Personally, I think its not really anything to be proud of.
On one hand, your idea of a good time is to go to Gamestop and get in arguements with the employees and tell them how horrible they and their store are and how much better and more knowledgable you and your beloved Toys R Us are. And you don't even get in an arguement over anything meaningful to character, its over a stupid little release date to a game.
But on the other hand, you didn't even have the balls to go into Gamestop and "show them up", so you sat at your computer like a little tool and typed up some fake conversation where you pretended to show up a gamestop employee. And then you posted it on a video game forum, thinking you were some sort of a hero or something for pretending to tell off a gamestop employee for being wrong about a release date.
And then to top it all off, you were wrong all along. Your awesome little fake arguement where you showed us how confident you were and where you and toys r us were right, no matter what, ended up being wrong. You didn't even leave the possibility open, you pretended to tell him as a fact that it would come out on February 10th, and then you were proven wrong.
I don't know how somebody could be impressed by you're fake little arguement you made up where you pretended to insult and belittle a gamestop employee and his company and pretend to be able to get every game a week early because youre BFF's with a Toys R Us manager, so I don't really get why you're doing this.
You put in absolutely no talent or humor to that video, Smashbrothah was the one that took the arguement you were being serious about and turned it into a joke. He's the one that made humor out of your pathetic and embarrassing little story, and his acting abilities perfectly expressed just how pathetic of a post that was.
All you're trying to do is act like you created it, so you should get credit for it. But no, you didn't create it, you inspired it. He took what you did and made something hilarious and worthwhile out of it, all you are is the butt of the joke.
Its even worse that you not only made this arguement up and posted it, but now that somebody made a funny joke of what you said, you act like youre the genius mastermind behind it all. You did nothing, you were made fun of, and now you're trying to act like you made the joke. You didn't make that joke though, you were the joke, and now all you're doing is trying to show off how big of a joke you are.