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Lurker By Nature
Jul 7, 2015
Switch FC

Eh, not much. I have summer completely off to do absolutely nothing. :chuckle:


Juggling Veteran
Sep 15, 2015
31 JJBA EOH themes.
theme for today is this.
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Lurker By Nature
Jul 7, 2015
Switch FC

I was debating signing it. Glad the goal hit. Now maybe we'll be seeing Leffen a lot more.
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The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
43 Responses I finally typed up.

KingofPhantoms KingofPhantoms @5T00PiD UNiK0ЯИ 凶 Well, I finished Gravity Falls. Due to my analytical, writing-happy nature, it's time for a review!

Never have I ever seen such a show as Gravity Falls. It's so unique! I really enjoyed this series, and I plan on rewatching my favorite episodes soon. This is definitely the kind of show I was looking for. One of my friends from my hometown, along with you guys, introduced me to this series, and I definitely know why it's so popular and good: the humor is amazing, the characters are well-rounded and well-developed, Bill is a great villain, and the ending is pretty satisfying too! Props to Alex Hirsch.

Characters: Can I just say it's one of the most likeable casts ever conceived? This show has the best character cast I have ever seen bar Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, and that's saying A LOT since I adore FMA:B. I think the main protagonist is very strong, and I think a lot of people can relate to Dipper. He's headstrong but very smart, insanely curious, and even during times when he's annoyed with his family, he still loves them and fights for them. He sorta reminds me of myself a little bit. :)

The other characters are strong as well. Mable's a good foil to Dipper (even though I still like Dipper a lot more), Gideon and Pacifica have good character development in that they get rid of some of their selfishness (not all of it, but they still end up being good guys in the end), Wendy and Soos have fun personalities, and Bill is basically the GF version of the joker in the crazy and funny yet intimidating and scary sense. Ford serves as an interesting character as well, with a solid backstory. I even liked the side characters, and the only character I seriously found mediocre was Robbie, and even he's not that bad. However, there is indeed one character that stands out above the rest: Grunkle Stanley Pines. Take his AMAZING humor, his GREAT personality, his VERY WELL-DONE character development, and finally: himself taking out Bill once and for all was amazing. His story arc is one of my favorites in fiction, because it combines a funny personality, with a good backstory, and finally: Stanley learning from his past and going out of his way to not only save Dipper and Mable, but also his brother. He's such a touching, great character, and he will always be one of my favorite characters of all time.

Oh, and I'm also pretty glad he got his memory back.

Story: When a story has mystery, I enjoy it because I get to think about all of the possibilities in how the story will turn out. This series did a very nice job of painting an interesting environment, with a very good plot to place into the mix as well. It was definitely something that kept my interest, and I'm very glad to see a strong storyline. Not a lot of shows have interesting stories these days. And also, the ending was fantastic.

Well, now that I've bored you to tears with a unnecessary amount of text, I have one more question: Are there any cons?.....Well, small things. I would've loved to learn Dipper's real name. When learning that "Dipper" is simply a nickname, I was yearning for the time when we would learn his real name, but it never came about. It would be something if his real name caused bookends in the series....like "Stanford." Also, I would've like to have seen more character development in Robbie, since he was pretty important to the series for some time. This can also be applied to some of the other characters as well at certain times (although they're mostly minor characters). While one of these cons I think is a legitimate flaw, the other is a nit-pick in the purest form (the Dipper real name point is the pointless one of course). So, that con will NOT count in the final score!

While there were times where I would've liked to see more development out of certain characters, those times were very few. Pretty much everything about this series is great. I give Gravity Falls a final score of 9.8/10. This puts in on par with my favorite anime: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. This is one show that I would recommend to anybody. I'm not sure if there will EVER be any other show that has this good of humor, this good of cast, and this good of a plot. It's near-perfect, and that's simply spectacular. Even though it's only two seasons, I like it this way. It keeps the quality over quantity principle in check.

*List is objective. Survivor may be my favorite show of all time, but objectively there are too many trash seasons to place it in top tier.

Top Tier: Gravity Falls, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
High Tier: Survivor, Doctor Who
Middle Tier: Food Network
Low Tier: Newer spongebob
Kardashians Tier: Obvious show is obvious

Now if you excuse me, I must go watch some Soul Eater.:p

If you have any questions or comments, fire away.
I mainly have a few questions for you:

What was your reaction to the ending of Not What He Seems?

What is your favorite episode, barring the Weirdmageddon arc (assuming any or all of those episodes is/are your favorites)?

