likely do...however that still doesnt negate the fact that they have really good precision and skill in the game. I mean if Isai can play that well on japanese version, couldnt the japanese do the same on american version?


Smash Journeyman
May 24, 2007
Atlanta, Ga
Ha yes Professor_Pro, boomerangs arent actually ruining my life, i just liked the title. And Dylan_Tnga you are definetly right, I just need to keep playing/practicing (which i dont mind at all).

Oh, and Nephiros' fox is on keyboard? Seriously? I think thats very impressive just b/c i tried to learn keyboard for a while, and got absolutely no where. No granted I don't play any computer games, so im pretty freakin awful with using a keyboard for anything besides typing, but still. Kudos to you Nephiros, and anyone else that becomes that good with keyboard.


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
...its only a game.
wtf are you talking about don't come on a video game forum and tell people "it's only a game" that's not what anybody wants to hear. that's quite possibly the worst thing you could say in a video game forum....

"it's just a game..." pshhh HUGE johns


Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
Well, he was saying it's only a game in the context of if it's actually ruining your life, you probably don't have one. Unless Kso, you take pride in not having a life.


Smash Journeyman
May 12, 2006
can you define life, Wenbobular?
I thought every living thing has a life. we all breathe and eat and drink water to survive.


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
word sonzzz

im saying, obviously he is oblivious to the hyperbole originally stated by bjdavis

what bjdavis most likely meant is that "boomerangs are ruining my online smash life."


Smash Journeyman
May 24, 2007
Atlanta, Ga
Haha, thanks Kso, and I was really just trying to think of a good title for this thread, or atleast just to get people's attention. There are not THAT many great links that are ruining my online smash, but there are definetly a few.
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