Lazy Lonely Lurker☕
So you know exactly how it felt from her stance, only she got it from externally while you got your internallyI know how it feels too...constantly...by my own family...
I don't think I've even got an ounce of self-esteem in me because of that...
Point is, I know that kind of pain too, which is why I often jump in to defend the victim in that situation...
He did...20 minutes after she left the site and never came back...
Well. . . thank you for helping katt as best you can, you two understand each other well so thank you for that
And good, I'll tell her
Fair enough uniYay!
Well, to be fair, I kinda started to hate it in November, gave it a shot the month after, then regretted it, so it's a relatively new thing...
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