And apart from Robbie's lack of development later in the series, do you think there are any big missed opportunities the show didn't take up before ending? Not necessarily a con, but some potential storylines the characters could've gone through before it ended?

I was thinking about making a lot more comments, and typing up a much bigger response....but I think I agree with most of the things you have already said, and I don't think a huge response replying to almost everything you said is necessary.

Hat N' Clogs

John Tavares is a Leaf
Feb 9, 2012
Southern tier NY state
Switch FC
43 Responses I finally typed up.

I mainly have a few questions for you:

What was your reaction to the ending of Not What He Seems?

What is your favorite episode, barring the Weirdmageddon arc (assuming any or all of those episodes is/are your favorites)?

And apart from Robbie's lack of development later in the series, do you think there are any big missed opportunities the show didn't take up before ending? Not necessarily a con, but some potential storylines the characters could've gone through before it ended?

I was thinking about making a lot more comments, and typing up a much bigger response....but I think I agree with most of the things you have already said, and I don't think a huge response replying to almost everything you said is necessary.
1. I honestly expected Stan to be the author...but when Ford came out of the portal, I was like....WOOOOOOOWWWW!!!! :awesome: I'm glad that Alex Hirsch didn't make the author obvious, and kept it a secret. If the author were Stan, or even McGucket (did I spell that right?), I don't think it would've been as awesome of a twist as it was.

2. While I do like the Weirdmaggeddon arc, it's not my favorite in the series (the grand finale is probably my 2nd or 3rd favorite episode). My favorite episode is... a tossup between The tale of two Stans and The Inconveniencing. We get to see so many good moments out of my favorite character in Grunkle Stan- both humorous and serious. His character development and antics shine in both of these. Even though there are plenty of good characters, Stan made this series.

Bonus response: Least favorite episode? The love god or The Mablecorn episode. The love god is probably a little lower, though. Both of them were sorta boring to be honest. I don't really think there's a bad episode perse; just two mediocre ones.

3. Big missed opportunities? Eh, I think a short on Dipper's real name would've been nice, but that's all I can think of.

Hope this response is satisfactory. So, I'll ask in return: Who's your fav character? Fav and least fav episode? Do you think a season 3 would've been a good or bad move? And finally: Is there any show as funny as Gravity Falls? The humor in this series is killer!


Lurker By Nature
Jul 7, 2015
Switch FC

Speaking of shinies, I should probably get my shiny Yveltal right now before the event ends.


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California

1. I honestly expected Stan to be the author...but when Ford came out of the portal, I was like....WOOOOOOOWWWW!!!! :awesome: I'm glad that Alex Hirsch didn't make the author obvious, and kept it a secret. If the author were Stan, or even McGucket (did I spell that right?), I don't think it would've been as awesome of a twist as it was.

2. While I do like the Weirdmaggeddon arc, it's not my favorite in the series (the grand finale is probably my 2nd or 3rd favorite episode). My favorite episode is... a tossup between The tale of two Stans and The Inconveniencing. We get to see so many good moments out of my favorite character in Grunkle Stan- both humorous and serious. His character development and antics shine in both of these. Even though there are plenty of good characters, Stan made this series.

Bonus response: Least favorite episode? The love god or The Mablecorn episode. The love god is probably a little lower, though. Both of them were sorta boring to be honest. I don't really think there's a bad episode perse; just two mediocre ones.

3. Big missed opportunities? Eh, I think a short on Dipper's real name would've been nice, but that's all I can think of.

Hope this response is satisfactory. So, I'll ask in return: Who's your fav character? Fav and least fav episode? Do you think a season 3 would've been a good or bad move? And finally: Is there any show as funny as Gravity Falls? The humor in this series is killer!
Actually, there were a lot of hints dropped as to the existence of Stan's twin, if you look back at the series. Fans actually built a whole theory around Stan having a twin brother before Season 2 was even close to premiering. However, not everyone guessed or believed that his brother was also the author of the journals. Still, even with the knowledge of him (likely) having a brother, the double reveal was damn satisfactory for me. Just another one of the many mysteries in this series. The hints were usually subtle, but many fans of this show were savvy enough to look back at the episodes, find some oddities about them, and piece them together.

As for my favorites, my favorite character is definitely Stan, just like you. He's been that way since the beginning. He's a hilarious character, and later on he ended up getting a lot of extremely strong and well executed character development. His role in the story is my favorite by far next to Dipper and Mabel, though Ford ties in pretty nicely too. Also, Bill is a fantastic and hilarious villain, probably my favorite villain in animation, actually.

