Smash Rookie
Hey an BB players wanting to play balanced brawl v3 with custom stages it is possible if you haven't found out already. Its in the code file a certain code that disables stage select. My workaround is trough homebrew channel and load gecko there the codes are turned on by default.
For those of you who don't know where it is its on your sd card labeled sd:/data/gecko/codes/rsbe01.gct
and the code that disables the stages is:
046B841C 48000040
you can find some editor out there (like GCTedit) to convert it to .txt, open it in notepad and look for that code and remove it. Save the .txt file and open it in your editor and save it again but in .gct and replace the one in your sd card with this one and it should work.
Note: Make sure you delete the stage that comes wih balance brawl, thats what causes the gecko to load if your doing it that way. And it will make the game freeze if ur doing it my way along witg boot.elf if your loading through homebrew. Those two files need to be deleted so it wont freeze.
Let me know if this works for you.
Thanks for reading
For those of you who don't know where it is its on your sd card labeled sd:/data/gecko/codes/rsbe01.gct
and the code that disables the stages is:
046B841C 48000040
you can find some editor out there (like GCTedit) to convert it to .txt, open it in notepad and look for that code and remove it. Save the .txt file and open it in your editor and save it again but in .gct and replace the one in your sd card with this one and it should work.
Note: Make sure you delete the stage that comes wih balance brawl, thats what causes the gecko to load if your doing it that way. And it will make the game freeze if ur doing it my way along witg boot.elf if your loading through homebrew. Those two files need to be deleted so it wont freeze.
Let me know if this works for you.
Thanks for reading