i agree with tony in the sense that people should seek out the better players to improve. in essense, why would good players seek lesser players, as they will give them no beneficial experience?
but i dont think the organization is the problem. partially... the people that would be willing to host tournaments and stuff the most often (myself and tai mostly), live the farthest away from the main area of concentration of smashers... whenever goop hosts something, EVERYBODY goes...
also, i think tony, sean, rob, and omar's activity is of little consequence in this case... people were still holding tournaments a while back that they didnt go to... like when goat had his glendale weeklies, those four didnt always go, and probably (iirc) never all at the same time.
...this is an almost pointless post... i think people in az just have more of a life, lolz, and non co-operative schedules (tony works at odd times, greg works overnights, etc.)