Perpetual Lazy Bum
Link to original post: Ask Zook!
I feel that the current User Bloggers/SWF population in general doesn't know enough about me. In order to counteract that, I'm going to make a Zook FAQ.
Go ahead, ask me whatever. I'll answer. Want to know how much I weigh? I'm not shy. Do you wonder what my juice of choice is? Wonder no more! I'll compile all answers in the OP.
PM me and I'll add you on my Facebook.
A few of those aren't mods.
I feel that the current User Bloggers/SWF population in general doesn't know enough about me. In order to counteract that, I'm going to make a Zook FAQ.
Go ahead, ask me whatever. I'll answer. Want to know how much I weigh? I'm not shy. Do you wonder what my juice of choice is? Wonder no more! I'll compile all answers in the OP.
I'm a size 30 waste, 34 leg.What size pants do you wear, oh Lord Zook?
I love cats.I want to know If you like cats.
Chris.What is your real name?
PM me and I'll add you on my Facebook.
My favorite sandwich is an italian grinder, but I'll eat any kind. Some of my favorite sandwich fixin's are onions, lettuce, tomatoe, roast beef, honey ham, and swiss cheese. I'm a mustard connoissuer, too.What type of sandwiches do you like?
Dinosaurs.What is your favorite show?
Crappy mainstream stuff. And don't try to get me to like it, it won't work.What anime have you seen?
No, but I really want to now.Did you ever make a sandwich shaped like a Pokeball?
The moon.Which one is bigger, an elephant or the moon?
After I get bored of Swinub.When is your avatar going back to Fone Bone?
See Heartz.What is the purpose of this thread?
Dinosaurs.What is your favorite TV Show
The egg, but only after the chicken laid it. ...But really, it was the egg.What came first, the egg or the chicken?
That'd be a tie between Eor, Xsyven, Mic, Mic, Matt, and Eric_the_red.Who is your favorite mod here?
A few of those aren't mods.
Do you approve of the Holocaust?[/quote]
A feeling of strong affection to another.What is love?
I don't get this joke.BUT WHO WAS PHONE?
They don't, it's one big conspiracy.Why do planes need so much aerodynamics when you ride on the inside?
Only when I play Mario.How often to do you jump on top of walking mushrooms?
A month ago? I went to a party last Friday though.When's the last time you had a party?
I'm too busy on my Rex Wheelie.Are you going to get up on the hydra's back?
Folded Indian-style with my right leg. That's how I always sit on my computer chair.What is your left leg doing at the moment?
I've never played it. I never had an N64.Do you like Star Fox 64?
♡What do you look like Mr. Zook? ^__^
Nope. But thanks though.Are you aware that you're one of my favorite people on the User Blogs section?
I don't so much hate it as I dislike it.Do you hate Naruto as much as me Lord Zook?
Because I got all my lame out in 2006/2007!Why is you so awesome?
Empowering!How's being a mod feel?
Because he's a Garchomp counter!!Why is Swinub so amazingly awesome?
Because it IS too cute.
Zook-kun, why do I find ^this^ to be TOO CUTE?!?!
This isn't a question.Why don't you fly
Be really really lame for a few years.How do we peons Become nearly as cool as You Zook?
It depends. Am I drinking said glass, or pouring something into it? If I'm drinking it's half empty. If I'm filling it it's half full. If it's just sitting there it isn't mine.Is your glass half empty or half full?
How does it feel to be let down?
No.Are you sick of being asked questions yet, Zook?
By becoming a erator.How does is your name turn red?
Fire the Zook Zook.Zook, if faced with an enraged polar bear at point blank range, would you fire the Zook Zook, which takes 10 seconds to load, or run like hell, for the enraged polar bear is a paraplegic?
Yes they do.Gee, I bet the ladies love that, don't they Zook?
Because he made my fan club.Why is that SkylerOcon person such a *****?
Because of all those Quad Stackers.Why is Straked such a ******?
At first I thought it was an SWF glitch, but then I noticed which people were posting the crap. Then I lol'd.What was your reaction when the Spam Squad gave you 400 wall messages?
I've read about 140. I still have 261 left.Frown said:Have you read any of the things we sent you?