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Best Falco in NC RIGHT HERE BABY (what an honor that is oh man)


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
Pika's chaingrab isn't really a chaingrab is it? I swear I've escaped from it tons of times x_x; maybe they just messed up.

And of course I have room for improvement :p haha but I like it more when people tell me what to improve...haven't really seen much of that in this topic.


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
Ooh, fthrow? I thought you were talkin about that d-throw garbage. Gotchaaaa.

But the only good Pika I've ever played ceased playing Pika, sooooo...I don't get many fights against pikachu anymore. Especially since I missed the only **** brawl tourney worth a **** in NC that happened about 2 days ago! Augh! The guy who won it though came to my house and we had a lot of friendlies though...his Marth beat my Falco but it was def. close so I'm happy about that. And one of the 5th placed guys lost to me in a main mirror (his MK vs. my MK, I barely play MK) so I'm confident I would've gotten some money if I had gone. Ahh well.

...Just rantin. Ignore me haha


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2007
Montreal, Canada
Well, like everyone else said, it is Ganondorf. You're not really going to be able to showcase your talent fighting a mediocre Ganondorf, but I think you've got skills past that. Hope you can get some videos up tomorrow, It'll be good to see you against some better competition.
Oh, and go clean up the next tournament there and rep the Falcos of the world!

Although, I have to say, I'm literally shocked that here, in the Falco forums, there's still people who are impressed with a pivot chaingrab.
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