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Banana usage in doubles


Smash Champion
Mar 11, 2008
St. Louis, Missouri
I have trouble utilizing my bananas in doubles, due to all the mayhem, particularly online..what are the best ways to use bananas in doubles. If it matters at all, my partner is a jigglypuff


Smash Apprentice
Jul 2, 2008
if you have good banana game you should use them the same as in singles, and since jiggly puff should be in the air a lot due to aerial game, she should not slip on them


Smash Champion
Mar 11, 2008
St. Louis, Missouri
if you have good banana game you should use them the same as in singles, and since jiggly puff should be in the air a lot due to aerial game, she should not slip on them
My banana game is average at best, but slipping hasn't been a problem..more like the space to use them in doubles seems too small..it seems much more difficult for me to get them out than in a singles match. Thank you for the reply though, anything is helpful.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 2, 2008
oh sorry i couldn't help, i haven't played doubles on wifi nor have i played with a jiggly puff, but that's what i know about it but ill try to look into it if you want


Smash Ace
May 17, 2008
Corneria... Fourth Planet of the Lylat System
I play Diddy a lot and I play against Diddys a lot and my prediction for the future of Diddy's meta game is that nanner-play is going to become nothing more than a cool trick, not an effective tactic, competitively. This is because eventually, when all the best smashers get good and versatile, they will completely negate Diddy's nanner-game by a) catching them and b) dodging them and picking them up off the ground. I've already played Diddy enough that I can negate Diddy's nanner-game as soon as my opponent starts pulling them out.

The biggest problem with nanners is that you don't have to be a Diddy to turn another Diddy's nanners against him. At the highest level of skill, it would basically be a deadlock, with the Diddy and the other player simply catching and throwing the nanners back and forth between them.

Nanners would have been much more effective in Melee since it was not possible to pick items up with running attacks, in mid-air etc. and it was harder to catch thrown items in mid-air.

I'm not down on Diddy, I think he's got a great play style, he's very high on my personal play list, and his nanners will work wonders on people who aren't well-accustomed to them, but I'm just saying that eventually the smash meta game will make the nanners obsolete.

Unless someone finds a new, non-counterable way to use nanners, this is just the way it's going to be.

Sad but true.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 2, 2008
I play Diddy a lot and I play against Diddys a lot and my prediction for the future of Diddy's meta game is that nanner-play is going to become nothing more than a cool trick, not an effective tactic, competitively. This is because eventually, when all the best smashers get good and versatile, they will completely negate Diddy's nanner-game by a) catching them and b) dodging them and picking them up off the ground. I've already played Diddy enough that I can negate Diddy's nanner-game as soon as my opponent starts pulling them out.

The biggest problem with nanners is that you don't have to be a Diddy to turn another Diddy's nanners against him. At the highest level of skill, it would basically be a deadlock, with the Diddy and the other player simply catching and throwing the nanners back and forth between them.

Nanners would have been much more effective in Melee since it was not possible to pick items up with running attacks, in mid-air etc. and it was harder to catch thrown items in mid-air.

I'm not down on Diddy, I think he's got a great play style, he's very high on my personal play list, and his nanners will work wonders on people who aren't well-accustomed to them, but I'm just saying that eventually the smash meta game will make the nanners obsolete.

Unless someone finds a new, non-counterable way to use nanners, this is just the way it's going to be.

Sad but true.
its not true, diddy kong punishes people in the time the have hitlag when they dash attack for a nanner, and with a strong enough smash or combo they drop them and diddy can airdodge to pick them up


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
In regards to Count's question:
Maybe only use one at a time. That Jiggz is your partner matters alot as diddykongnaners explained, Jiggz is mostly airborne, and so should avoid slipping.

@DKKountry: It'll remain a tactic, albeit a reserved tactic. As Diddy mains, much of our time is spent controlling the nanerz, and that's our inherent advantage. The nanerz are extremely effective in either of their hands, but I think its skill and experience in controlling them that counts.

Alot of times I'll use only one naner and re-catch it every time I glide toss, sometimes I'll opt for two, sometimes I won't use one at all.


Smash Ace
May 17, 2008
Corneria... Fourth Planet of the Lylat System
I really think my prediction will ring true. Still it's just a prediction, albeit an experienced prediction.

@vyse: I can go with the way you put; a reserved tactic. It's pretty much the point I'm getting too.

@diddykongsnaners: Those tactics would work against people who have only a moderate handle on nanner-play, but I'm talking about people who are just as comfortable with nanners as the person who's throwing the nanners in the first place.

Seriously, find another Diddy main and tell him to play as his secondary while you play as Diddy and watch how long it takes until the two of you're just playing catch with your nanners.

Also I may have used a few words that I realize now were too strong, like "obsolete" for instance. Vyse said it better calling it a "reserved tactic", I'm just afraid that Diddy-players as a whole are putting too much stock into his nanners, and I'm afraid it'll make Diddy weaker in the long run.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
BayArea Norcal
I disagree with your prediction DKKountry.

I'm usually to lazy to post stuff here but here we go: lol

I don't think the banana game itself will become useless. Sure people can pick up on our tactics and TRY, to use our own naners against us but being the Diddy mains that we are, we SHOULD be better with a banana than the opponent. People always say its as simple as catching the banana and using it against us, but its not. we can catch back...most people just try to throw it at you and all you have to do is shield and re-catch while its mid-air. The more people start to attempt to use our nanerz against us the better our banana game will get. its better for us in the long run cause we'll just be learning new mindgames and different ways to get our bananas in. If the smash community wants to learn how to use bananas against us then it'll just make us work harder so that they can't.

Besides, Diddy is pretty bad without Bananas.

