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Battle at The Toy Trove 4! - Results


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
Battle at The Toy Trove 4

St.Catharines, ON



1: Linksta888 + Niko_K (Falcon + Jiggz) ($35.00)
2: Where the Hell's Mikael? PS, Where the Hell's Windrose?[Kason Birdman + Rush] (Fox + Fox/Kirby) ($15.00)
3: Arab Republican (Bing & Kingpuff) (Various/Fox)
4: Mario Bros (KC & MED$)
5: Warchamp_Kai


1: Kason Birdman ($84.00) (Falco/Fox)
2: Linksta888 ($24.00) (Captain Falcon)
3: Niko_K ($12.00) (Fox)
4: KingPuff (Fox/Sheik)
5: KC18 (Luigi/Ganon)
5: Kai
7: Bing
7: Wiggins
9: Warchamp7
9: Bren
9: Med$
9: Zack


1: Kason Birdman
2: KC18
3: Linksta888
4: Niko_K
5: Kai
6: KingPuff (2kool2kare)
7: Bing
8: Wiggins
9: Zack
10: Bren
11: Med$
12: Warchamp7


Site Owner
Oct 13, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Yo way to put me at the bottom of everything. So BM lol

Shoutouts in the morning.


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905

1: Kason Birdman ($84.00) (Falco/Fox): Unfortunate we didn't get to play in Grand finals but perhaps next time! Really fun pools set those first two matches were tight as....yknow.

2: Linksta888 ($24.00) (Captain Falcon): See, you're ****ing good. GG man I shouldn't have lost that 4th game massive jank on my part but you won fair and square :) Doubles partna 4 life

3: Niko_K ($12.00) (Fox): What a guy.

4: KingPuff (Fox/Sheik): Good stuff man really setting the bar for your first tournament :) Stay fox bro.

5: KC18 (Luigi/Ganon): Was mad good seeing you again and hope you manage to make it out again next month despite your work schedule. Your luigi is just too much man. That dair >.<

5: Kai: Good stuff in bracket brother you adapted VERY quickly to my playstyle and it bit my ass in the end. Nice havin ya over too :)

7: Bing: Look at them speedy results ;) Glad you let me run things brother you got to enjoy the tournament a lot more than normal. Don't be salty you're real good.

7: Wiggins: Champion over here improving so fast jesus. Can't wait to get some games in with you asap man :)

9: Warchamp7: Mad fun doubles matches brother :) Hope I see you again Friday we need to get in a lot more friendlies man. Can't believe we're both STILL active lmao.

9: Bren: 420
9: Med$: 420
9: Zack: 420


Smash Journeyman
May 18, 2008
St. Catharines
great tourney everyone. thanks to all who showed up , especially those out of town.

Linksta- awesome set man, very challenging and fun, sorry for being a sore loser lol... but i learned a lot and i hope i can give you more of a challenge next time
King puff- it was very nice meeting you and your fox is incredible...you 4 stocked my luigi......damn. you have a lot of talent i look forward to seeing you again
Kason- fun set in pools, i need more falco matchup training thats for sure and its always great to see you come out to our tourneys. also that doubles team was serious business.
Kai- didnt talk to you much, but ggs in pools, it was very close, peach makes me nervous all the damn time lol
Bing- we didnt get to do our kirby vs pichu set!! but next time. also ggs in pools it coulda went either way for that one.
Wiggins- ggs all around man. your ganon is awesome and love to see other ganon players, im just afraid of ganon dittos lol.... hope to you again at tourneys.
Zack(meds)- glad to see you came out man. ggs in doubles. also your dm is getting better and better each time i see you. lets chill soon
Warchamp7- ggs in pools, also our kirby vs ness sessions were pretty awesome. and i know i dont need to mention G&Ws 9.....lmao
Bren- ggs in pools and friendlies. always nice to see you come out man
Zack- ggs in pools, we didnt talk much hope we see eachother at more tourneys.
Niko- thanks for hosting. ggs in pools and in bracket. its always a pleasure man. hope to make it more often so i can get better and better.

Thanks again, it was a good time. i wish i could of stayed till the very end but i was wayyyyyyy too tired lol.

Kason Birdman

Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2009
519, Ontario
yo niko put our names beside our team (kason + rush)
just got home so ill do shoutouts after i sleep and study

good tourney tho, great time. thanks niko and his bro for housing, such chill guys

Kason Birdman

Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2009
519, Ontario
those first two matches were tight as....yknow.
yeah mad tight, unlike that chick whose number you got

linksta: fun sets man you had my fox playing mad jank, i was too scared lol, had to go falco
niko: yeah man tight ass games in pools, those were too good. i was thinkin about switchin to marth or falco against you. also thanks for hostin us, you and stephen are too chill
abdul: **** man your fox is too good, that claw **** ya. stay fox no matter how hard it might seem. it will pay off eventually. fun times chillin
kc: awesome games as always, couldnt do it with fox had to switch to the gay lol. its always a pleasure, such a chill guy. and lol at that kid when we were playing pools
kai: shoulda gone fox against abdul loool don't take my advice next time
kevin: kirby got this **** on lockdown
bing: good games man dont get down on yourself you just gotta stay level headed and not let the stress get to you, i used to have the same problem and still do sometimes, choking sucks bigtime
everyone else: good games and good times chillin in st.kitts its good stuff ya'll the chillest

also shout outs to nikos cat
and those little kids kev and I played with, get *****.


