Sorry if this is a bit off topic, but I'll integrate Bandana Dee into it to make it fit!
* You are now entering the: "Big Walls Of Text"
I personally believe that the player makes the character, not the character itself... Therefore making tiers irrelevant from what people usually tend to misinterpret them as (being the flat out best character(s) in the game). Now before I put up my flame shield, I have evidence to back this up! (If you needed to know, tier lists are based off of tournament results, and not the actual potential of the character)!.
I don't know if anyone keeps up with tournaments in the Smash community here, but I've seen around a good few hundred matches or so this year, and I've observed much more than taking notes on how to "git gud". I won't get too specific into certain smashers, as everyone can't memorize every player that has been in a tournament... But I'll list two that may seem familiar.
Boss and GIMR. I have really only watched Youtube - VGBootCamp matches for some time, but I am trying to expand to other well-known organizations (Clash Tournament, Tourney Locator, Rush Hour Smash, and also Shi-Gaming for a Japanese perspective), so this is my reasoning:
(Side Note: These are just two out of the MANY of examples out there, these are just the ones I am most familiar with currently).
I was going to write multiple paragraphs about each of them, but it would stray way too far off. I'll just say that GIMR plays a mean Mr. Game & Watch that consistently places in the finals bracket consistently, despite the opinions of G&W being considered "low-tier" or "trash". This shows that if you put enough passion into your character, you can only accomplish what you can only limit yourself to. (And you can push that limit to the absolute max, you just have to believe in what you can accomplish).
Boss on the other hand... Wow. If you've ever seen a match with Boss in it, you know what's about to go down. Boss mains Luigi, and considerably the most deadly one of all time. If it weren't for him, Luigi would most likely never be used, and not have gotten the such positive recognition he has received. From what I've observed, Boss is ALL about mind games and punishes. Boss makes his character he plays as good as he thinks he can be... If not more. Constantly winning tournament upon tournament every single week, brings up the question of... "Well, what's his secret"?. No one really knows his secret... But I do. It's how Boss thinks, plays, and limits himself (If he even does limit himself, which is highly unlikly). Boss outsmarts his opponent every chance he gets. He can really apply this to any character in the roster, but he chooses Luigi because it fits him, and that's where he breaks the limit of the character. I won't get too much into it, but hopefully this provides the point I am trying to get at.
Other notable players are aMSa (Melee's Yoshi, considered bottom tier) and HungryBox (Melee's Jigglypuff, once considered insanely terrible), but they are different stories.
What I'm trying to say is (with relevancy): If any DLC character got in, not everyone will fully agree that that character is a good, fun, beloved fighter. This is obvious, but some will consider the character "top tier" and some will insult the character and his/her/it's fans into the ground. But really, all you have to do is get passed the wall of hate (easier said then done, but trust me, it's very doable), and go for who you want to play as. Everybody has a different play-style, so no one plays exactly the same.
Yes, there may be lots who play similar or considered very similar, but everybody has different minds and tricks up their sleeve. If Bandana Dee gets in and that's who you wanted to main for a full five years, but everyone around you keeps saying that's the absolute worst character in the game... Just ignore it, and don't give in!
You are the limit of yourself, and only you can determine how good a character actually is. With that being how you play with your own unique play-style. You can pick up any character from the roster and automatically win against someone if your passionate for that character enough, really. Going strait to Diddy or Sheik due to them being considered top tier (again, it's all decided by tournament results, and not the actual potential of the character), but not liking playing the character at all, and just playing them because they're considered the best in the game will not make you automatically win. (but if Diddy or Sheik is right for now, go ahead!).
So to keep on topic, if/when Bandana Dee gets in, DO NOT listen to those around you or who you fight saying that "he's garbage" or "he sucks, and you do too" because if that's the character you want to play as and if he fits right with how you play, with some practice and adaptation... You can truely be the best (Bandana Dee) smasher on the planet if you wanted to.
You just need to be passionate enough.
tl;dr : You are who makes the character, and if you are passionate enough, you can accomplish as much as what you limit yourself to. But don't. Don't limit yourself and do not listen to the haters. Everybody started somewhere from where they are today and in Smash, you can only get better and better as you go along.
END OF CHAPTER! (If you get that reference, you get a gigantic cookie)