EDIT: and to answer the question of this topic, I personally, as a Diddy main don't really like doubles. It does limit the space you have to fight with your bananas. however, when you are left in a 1v2 situation, Diddy can do really well if you stay on the run and glide toss to smash attack whenever you see an opening.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
I disagree with your prediction DKKountry.

I'm usually to lazy to post stuff here but here we go: lol

I don't think the banana game itself will become useless. Sure people can pick up on our tactics and TRY, to use our own naners against us but being the Diddy mains that we are, we SHOULD be better with a banana than the opponent. People always say its as simple as catching the banana and using it against us, but its not. we can catch back...most people just try to throw it at you and all you have to do is shield and re-catch while its mid-air. The more people start to attempt to use our nanerz against us the better our banana game will get. its better for us in the long run cause we'll just be learning new mindgames and different ways to get our bananas in. If the smash community wants to learn how to use bananas against us then it'll just make us work harder so that they can't.

Besides, Diddy is pretty bad without Bananas.

EDIT: and to answer the question of this topic, I personally, as a Diddy main don't really like doubles. It does limit the space you have to fight with your bananas. however, when you are left in a 1v2 situation, Diddy can do really well if you stay on the run and glide toss to smash attack whenever you see an opening.
Someone that's smart :]

I have a feeling you are going to be my "best diddy" competition hahaha.

Personally I love using Diddy on teams because everything Diddy does is second nature to me, but the bananas can mess your opponent up or even you if someone elsetakes control of it. I think metaknight and Diddy would be a good team. Metaknight for ariels and Diddy for level control.


Smash Ace
May 17, 2008
Corneria... Fourth Planet of the Lylat System
we can catch back...most people just try to throw it at you and all you have to do is shield and re-catch while its mid-air.
That's basically what I'm saying, if the person you're fighting is as good with nanners as you are, it will become a game of catch, instead of a tactic that tips the scales in Diddy's favor as it is seen to be now.

I already said it but I'll say it again for n4n3rz, go find antoher Diddy main and tell him to play as his secondary and see how long it takes before it turns into a game of catch because of the fact that he is just as comfortable with nanners as you are.

I'm not theorizing whether it's possible or not, I already make it happen whenever I play against another Diddy main, the part that I'm making predictions on is how long it will take until everybody else learns how to do it too.

Also it may never even happen anyway, if Diddy doesn't place high enough in tournaments then the nanner-game will not be something that people are forced to defend against. All I'm saying is that it is a counterable tactic *ESPECIALLY* by another Diddy main or Diddy secondary user.

I just hate to see the Diddy community put all our eggs (or nanners) in one basket so to speak, when I feel that it's not his single best tactic.

I'm not going to post anymore since I'm just repeating myself now. If you guys don't agree with me, that's okay, all I'm saying is that it's something we need to be conscious of and look out for.

I appreciate you guys hearing me out so I'm going to stop ranting now :)



Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
That's basically what I'm saying, if the person you're fighting is as good with nanners as you are, it will become a game of catch, instead of a tactic that tips the scales in Diddy's favor as it is seen to be now.

I already said it but I'll say it again for n4n3rz, go find antoher Diddy main and tell him to play as his secondary and see how long it takes before it turns into a game of catch because of the fact that he is just as comfortable with nanners as you are.

I'm not theorizing whether it's possible or not, I already make it happen whenever I play against another Diddy main, the part that I'm making predictions on is how long it will take until everybody else learns how to do it too.

Also it may never even happen anyway, if Diddy doesn't place high enough in tournaments then the nanner-game will not be something that people are forced to defend against. All I'm saying is that it is a counterable tactic *ESPECIALLY* by another Diddy main or Diddy secondary user.

I just hate to see the Diddy community put all our eggs (or nanners) in one basket so to speak, when I feel that it's not his single best tactic.

I'm not going to post anymore since I'm just repeating myself now. If you guys don't agree with me, that's okay, all I'm saying is that it's something we need to be conscious of and look out for.

I appreciate you guys hearing me out so I'm going to stop ranting now :)

Peace :)

If there's one thing you were right about, its that people will learn how to use them. But as both Nanerz and I have suggested, its that as Diddy mains, our ability to control bananas will remain superior, as it's a large facet of our games.

Though I haven't played against a Diddy main's secondary to test your theory, I've had Diddy ditto's before, and have completely controlled the game through superior banana control.

Just because our opponents get good at controlling the nanerz, doesn't mean we aren't getting good at it either :)


Smash Champion
Mar 11, 2008
St. Louis, Missouri
Thanks for the replies..I have been in 1v2 situations a few times and I have been able to do fairly well..And nanerz is best diddy until another diddy proves himself better via placings in tourneys!! (in my opinion) Thank you for the replies.


Smash Cadet
Mar 21, 2008
Huntington, West Virginia
@DKKountry and anyone else who may be interested with the topic on diddy's bananas becoming useless:

I disagree. I being a ZSS mainer am very accustomed to items because of ZSS's suit pieces game. Very useful and a very big part of her game. You know why it's such a huge part? Because she was designed to be good at that to some extent. Hook other characters up with those pieces and they're not going to have the potential that she has. Now ZSS's pieces are just one little part of her game. Diddy on the other hand was designed almost entirely around his bananas. His dash attack? Perfect for the bananas along with many of his moves. I with diddy as my secondary know a lot about his bananas. And for ZSS it should be easy to defend against his bananas since her game is partially designed for items? No actually I have a pretty hard time against diddy. You say people will get used to it and start picking up his bananas and whatnot? Well you know what, diddy's item game is gonna be a hell of a lot better than any item game the opponents in the future might acquire. As people's defense against diddy's bananas will get better so will the diddy players who use those bananas. Their banana game will get better indeed.
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