SSJ Fraud
The Legend of Korra struggled a lot because Nick is bad at handling good shows. They were first told that they only had to make one season, but then that turned into 4 seasons, with the second one being the most rushed and worst animated. But they still persevered and made it work. LoK couldn't match the quality of the original series in certain aspects, but in others it exceeded them. The themes are much more mature and dark, which I personally found pretty appealing. Overall, it definitely is something worth watching.
The Legend of Korra struggled a lot because Nick is bad at handling good shows. They were first told that they only had to make one season, but then that turned into 4 seasons, with the second one being the most rushed and worst animated. But they still persevered and made it work. LoK couldn't match the quality of the original series in certain aspects, but in others it exceeded them. The themes are much more mature and dark, which I personally found pretty appealing. Overall, it definitely is something worth watching.