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Become A TimeSplitting Pal Today! Sergeant Cortez Support Thread!

Evil Trapezium

Smash Master
May 16, 2019
Switch FC
Sergeant Cortez name.png

Support Thread!

#1: Introduction

Now I hear you all ask, who is Sergeant Cortez and why should we want this Call of Duty looking idiot in our wacky game about fun? Good question and I'm glad you asked!

Sergeant Cortez (while absent from the First game) is the Main Protagonist of TimeSplitters 2 and TimeSplitters: Future Perfect who hails from the year 2401! He is the man who takes the fight against the eponymous gang of TimeSplitters, an evil group of aliens who travel through time to eradicate the human race! To retrieve the Time Crystals from their grubby little hand scythes, he must and turn their twisted weapon against them, he shall (That is, erase them from existence before they can do it to him)! However those rascally rascals aren't as a dumb as they look because they can reprogram the Time Portal to jump through to any time period to hide the Time Crystals and cut out Cortez's work for him!

This is one of those troublesome TimeSplitting fellas Cortez has to deal with and is the most prominent one of the bunch! The Reaper Splitter!


These are the things Cortez needs to collect and there are nine of them in each time period! Look at it shine and spin in the air!

In TimeSplitters 2, he is a serious, no-nonsense type of guy but in TimeSplitters Future Perfect, he becomes the fun-loving, socially awkward goofy space dude most TimeSplitters fans know and love him for. However do not let this new silly attitude make you underestimate him as he is still an intelligent person who can reprogram a Robot's artificial intelligence on his own to make it help him and used his quick thinking to single-handedly use a pump trolley to catch up to a speeding train.

Serious Cortez.png
Time to Split.png

You can see the difference in tone for yourself!

#2: TimeSplitters Story Introduction

TimeSplitters 2 Introduction

So Sergeant Cortez's adventure begins with a Space ship flight to a Space Station where he and his comrade in arms, Corporal Hart are sent on a mission to recover the Time Crystals and get right back to base! As they enter the hangar, they already see a bunch of TimeSplitters waiting to ambush them. However our Space Extraordinaire friends are quick to the trigger with the turrets on their space ship taking out the attacking Splitters!

Heading their way up through the elevators, they find the Time Portal room where they have found out that the TimeSplitters are already moving the Crystals and have influenced the bad folk of those timelines they've meddled with the power to do bad things!
Moving the crystals.png

Awww man! What a pain! Those TimeSplitters are a real nuisance and no normal hero would ever want to go through each and every time period just find out where they went but you know what Cortez says to that? Challenge Accepted!
Good luck.png

With the help of Corporal Hart allowing him to get to the Time periods where those TimeSplitters are hiding the Crystals, Corporal Hart opens the first gate which leads to Siberia in 1990. Cortez jumps through the Time Portal and he goes through time to search for the nine Time Crystals!
Into the time portal.png

TimeSplitter Future Perfect introduction

Succeeding in his mission to collect all nine of the Time Crystals, Cortez heads back to earth and gets a transmission from his General that they're in need of help as the TimeSplitters are over running their base of operations. However, something shoots down one his Ship's engines, forcing Cortez to crash land a few miles away from base!
Crash landing.png

Hanging upside down from his leg by his belt and finally waking up from his unconscious state, Cortez sees his fellow marines arrive to check up on him. Cortez unbuckles himself and lands straight on his head! Oof! Cortez being the dude he is, shrugs it off immediately and gets up, travelling back with the marines who are ready to fight against any oncoming Splitters!

Arriving back to base, Cortez meets up with the General and meets Anya for the first time! Anya explains that there has been Time Travel energy residue off the coast of a Scottish Island of Urnsay, Cortez is once again sent back in time to investigate this.

Cortez goes back in time.png

What will happen on Cortez's journey to Urnsay? Who will he meet? Will it be someone with a British accent? That's for you to discover yourself by playing these games!

#3: Why should Cortez be in Super Smash Bros Ultimate?

Another fine question indeed!

Has been on a Nintendo console in all two of his game appearances! Was not in TimeSplitters 1 which is a PS2 exclusive!
Is a video game character!
Represents a yet unrepresented genre being the First Person Shooter!
Can be a very unique character as I will demonstrate down below!
Is a time traveller and brings tons of items from different time periods!
Comes from the future which is not common for most characters in Smash Bros (Samus, Star Fox, Captain Falcon, Olimar)
Would also represent as a spiritual successor to Goldeneye so we'd finally have James Bond in Smash (In spirit however)
Comes from a criminally underrated series and I think people would really enjoy Cortez being in Smash Bros and check this amazing series!
Would be the first DLC character to have an item represent his series as the Proximity mine from Melee was first in Goldeneye and TimeSplitters is a spiritual successor to that game! (How cool would that be?)


