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Official Bob-Omg Social: Count to 300 bob-ombs!


Smash Superstar
Mar 13, 2015
43 Bob-ombs

I just spent somewhere around two hours either three or four stocking CPUs in PM... This is one of those moments where I wish I had netplay so I could actually play online without tons of lag.
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Smash Champion
Nov 15, 2014
It would seem that some divine force has heard my wishes of companionship on this long journey, for by chance I overtook a fellow pony on the barren, icy roads today.

I had traveled two days worth with naught to note aside from snow, cold, and hungering for more food than I could afford to ration myself with. I have been walking roughly northeast, towards the gates of Tartarus where the first Element Of Harmony lies, and on the third, I saw ahead of me on the road a yellow tinged Earth Pony. She seemed burdened by supplies as if for a long journey, and she stumbled from cold and slipped upon the ice coating the scarcely visible surface of the road. My heart leapt with curiosity and with an excitement one can only feel from lengthy isolation from other ponies in the wilds.

"Hello there!" I called, my voice hoarse from disuse, as I hurried to overtake her. "What chances this meeting?"

She jumped visibly at the sound of my voice, and turned around as I stepped up to her. Her face was open and honest, and her eyes a pale mint green. Upon her head was a cap with a long white feather in it, which drooped from the force of the cold winds, and from beneath the hat's brim protruded a short mane, maroon in color. "Hello, indeed, stranger," said she. Her voice was rather deep for a mare. "It's unusual to meet another out in these frozen wilds."

"Certainly it is," I replied. "Such an occurrence merits an explanation...from both sides," I added, as her eyes visibly narrowed in suspicion. "What say you we find shelter in which to tell our tales?"

She hesitated, glancing around. "Very well, then," she conceded at last, shouting to make herself heard over the roar of the winds. "I could...use the rest." Though she she seemed a sturdy pony, ( are not all Earth Ponies to an extent? ) she swayed upon her hooves and nearly fell.

"Worry not," said I quickly. I indicated a cave in a nearby craggy hill. "Shelter is just over there."

The mare looked up gratefully. " Well spotted, sister."

"Sister?" I repeated with a chuckle as we walked to the cave. "You have a strange style of speech."

She shot me a look from under her cap. "So do you, far as I'm concerned."

I supposed she cut a fair point.

The two of us sat down in the cave to talk. We began, of course, with introductions, like any decent conversation should. She informed me her name was Smart Cookie, ( the names those Earth Ponies use! ) but she did not speak of her standing amongst her fellow ponies. I guessed she wanted to conceal it from me to maintain secrecy, as I had already suspected that she was on a mission of an important nature, like myself, and wanted details to be unknown. I myself did not conceal my own title, as I am very proud of my position as the most well known magician and lore master amongst the Unicorns, and would never desire to hide it.

When Cookie learned of my important standing, her eyes filled with a curiosity to the nature of my task she did not try to conceal, but she did not press me for answers. Rather, she said to me, "Clover, I believe that both of us are on important journeys that should not be recounted to strangers. Do you agree?"

What an honest pony she is! I agreed, and we instead discussed casual topics, attempting to get to know one another a bit better. Through some very clever questioning, I guessed from words she let slip by mistake that she too was searching for the Elements Of Harmony, but I cannot yet be sure. I was surprised by how easily we talked to each other and how relatable to myself I found her to be. Unlike some of my fellow Unicorns, I hold no grudges against Earth Ponies or Pegasi, but I still could not help but look upon them as strangers or even as lesser ponies. Despite my slight reservations on speaking to her, I thoroughly enjoyed our conversations, however.

I eventually noted the sky darkening, and pointed out to Cookie that evening was coming. She did not answer, at first. She looked thoughtful. After a moment, she said to me, as if surprised, "Unicorns and Earth Ponies aren't that different, are they? Unlike what Chancellor Puddinghead always says."

Chancellor Puddinghead, I was aware, was the highest authority amongst the Earth Ponies. From what I'd seen, her erratic speech and behavioral patterns made Princess Platinum seem predictable. I was not surprised she apparently looked upon Unicorns with a similar disgust Princess Platinum looked upon Earth Ponies. "No," I agreed after a moment. "No, we aren't."

Cookie and I shared some of our rations for dinner. I was unacquainted with some of the herbs she carried in her saddlebag, and it made for a very interesting meal. I think she thought similar thoughts about the food I carried.

After the meal, we attempted to sleep in the cave. The cave grew achingly cold as the sun's warmth left our land. At first, Cookie and I laid in separate corners of the cave, attempting to sleep through the cold, reluctant to sleep side by side for additional warmth. I don't know what she felt, but I wasn't sure I should be sleeping in a friendly manner with an Earth Pony, as well as somepony I had only just met. But after a time, we became too cold to care for social etiquette, or racial discriminations, and simply huddled together in the center of the cave for as much warmth as possible.

Indeed, I have found somepony else out here against all likelihood, as per my wishes. It has turned out a bit differently than I imagined, for I couldn't have anticipated making tentative friends with an Earth Pony, yet here I am. I fear leaving her in the morning, and us both going our own ways once more. I loathe ending my first companionship for several days so soon after it has begun.

Perhaps I shall reveal to her the nature of my mission in the morning, and my suspicions will be proven correct that she, too, is seeking the Elements Of Harmony, and we can endure this journey together. But can I trust her? Should I even be desiring to journey with her? She is an Earth Pony, after all...no matter how relatable she may be in some ways, we are still different, and always will be. Why should we be friends?

Ugh...I must sleep, so that I can awake afresh to continue my journey tomorrow, whether it be alone or not. I shall leave these querulous thoughts, and the decision to trust Smart Cookie, until the dawn.

-Clover The Clever
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Jun 14, 2015
Unbeknownst to men
Well, my school starts monday.

Would anyone like to play some :smash: later today or tomorrow?
Totally not because I need a replay to get into smash limelights

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Smash Champion
Nov 15, 2014
I hate it when I have a specific thing in mind for an avatar, but just can't find a picture of it.


Element of Kindness
Jul 19, 2010
School of Friendship
Well, my school starts monday.

Would anyone like to play some :smash: later today or tomorrow?
Totally not because I need a replay to get into smash limelights

You don't have Smash for 3ds right lol
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Lurker By Nature
Jul 7, 2015
Switch FC

Millions of peaches...
Peaches for me...
Millions of peaches...
Peaches for free...
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