Site Owner
Oct 13, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Kason Birdman - Good **** winning, you're one of the few people I didn't get to play any friendlies with. Thanks for showing me dat anti-marth tech though :p

Linksta888 - Only really played our pools game, good **** on second with Falcon though, wish I pulled that off at my first tournament with no competitive practice LOL

Niko_K - I would give you **** here for starting 3 hours late, but I had way too much fun playing friendlies during that time, SO GOOD WORK.

KingPuff - Way to go on 4th man. We need to smash sometime, you're probably the closest player to me and I need practice haha Great

KC18 - Your luigi is amazing, I was really hoping to see the 2 - 0 comeback, and you almost made it happen. Great games

Kai - Good matches and still salty I choked, I hate being the weak link in teams. I think if I practice more though we could be pretty slick

Bing - Scrub

Wiggins - Your ganon is so beast, I need to take notes

Bren - Good games man, I love how similar our Marth dittos are at times. There was more than one time we did the same move on nearly the same frame, hilarious every time

Med$ - Those damn Doc pills dude, such a pain to deal with. You do some scary stuff sometimes, so just keep practicing

Zack - Never got to play you sadly, next tournament right? :D


Smash Apprentice
Sep 11, 2011
Kason Birdman - congrats on winning man!! i wish i got more friendlies with you, your fox falco and marth are unreal lol, and im taking your advice fox main sheik secondary :p

Linksta888 - awesome meeting you bro, best falcon iv ever played, hopefully we get some some good practice in now that i know you live close to me:)

Niko_K - thanks for hosting the tourney bud, great games as usual and you gotta teach me that new tech :p

KC18 - your luigi was so much fun to play and watch, u destroyed me with ganon, great games tho man hope you come out to casuals

Kai - your peach was honestly too good, i thought nikos was amazing but yours is on a whole other level, i had to play lame as hell to keep up haha but it was an intense and fun match

Bing - fun matches in pools and friendlies, great falcon and pichu in teams, also thanks for the advice :)

Wiggins - such a great guy, had a smile on the whole time even though that little kid kinda messed you up in our set :p, your ganon is mad legit

Warchamp7 - thanks again for the ride lolz, great games and great marth hope you come out to casuals, we also gotta start playing some marvel 3

Bren - funniest guy i ever seen i couldnt stop laughing everytime we played

Med$ - great doc as usual always doing things i never seen

Zack - really tight pool games but you beat me good, cant wait to get melee and marvel 3 practice, get ready for vergil :p

kevin - fun friendlies and your kirby ***** in teams, crazy how we both grew up in the same area and went to almost the same school haha

thanks to everyone for coming out incredibly fun experience hope to see you all real soon


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2009
yo ggs everyone.

shout outs to linksta for showing up for once!!

jared, check your phone more often!! :X

thanks for hosting again niagra, it was fun.



Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
If ham means not showing up than for sure! Was so confused on why he thanked Niagara for hosting lmfao Hopefully the turnout despite Will, Cam, Evan, Ryan and my brother not showing will motivate Windrose to fill his car up and join the tournament :) I really need some people with an overall higher skill level to practice against in order to improve my game any further. For now all I can do is focus on getting hit less against those who play here and being victorious with more stocks/less percent than normal. Though having an opponent who thoroughly understands combo DI and has the ability to adapt to your play-style through observing unconscious patterns or methods of approach is the only way for me to identify where I need to change, which habits I need to develop and to further understand what options I truly have. I tend to believe more things are viable options than they really are because of how consistently I land these things on players below my level of play.

Fun tournament for sure though jesus. Jared aka linksta is gona be here every month now and hopefully abdul too so we're all going to cyclically feed each others improvement.