#4: A case for Cortez in Super Smash Bros Ultimate

First off, I will talk about these articles.

In August of 2018, Koch Media acquires the TimeSplitters franchise. Too late for Fighter Pass 1 though, that much is obvious but not too late for Fighter Pass 2. Do note that while the article says THQ Nordic, Koch Media are the rights holders to the TimeSplitters series.

In exactly 1 year in August 2019, Koch Media subsidiary, Deep Silver hires TimeSplitters Co-Creator Steve Ellis to "help plot the future course for the franchise". Interesting choice of words as that doesn't directly point to a game being made. Sakurai normally gathers input from series creators for when he gets his team to design smash characters.

Then there is also the tweet that Steve Ellis made himself.

His choice of words are very strange. No news just yet? Watch this space? August 2020 has come and passed with nothing new to note during the prime of Fighter Pass 2. Complete and utter radio silence on the front. What could he be doing with TimeSplitters? Only time will tell.

Some minor things here to include is the Smash 2 poll.
Smash 2 poll.png

While this does not mention Sgt. Cortez specifically mostly because Cortez wasn't even conceived at this point in time, it does mention James Bond from the Goldeneye 007 video game which was made by Rare. Some employees from Rare disbanded in 1999 to form the now defunct company, Free Radical design who made the TimeSplitters series. Keep in mind that James Bond is the last character on this list who is currently not represented in Smash Bros in any form. Yes the proximity mine exists but since Brawl, it has lost all of it's former identity as a Goldeneye weapon and is now considered a Smash original item. It is impossible for James Bond to be in Smash while Joanna Dark has been beaten by Banjo & Kazooie and Steve for a Microsoft rep. Even if another Microsoft rep is on the table, it will most likely be Master Chief. Since TimeSplitters is the spiritual successor to both Goldeneye and Perfect Dark, Cortez can take the reins as the undisputed Goldeneye 007 stand in and become the "heir apparent to Goldeneye", as was said by Electronic Gaming Monthly on the American cover art of TimeSplitters 2. However this is assuming that Nintendo even pays attention to this list as it's more than two decades old.
...but we have been getting lots of Fire Emblem and Pokemon characters since Smash 4 and we did get Banjo & Kazooie so who's to say they aren't paying attention to this list? /s

There is also the fact that TimeSplitters 2 was released in Japan on the PS2 under the name TimeSplitter: Invaders of history so Cortez has got Japan covered there. Just don't ask me about sales figures.


And finally the most recent piece of news to watch out for is that Koch Media is going to be making a showing at this years digital E3 so there is a high chance that something TimeSplitters related will show up at E3.

There was a problem fetching the tweet

So there you go. Some key points that could point to Sgt. Cortez' inclusion in Smash.

#5: How about a little bit of Downloadable Loving Care?

Cortez fighter pack.png

Let me run it down for you!

I'll get back to explaining what Sgt. Cortez can do and believe me you'll want to see it for yourself!


Space Station


Yes the very same Space Station that Cortez destroyed is now back in full force. Even the TimeSplitters run amok on the Stage. There are cameos of Cortez's companions from TimeSplitters Future Perfect with Captain Ash, Harry Tipper, Jo-Beth Casey, Amy Chen and R-110 appearing out of the Time Portal in the middle! The Reaper Splitters attack the Fighters with their lightning attack.

The stage is flat with small platforms on each side of the stage with Blast Zones at the top and bottom of the stage.

Classic mode

Route: Time to Split
Description: Mostly free-for-all matches with opponents that come from different time periods.

Round 1
Stage: Hyrule Castle
Music: Chinese
Cortez fights against Nintendo characters on Hyrule Castle, a stage from the past

Round 2
Stage: Dr Wily's Castle
Music: Anaconda
Cortez fights against Third Party characters on a stage from the future

Round 3
Stage: Luigi's Mansion
Music: Mansion
Cortez fights against 10 Male Wii Fit Trainers who act as Zombies to reference their occurrence in the series

Round 4
Stage: Kalos Pokemon League
Music: Scotland the Brave - Tank Boss
Cortez fights a Giant R.O.B, much like his fight against a giant robot in the later parts of TimeSplitters Future Perfect

Round 5
Stage: Gerudo Valley
Music: Mexican Mission
Cortez now fights against opponents who can also travel through time

Round 6
Stage: Space Station
Music: Space Station
Cortez fights multiple versions of himself referring to the Time paradoxes he creates in the third game

Boss round
Stage: Galleom's Room
Music: TimeSplitters 2 - Main Theme
Cortez fights against Galleom who references Jacob Crow in his final form

If the pictures for the spirits are too small for you, allow me to explain.

