Cydney Gillon: The almighty Nick slayer <3
This episode was a lot of fun! This can really shake up the game if the women stick together in the end and defy the previews shown before Nick's exit confessional. Tai is a still a likable goof, even if he revealed the tidbit about the super idol. And Aubry is shaping up to have a good storyline. I'm hoping the editors give her the screen time she deserves.
Here's an edgic chart I found on Survivor Sucks:
Based off editing alone, Michele, Cydney, and Aubry are still the top 3 most likely to win. However, from a strategy standpoint, Aubry and Michele are doing a better job than Cydney. I would say that Michele and Aubry are more likely to win than Cydney, but I'm not counting out Cyd yet. Debbie could still win, but the longer the season goes, the less confident I am in having her as my winner pick.
Cast Ranking (including Nick):
1. Aubry
2. Debbie
3. Cydney
4. Tai
5. Julia
6. Scot
7. Joe
8. Michele
9. Nick (OUT)
10. Jason
Code: As usual, dark green is favorite, green is like, yellow is appreciate, blue is conflicted feelings, orange is meh, red is dislike, and dark red is hate. This is the first time since episode 4 in which Debbie isn't number 1. Jason is still the worst and could end up being in my bottom 20 OF ALL TIME (no kidding). Nick is annoying, but at least he's not dominant in editing like Jason. I've developed more of a soft spot for Scot since he wants to give his family financial help. Tai has dropped a bit due to not being as fun to watch. Finally, the more I watch Michele, the more bored I am by here. Good strategist? Yes. Fun character? LOL nope.