Smash Master
Nov 8, 2010
St.Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Thanks for the support everyone. I'm having a ****ty time right now in general so that really effected my mood come tourney day XD


1: Kason Birdman ($84.00) (Falco/Fox) Thanks for the advice, I know I can't let thing gets to me, but its hard ya know? Good games though, I showed up a little more in bracket but I've still got more to bring to the table. Our Teams set was super tight. Bet you weren't expecting me to hard counter that Kirby with my Pichu >:)
2: Linksta888 ($24.00) (Captain Falcon) Thanks for showing up! Great seeing you as always, You're friggin amazing
3: Niko_K ($12.00) (Fox) I hate you :( No but seriously, thats the Niko that needs to show up more consistently. We both know that you have even more to give. Hopefully our next set will be like our friendlies, both on point and putting on a good show.
4: KingPuff (Fox/Sheik) Stay Fox! Great games in Pools. That was so tight, I honestly didnt expect you to beat my Peach. Teams was great too, i really enjoyed teaming with you :)
5: KC18 (Luigi/Ganon) KC. Oh man what a great set. I was surprised two floaties going at it was so intense. Definitely looking forward to Pichu vs Kirby and even more so our next tourney set.
5: Kai Good Games in Pools. Your Peach is pretty good, better then I expected. I'll get ya next time :p
7: Bing Keep Calm and Carry On
7: Wiggins Words cannot express how happy I am and how Salty I am. You literally leaped forward in skill and consistency. Good Job Man. Keep it up.
9: Warchamp7 Taylorrrr. Thanks for coming AND grabbing Abdul. You worried me a bit in Pools. Last stock both games.
9: Bren You adapt really well Bren, keep it up. Its a great skill you have and not something everyone can do.
9: Med$ Stay Doc. Your Doc is fine, but unfortunately you need to work on certain matchups and staying positive. Like you do fine against my Fox, thats why I go Falcon or Pea|ch. Stay Positive.
9: Zack Hello mister "Im just a casual player who loves fighting games" then ***** his controller with pretty decent combos scaring the hell out of me. Good games though, work on the MUs you dont know and you'll be just fine.

All in All it was a good tournament, glad we had a decent number of Niagara Folk come out even with a few of the norms not showing. Thanks for hosting Niko. You didn't do TOO bad a job ;)


Smash Journeyman
Dec 18, 2012
If ham means not showing up than for sure! Was so confused on why he thanked Niagara for hosting lmfao Hopefully the turnout despite Will, Cam, Evan, Ryan and my brother not showing will motivate Windrose to fill his car up and join the tournament :) I really need some people with an overall higher skill level to practice against in order to improve my game any further. For now all I can do is focus on getting hit less against those who play here and being victorious with more stocks/less percent than normal. Though having an opponent who thoroughly understands combo DI and has the ability to adapt to your play-style through observing unconscious patterns or methods of approach is the only way for me to identify where I need to change, which habits I need to develop and to further understand what options I truly have. I tend to believe more things are viable options than they really are because of how consistently I land these things on players below my level of play.

Fun tournament for sure though jesus. Jared aka linksta is gona be here every month now and hopefully abdul too so we're all going to cyclically feed each others improvement.

What the Fuc|< Niko. You pretty much just said **** you to the entire Niagara community with that post saying that were all bad. Go to Toronto then instead of the Trove every Friday night. Your pretty much saying we don't know what the **** DI is. Or anything for that matter. So you don't want us to go to the tournaments? Want all "good" People there? I also told you I had ****ing work to do so I couldn't make it. I'm not going to say screw college and not submit **** for a game.


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
Ryan don't project your insecurities onto me. I'm being honest about what it's going to take at my level to get better. I never said you don't know what DI or combo DI is, but I can confidently say no one thoroughly understands it and thus some of the strings I connect may not work at higher level play and thus put me at a disadvantage when I travel to tournaments such as those in Toronto. I never said I don't want you to go to tournaments and Ryan you haven't attended anyhow so I don't understand why you're attempting to speak on behalf of the entire community. I realize this one particular time you said you had work but before you made a very vocal statement on the boards and in person about how you will not ever be joining a tournament. If that has changed then I'd gladly sit with you on Friday and try and explain the extend of which combo DI is utilized and applied. Of course I want a lot of good players to show up as well, as this logic would apply to every player and their skill level and thus, heightening the bar here in Niagara. I know you have college and no where did I put you down for choosing to follow your career dreams and adhere to the schedule necessary to make it possible so try and think about it through my perspective.

I go to Toronto whenever there is a tournament which is once a month. I love coming to The Toy Trove and that's why Brad and I have made it a commitment since the first friendly ever. Our efforts keep the opportunity for friendlies at The Toy Trove to even happen so never think for a second that I favor any other community over ours. I ****ing LOVE Niagara. I've hosted over 15+ tournaments here and have always wanted nothing more than the community to take the game to a highest skill level and become like regions such as MD/VA, NJ, Toronto, SoCal/NorCal and all the other regions where top placing players reside. Being honest with myself is the only way to get there and if what I said offended you then I'm sorry. Perhaps you shouldn't invest as much emotion into the game as you do because I'd hate for you to dislike the game because of the emotional component that is attached to any form of skill based competition.