Character: White Diddy Kong
Minions: White Diddy Kong (x3) (Other Monkeys)
Type: Support
Music: Disco-A-Gogo
Stage: Kongo Falls
Battle standards: Enemy prefers Down Specials, Uncontrollable speeds
Spirit ability: Trade-off Speed ↑
Cores required: 1

Captain Ash
Character: Yellow Dr. Mario
Minions: None
Type: Grab
Music: Scotland the Brave - Tank Boss
Stage: Castle Siege
Battle standards: Only shooting and explosive items will appear, Bob-ombs will rain down, Enemy has increased explosive resistance
Spirit Ability: None
Core Slots: 3

Harry Tipper
Character: Blue Captain Falcon
Minions: Jeff (Assist Trophy)
Type: Shield
Music: Disco-a-Gogo
Stage: Spirit Tracks
Battle Standards: Hostile Assist Trophies will appear, Enemy likes to taunt
Spirit Ability:
Core Slots: 1

Jo-Beth Casey
Character: Red Daisy
Minions: Green Wii Fit Trainer (x3) (Zombies)
Type: Support
Music: Mansion
Stage: Luigi's Mansion
Battle Standards: Reinforcements will appear, defeat the main fighter to win
Spirit Ability: Increased battering damage ↑
Cores Required: 1

Amy Chen
Character: Black Zero Suit Samus
Minions: None
Type: Support
Music: Chinese
Stage: Wrecking Crew
Battle Standards: The enemy occasionally becomes invisible, Only shooting and explosive items will appear
Spirit Ability: Increased Air Dodging time ↑
Cores Required: 1

Character: Green Samus
Minions: Kappn' (Assist Trophy) Mini Green R.O.B (x3) (Robots)
Type: Neutral
Music: Scrapyard
Stage: Shadow Moses Island
Battle Standards: Hostile Assist Trophies will appear, Reinforcements will appear
Spirit Ability: Metal and Giant
Core Slots: None

Corporal Hart
Character: Red Lucina
Minions: Default Cortez
Type: Attack
Music: SpaceStation
Stage: SpaceStation
Battle Standards: Defeat the main fighter to win, enemy has increased defense, you have decreased defense
Spirit Ability: None
Core Slots: 2

Character: Purple Ridley holding a Pokeball containing Tapu Koko (Reaper Splitter)
Minions: White Bowser (Drone Splitter), Purple Dark Samus (Scourge Splitter), Purple Incineroar (Berserker Splitter)
Type: Support
Music: TimeSplitters 2 - Main Theme
Stage: SpaceStation
Battle Standards: The enemy occasionally becomes invisible, you have increased Electricity vulnerability, Only certain Pokemon will appear
Spirit Ability: First-Strike Invisibility (Attack the opponent first to become invisible)
Cores required: 2


Here is the music! Listen to them! They're great!

TimeSplitters 2 Main Theme (TimeSplitters 2): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQolbJqu9Y8
SpaceStation (TimeSplitters 2) (Skip to 1:48 for the main part as the buildup is pretty long): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNod5tAOsB0
Chinese (TimeSplitters 1): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8iyHxf9oIWI
Mansion (TimeSplitters 1): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZGbLsoLbPc
Mexican Mission (TimeSplitters 2): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBujGjWMUPg
Disco-a-Gogo (TimeSplitters: Future Perfect): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlT_8GbTQfo
Scrapyard (TimeSplitters 2): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V70aqXNy0MY
Nightclub (TimeSplitters 2): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsIDtDJvEck
Scotland the Brave - Tank Boss (TimeSplitters: Future Perfect): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_7nV0KrTGM
Anaconda (TimeSplitters 2):

#6: Things that Mr. Space can do!


Ooops! Wrong image!


Cortez Special moves.png

Cortez maybe outnumbered but he ain't never outgunned! Travelling through time has made him proficient with lots of weapons whether they be old or new.
Here is a selection of weapons you can expect to find in the games! Though with the animations you'd have to get a little creative. These aren't all the weapons in these games but I've picked out some of the most intriguing weapons TimeSplitters has to offer.