I don't really have a least favorite, except for possibly The Love God like you said, it was just kinda "meh" for me at some parts, but I enjoyed it overall. The rest? I like most episodes enough to make choosing a favorite very difficult. I did really like The Last Mabelcorn though, unlike the case with The Love God. I thought it was a strong episode for Mabel, having her spirit broken and going through an identity crisis, and the things Dipper and Ford learned and went through were great too. Plus, it had some more Bill in it, which is always a good thing. Lastly it actually features a few references to and parodies of MLP, so I personally enjoyed that.

And Season 3? Honestly, I felt like there was more they could have done, and that trying their hands at one more season wasn't a huge risk, but also that a third season wasn't necessary, either. And if it had continued with the Weirdmageddon arc still being the way Season 2 concluded (outside of the twins going back home it being the end of summer and all) then I think a third season definitely should not have happened after that. If they ended season 2 differently and Weirdmageddon came later at the end of the would be season 3, then that's another story. I may list a few things I would've liked to see happen in the show before it ended, but I'll leave this post at that.

Oh, and there are some pretty nice gems out there, but Gravity Falls' humor is something that I'm not sure can be matched by another show. As far as my personal tastes go, anyway. Almost every joke and moment intended to make people get a good laugh is well written and executed, and I especially appreciate all the more mature jokes they slip in every now and then, such as Stan's infamous cut-off line near the end of Not What He Seems.

Hat N' Clogs

John Tavares is a Leaf
Feb 9, 2012
Southern tier NY state
Switch FC

Actually, there were a lot of hints dropped as to the existence of Stan's twin, if you look back at the series. Fans actually built a whole theory around Stan having a twin brother before Season 2 was even close to premiering. However, not everyone guessed or believed that his brother was also the author of the journals. Still, even with the knowledge of him (likely) having a brother, the double reveal was damn satisfactory for me. Just another one of the many mysteries in this series. The hints were usually subtle, but many fans of this show were savvy enough to look back at the episodes, find some oddities about them, and piece them together.

As for my favorites, my favorite character is definitely Stan, just like you. He's been that way since the beginning. He's a hilarious character, and later on he ended up getting a lot of extremely strong and well executed character development. His role in the story is my favorite by far next to Dipper and Mabel, though Ford ties in pretty nicely too. Also, Bill is a fantastic and hilarious villain, probably my favorite villain in animation, actually.

I don't really have a least favorite, except for possibly The Love God like you said, it was just kinda "meh" for me at some parts, but I enjoyed it overall. The rest? I like most episodes enough to make choosing a favorite very difficult. I did really like The Last Mabelcorn though, unlike the case with The Love God. I thought it was a strong episode for Mabel, having her spirit broken and going through an identity crisis, and the things Dipper and Ford learned and went through were great too. Plus, it had some more Bill in it, which is always a good thing. Lastly it actually features a few references to and parodies of MLP, so I personally enjoyed that.

And Season 3? Honestly, I felt like there was more they could have done, and that trying their hands at one more season wasn't a huge risk, but also that a third season wasn't necessary, either. And if it had continued with the Weirdmageddon arc still being the way Season 2 concluded (outside of the twins going back home it being the end of summer and all) then I think a third season definitely should not have happened after that. If they ended season 2 differently and Weirdmageddon came later at the end of the would be season 3, then that's another story. I may list a few things I would've liked to see happen in the show before it ended, but I'll leave this post at that.

Oh, and there are some pretty nice gems out there, but Gravity Falls' humor is something that I'm not sure can be matched by another show. As far as my personal tastes go, anyway. Almost every joke and moment intended to make people get a good laugh is well written and executed, and I especially appreciate all the more mature jokes they slip in every now and then, such as Stan's infamous cut-off line near the end of Not What He Seems.
I heard about the hints from one of my childhood friends that likes this show, so I turned off my brain on purpose so the surprise would stay surprising.

I do agree that the Mablecorn episode did help Mable's development, but I'm not personally invested in Mable as much as the other characters, so...yeah. Although, it's still good development from an objective standpoint. It's still better written than love god though now that I think about it.

I personally think having no season 3 is definitely better.

With the humor, it was totally well executed.


...I feel like I need to rank the major characters now...

Edit: KingofPhantoms KingofPhantoms Characters now ranked

1. Grunkle Stanley Pines
2. Dipper Pines
3. Wendy Corduroy
4. Professor Stanford Pines
5. Bill Cipher
6. Pacifica Northwest

7. Mable Pines
8. Soos Ramirez

9. Gideon Gleeful
10. Old Man McGucket

11. Robbie Valentino
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