Smash Master
Nov 8, 2010
St.Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Okay so heres the thing Ryan. Niagara is a new scene. We need to push in order to progress to the point where we can even respectively compete with stronger regions such as the GTA. This is not a stab at anyone. But people like Kason and Linksta would probably get around 9 at best in a Toronto tournament that featured maybe 20-25 players. And yet they're consistently beating us. Niko and I attended the last Toronto tournament and honestly we both got wrecked. Niko is calling out the entirety of our region. Including himself. The fact is that he currently is our best player. And I am I guess one of the other higher ups, and we can barely shake a stick at the low to even mid tier players. We all need to improve.

I don't know about you, but I don't like losing. This doesn't mean you have to sacrifice everything, but it still means we need to push harder. We may be a young Region, reborn at least. But there are few seasoned veterans who are lets say Big fish in a small pond. Then when the small fish in the large lake come to our pond, we can barely defend ourselves.

The easiest way to improve, is to play people who are better then you until you catch up and learn from what they do and what they're punishing that you do. If you can't do things like the proper combo DI and such, you can destroy people using tactics that don't exactly work even remotely consistently on "lower" players, but then when it comes to the better players, you're screwed.

Again, this isn't a direct stab at anyone, but it is a call out that we as a region need to improve. I know its hypocritical coming from me, but try not to be so emotional.


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
Niagara is not a new scene. Not trying to sound rude but you guys are new to the scene. Don't forget this all happened because of Millers smashfest which had been happening bi monthly for the longest time. Also Linksta and I go head to head and in Pools I took Kason to round three with both entry matches going to last stock 100% so I wouldn't say I necessarily get wrecked. Furthermore, in Toronto only 13 players showed up with top tier players like Idea (who beat M2K in that one Crew Battle) placed 9th, so saying we got wrecked is hardly proportional to the skill level of those who entered,


Smash Master
Nov 8, 2010
St.Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Fair enough Niko. However the majority of my statement was speaking as a whole community. Like I said, you're the best player in the scene, and improving quickly too(I hate you). But for the most part, we need work.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 11, 2011
in all honesty here is how it is, brads overrated and niko comes close to me but im better in the end the person that is the best out of all of us is my little brother he 4 stocks me like almost every game lol he truly is the best player at the trove i think he can also match up to unknown js but you know anything can happen. XD

edit: sorry about that guys my brother is trying to be funny can someone delete this please

Kason Birdman

Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2009
519, Ontario
^LOOOOL that was too good.

and guys, toronto is ****ed. like niko was saying on the weekend, comparing yourself to the toronto scale is like comparing yourself to the world scale, it's ridiculous.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 18, 2012
Ryan don't project your insecurities onto me. I'm being honest about what it's going to take at my level to get better. I never said you don't know what DI or combo DI is, but I can confidently say no one thoroughly understands it and thus some of the strings I connect may not work at higher level play and thus put me at a disadvantage when I travel to tournaments such as those in Toronto. I never said I don't want you to go to tournaments and Ryan you haven't attended anyhow so I don't understand why you're attempting to speak on behalf of the entire community. I realize this one particular time you said you had work but before you made a very vocal statement on the boards and in person about how you will not ever be joining a tournament. If that has changed then I'd gladly sit with you on Friday and try and explain the extend of which combo DI is utilized and applied. Of course I want a lot of good players to show up as well, as this logic would apply to every player and their skill level and thus, heightening the bar here in Niagara. I know you have college and no where did I put you down for choosing to follow your career dreams and adhere to the schedule necessary to make it possible so try and think about it through my perspective.

I go to Toronto whenever there is a tournament which is once a month. I love coming to The Toy Trove and that's why Brad and I have made it a commitment since the first friendly ever. Our efforts keep the opportunity for friendlies at The Toy Trove to even happen so never think for a second that I favor any other community over ours. I ****ing LOVE Niagara. I've hosted over 15+ tournaments here and have always wanted nothing more than the community to take the game to a highest skill level and become like regions such as MD/VA, NJ, Toronto, SoCal/NorCal and all the other regions where top placing players reside. Being honest with myself is the only way to get there and if what I said offended you then I'm sorry. Perhaps you shouldn't invest as much emotion into the game as you do because I'd hate for you to dislike the game because of the emotional component that is attached to any form of skill based competition.

First off I never ****ing said i'm speaking on behalf of the community. I was making a statement that others seen also, so don't get all high and mighty and start assuming. Months ago I wasn't doing so well and got pissed at the tournament, saying I wasn't ever going to enter again yes I was salty, I was mad and i'm not going to get into it on the boards.

Continuously telling me to go to the tournament or I should go while I told you 3 times. Yes, 3. That I have **** to do. We have stuff to do that is more important then Melee, wow that's amazing eh?

So please before spewing bull**** about emotional crap, I never said I hated the "skilled base" competition, Everyone hates when they lose.
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