Small TImeSplitters weapons.png

Baseball Bat: You swing with it and hit people with it. It could be his Forward Smash and just like Ness can reflect projectiles away from him!
Brick: Just ordinary house bricks that Cortez can throw. Nothing special but if they can hurt, they're good enough to weaponise!
Injector: Shoot these inflating darts out into people and watch them balloon up until they explode!
Mag-Charger: It can change mode to an infrared setting to see hidden things behind walls! Doesn't translate too well into Smash.
Flamethrower: Spews out gasoline fire that can set anybody on fire! If we go for a weapon select menu, This can be an alternate Neutral Special.
Double-Barrel Shotgun: Shoots two shotgun shells at point blank range! A great Smash attack weapon!
Dispersion Gun: See Special moveset
Harpoon Gun: Shoots Harpoons that can stick into characters.
Electrotool: It can shoot out a stream of electricity that doesn't do much damage but it can stun robots
Minigun: Rev up this bad boy and let it rip up your enemies to shreds! If you're a fan of the Heavy, you should know exactly how this beast works except that Cortez can run at full speed and click a button to make it automatically rev up!
Rocket Launcher: Can hold 6 rockets and can unload all it's rockets at once with it's secondary fire! A great Up Smash attack!
Ghost Gun: Shoots a laser beam that when hits opponents can steal their life energy and heal you up!
Remote/Proximity/Timed Mines: Remote mines work like Snake's C4 by placing and then manually detonating them! Proximity Mines work just like the Proximity Mine item and Timed Mines are mine version of Gooey Bombs.

#7: How can you play these games?

As of November 2nd (The date that this thread was made) the trilogy of TimeSplitters 1, TimeSplitters 2 and TimeSplitters Future Perfect are only available by either purchasing a copy on Amazon or Ebay or by downloading an ISO file for the Dolphin or EPSXE 2 Emulators (I will not show you how to find them due to legal reasons). TimeSplitters 1 is a PlayStation 2 Exclusive while the other two in the series are available on GameCube and Xbox as well. Sadly there is no PC release for any of these games...
TimeSplitters trilogy.jpg

... However if you do happen to play on an emulator, you can download a Mouse Injector for the Dolphin emulator to play TimeSplitters 2 and TimeSplitters Future Perfect with a Mouse and Keyboard

#8: Now it's your turn!

There is one major setback for Sgt. Cortez that really holds him back and makes him further behind than even the least requested character! He is a near non-existent character that no one is requesting for but that's where you come in! We will have a major uphill battle to fight but if we get enough support, it'll be worth it!

Show your support for this running and gunning man by spreading this thread, TimeSplitters Rewind and Koch Media/Deep Silver who are the new rights holders of the TimeSplitters series! We have made our voices heard for years for a new game in the TimeSplitters series and fans have taken it upon themselves to make TimeSplitters Rewind! Steve Ellis and Koch Media/Deep Silver are making plans to figure out how to go about making a new TimeSplitters game so it's more than a good enough time to get the TimeSplitters series spread everywhere! We need your help to spread awareness of this cult classic and Super Smash Bros is one of the biggest games of all time that could really boost interest in the TimeSplitters series!

Not only can we bring TimeSplitters back from the dead but we can also bring Sgt. Cortez into Super Smash Bros Ultimate to really show that this series means business!

TImeSplitters Rewind update March 2019: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkltJm1lWMc
TimeSplitters is starting to make a comeback!: https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/the-time-is-right-for-timesplitters-4/

Let's get TimeSplitters into the spotlight and Sgt Cortez into Super Smash Bros Ultimate!

#9: TimeSplitting Pals (Supporters)

Plank08 Plank08
L Latyon
SneakyLink SneakyLink
Flyboy Flyboy
grizby2 grizby2
Night Gale Night Gale
Wigglerman Wigglerman
Dixie Kong Dixie Kong
YoshiandToad YoshiandToad
Cap'n Jack Cap'n Jack

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this thread

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! I want to inform you about this great series that you are missing out on!

I hope you can be a TimeSplitting Pal!

Last edited:


Smash Cadet
Oct 2, 2018
Man, Future Perfect is probably the best shooting game of all time. I support this.


Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
I love the passion and info you put into this thread! I can't not support this despite having limited knowledge of the series. He seems fun, cool, and I remember how beloved the TimeSplitters games were back in the day. Awesome OP and case for the character and I of course support any and all pipe dreams when someone clearly wants them badly. ;) Great stuff!


