Since Lighthouse also seems to be the place for computer games (perhap the description should be fixed), I want to know if anyone else here has played/heard of it.
I hope this doens't look like spam advertising, btw :/ realize now it might.
It's a great TBS game, that consists of several campaigns of various difficulties, as well as online/hotseat multiplayer. They have a couple of different factions, loosely based around race (elves, orcs, dwarves, etc) and the user is able to make their own if they wish (as wesnoth is opensource, all that is needed it an art program and to modify existing files)
meh plugging over. I hope people have seen it so this topic can go somewhere (, I won't post other sites relating to wesnoth because that would be very spammy, wouldn't it ?)
I hope this doens't look like spam advertising, btw :/ realize now it might.
It's a great TBS game, that consists of several campaigns of various difficulties, as well as online/hotseat multiplayer. They have a couple of different factions, loosely based around race (elves, orcs, dwarves, etc) and the user is able to make their own if they wish (as wesnoth is opensource, all that is needed it an art program and to modify existing files)
meh plugging over. I hope people have seen it so this topic can go somewhere (, I won't post other sites relating to wesnoth because that would be very spammy, wouldn't it ?)