To the smartasses whom this may concern, Sakurai himself said that he won't be making another Smash game, and who do you honestly think is going to take his place without ruining the franchise?
Brawl's conception actually started without Mr. Sakurai, so it's possible, not a certainty, but definitely possible.
"It was the day before E3, May 2005. I sat in the assembly hall for Nintendo’s presentation for distributors. There, Nintendo announced that they were working on a new ‘Smash’ for their new gaming system codenamed, Revolution. People started clapping. “What?” I thought. At the party, people came up to me saying “So, you’re making Smash!?” However, I hadn’t been informed about anything, and it was at that time that I first heard that there was even a Smash project in the works.
Even though I originally created “Smash” as a game designer, I don’t hold any rights to the game. So, if Nintendo says, “make it”, they can make one, no problem. I don’t really have a problem with that…."- Sakurai himself Source.
Also, practically any final roster with just Bandana Dee or just any of my most wanted added would make me happy, only exceptions being if they added more fire Emblem or Kid Icarus along with them too, then I'd probably end up feeling like we deserve more as a fanbase