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2012
Upland California
oh I support this!
truly, this game does not get the credit it deserves. my best friend introduced this series to me and I was down right shocked that it flew right passed my radar. 100% would love to see cortez!

Evil Trapezium

Smash Master
May 16, 2019
Switch FC
Apologies for bring everyone here but since Fighter #5 got a lot of deconfirms I think it's the perfect time to bring this up.

If it's not Geno, Doom Guy, Ryu Hayabusa, Crash, Scorpion, Tracer, Lloyd, Heihachi, KOS-MOS, Reimu, a Sony rep or anybody else.

Then there is only one more character left and I have finally found this tweet

What could it be? A new game or Cortez in Super Smash Bros Ultimate as Fighter #5? Ha! We're in the Smash speculation game my friends!


Smash Lord
Oct 6, 2019
Sackboy enthusiast
Apologies for bring everyone here but since Fighter #5 got a lot of deconfirms I think it's the perfect time to bring this up.

If it's not Geno, Doom Guy, Ryu Hayabusa, Crash, Scorpion, Tracer, Lloyd, Heihachi, KOS-MOS, Reimu, a Sony rep or anybody else.

Then there is only one more character left and I have finally found this tweet

What could it be? A new game or Cortez in Super Smash Bros Ultimate as Fighter #5? Ha! We're in the Smash speculation game my friends!
Ayyyy this is crazy, both of our most wanted are (sort of) in the speculation scene at around the same time! Hope you get your character man.

Evil Trapezium

Smash Master
May 16, 2019
Switch FC
Ayyyy this is crazy, both of our most wanted are (sort of) in the speculation scene at around the same time! Hope you get your character man.
Nah I'm just being coy. Probably should have used this at the end. :ultpacman:

I doubt Sakurai knows the TimeSplitters series even exists.


Smash Ace
Aug 6, 2019
Always been a massive fan of the series and spent more time in multiplayer on Time Splitters 2 with my father and friends than we ever did in 007, which we spent a LOT of time in to begin with. Though my most wanted 'FPS' character will always be Joshua Fireseed (Turok), I can't keep Cortez down. I'm in support.

Evil Trapezium

Smash Master
May 16, 2019
Switch FC
Been a while since I posted anything on here but here is some TimeSplitters Rewind music if you're having a slow day.


Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC

so... a random question. If I were to someday stream these games on twitch to get more people acquainted with the games and the character, would y’all be interested in tuning in?

might get me to join the support as well, I wanna see what these games are all about


Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719

so... a random question. If I were to someday stream these games on twitch to get more people acquainted with the games and the character, would y’all be interested in tuning in?

might get me to join the support as well, I wanna see what these games are all about
Just FYI, TimeSplitters 1 will not help people get acquainted with what people like about the games and Cortez. He's not featured at all, there's no cutscenes, and not as much content as 2 and FP. It's rather low budget in comparison.


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
Oh for the love of!

I thought I was in this thread already.

Sign me up please.

TimeSplitters 4 was rumoured so much the past five years and I'm hungry for a return of this fantastic series cut down in it's prime. I know there was definitely talks about reviving it at the very least, but nothing seems to have come from it.

I can't wait to romp around with Cortez and Corporal Hart...
...I mean Hart IS still alive due to Future Perfect's retcon right? I feel like the next game would either re-establish her or she'll be a legacy forgotten character, but either way I'm in.

It's been far too long since I set gingerbread men on fire with a flare gun wielding monkey.

CorporalQuinn II

Smash Rookie
Mar 15, 2021
I remember seeing this thread a few months ago knowing that timesplitters was always my childhood game as well as the funniest fps game I've ever played
The knowledge I've had with it runs so deep
I even know that Timesplitters Rewind will be lit since its a remaster of all 3 games combined with the best graphics
I'd be willing to support this thread
Anyone deserves to be in smash as long as they originate in a video game and nothing else
P.s:Cortez neutral special could be a Plasma Autorifle instead(wasnt mentioned)


Jul 14, 2014
The Land of Oz
Switch FC
Here's something neat, a full playable version of Timesplitters 2 is present in Homefront: The Revolution.

Inputting some codes unlocks various modes, without the codes you can access the first two Story levels and that's all.



Smash Ace
May 12, 2006
Here's something neat, a full playable version of Timesplitters 2 is present in Homefront: The Revolution.

Inputting some codes unlocks various modes, without the codes you can access the first two Story levels and that's all.

It's buggy apparently, game crashes whenever splitters spawn in & menus are all kinds of scrambled.


Smash Rookie
Dec 4, 2014
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