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Belay Help!


Smash Rookie
Apr 22, 2008
Im decent at ice climbers Cg and play in general but the one thing i dont get is how belay works, i mean some times nana will teleport half way across FD to do a belay while other times nana and popo will be touching and they will both just make the belay animation but nothing happens. can some one try to explain to me exactly how belay works and what i can get away with


Smash Apprentice
Feb 23, 2008
There are 3 belays in Brawl.

The first belay is a tether grab that works when the ice climbers are synched together. It has a very long grab radius, and Nana will teleport from wherever she is to grab the ledge so long as both Ice Climbers are even with or below the ledge. They can be far away from each other, and Nana will still teleport to Popo so long as they are in synch.

The second belay is just a normal recovery that works when the Ice Climbers are synched but above the ledge. Nana will teleport from wherever she is to jump above Popo, then they will both get a boost in height and desynch.

The third belay happens when the Ice Climbers aren't in synch. Either Nana is dead, too far away, or she was separated from Popo and didn't resynch in the air when they got close to each other. They could be right next to each other and still be desynched, depending on how your opponent hit you and what you did (air dodges/attacks) since then. In this case, the Ice Climbers will try to do the belay motion, but nothing will happen because the game thinks they are still separated.


Smash Rookie
Apr 22, 2008
Ok thanks for the info, when the third type happens how do i resync before i up B so as to not die?
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