Hey everyone, just wanted to fill everyone in on some new stuff that we'll be doing for the Salem Smashfests! It'll be broken up into a few different parts, but first up is...
The Salem Smashfests PR!
I've been tracking the results from the Top portion of our weeklies for every game since we've moved the brackets to Challonge.
This was originally just meant for seeding for the Salem Elimination Bracket, but since I've had a number of people ask me about making one I'll be putting together a monthly Salem Smashfests PR! (for Sm4sh, Melee, and P:M - the other games have a shot as well, however it's going to require an increase in regular attendance basically)
There will be some limitations in place to make sure it's actually regulars; these rules are as follows:
- I'm using a program based off of Microsoft's TrueSkill algorithm, set to decay results at intervals of 2 weeks (for Sm4sh, Melee, & P:M - other games will be different when/if they're added)
- To be on the PR, a player must have attended at least 3 of the last 8 weeks
- Prior to May 23rd (the most recent tournament), only results from Top were tracked. As of that date, Swiss matches are being included as well
- Ranks will be updated once a month, generally on the last day of the month
Also, if you're on the PR and want a different image of your character in future months, let me know - I used (semi) official character art this time and will be using that in the future if people don't give me other pictures for them!
Anyways, here's the current (May 2015) Salem Smashfests PR for Melee & Project: M (Smash 4 PR in
the Saturday Thread):
May 2015 | Melee PR
1st) @
Magnum Dragon
2nd) @
Saucy Pirate
3rd) Blake
4th) @
5th) Qamp
Notable Players:
6) Pineapple
7) @
8) Cheeze Whizard
May 2015 | Project: M PR
1st) Blake
2nd) Nick (Monce)
3rd) Bubbles
4th) @
5th) KID
Notable Players:
6) @
7) @
Saucy Pirate
8) Wolfy
Continuing the announcements, next up is...
Highlight reels!
As you may know, there's been a big First-Year Highlight Reel in the works (that was supposed to be finished in time for the Salem Elimination Bracket, but wasn't, obviously...).
That highlight reel is still being worked on (shouldn't be too much longer!), however I'm planning on also doing (bi?)monthly highlight reels; sort of a "Month in review" type deal.
I'm currently working with a few others on one for May (hopefully it'll be ready in the next few weeks), but help is always welcome! If you want to help us find highlight clips, put the video together, or anything else, please let me know!
Also, the third (and related fourth) things will be announced later this afternoon, so stay tuned for those!