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Arrow Systems Game Development.


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
I can do good things in Java. I can make a fully functional RPG in Java, but it's quite primitive. C++ is relatively new to me, but it's not that different, so I should pick up quick. I worked on a mega-Man fangame, but I had to get a new computer.

Well, lay them on me. Always open to suggestions.
How many years of Java experience do you have? Since you made a couple of 2D games, which APIs do you have experience with?


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2008
On a boat.
How many years of Java experience do you have? Since you made a couple of 2D games, which APIs do you have experience with?
3 Years Java experience.

APIs...A little bit of JAI, good amount of JMF, and I'm learning J3D.]

I pick up programming fast.


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
I highly recommend not using Java to make games. Java is really really really slow and in games you want to make things as fast as possible. Java is more useful for like..bank software.

Come to the light side and learn C#. If we were to compare the two, Java would be like C#'s ******** brother while C# is the older, more mature and smarter brother. The languages are pretty similar so learning is pretty easy once you know one.

With that being said, I suggest starting out with making either an iPhone app or learning C# and making an XNA game.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2008
On a boat.
I highly recommend not using Java to make games. Java is really really really slow and in games you want to make things as fast as possible. Java is more useful for like..bank software.

Come to the light side and learn C#. If we were to compare the two, Java would be like C#'s ******** brother while C# is the older, more mature and smarter brother. The languages are pretty similar so learning is pretty easy once you know one.

With that being said, I suggest starting out with making either an iPhone app or learning C# and making an XNA game.
Hm...C#. I've heard of it, looked into it a bit, and decided against it.

I only started with Java because that's what my school offered. Once I realized just how much I love Programming, I looked into C++.

I'll get some C# stuff, see just how different it is.


Smash Cadet
Dec 30, 2001
Get a more professional looking website. Straight up. Get a .com too.
I use to do web design. ;)

Also I suggest releasing your first game on XBL indie games or iPhone.


Smash Lord
Dec 30, 2007
laijin is hatin on java forever
it's not 2005 anymore java is not the slow hulking behemoth of old
it's not zippy super fast mondo but you'd have to be ******** to make an analogy like that siblings one oops


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
I would give a real life example here as to why Java sucks balls, but no need cause heres the bottom line:
We're game development here.
How many companies make professional games in Java?
If there is a mainreason, I'd say its all because of how Java is in comparison to other languages.
If you REALLY want to know the difference between the two, do some research yourself. Nothing better than finding out info on your own.

I would say this though and this is the deal breaker here. A plus to C# is that you need to know it to use XNA. XNA is a beast within itself and promotes rapid and easy development of indie games. Look it up too. :] I have personally used it and it is pretty awesome.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2008
On a boat.
Get a more professional looking website. Straight up. Get a .com too.
I use to do web design. ;)

Also I suggest releasing your first game on XBL indie games or iPhone.
I would, but am broke atm. Once I get money, I'll get a proffessional website. I'm an HTML beast.

laijin is hatin on java forever
it's not 2005 anymore java is not the slow hulking behemoth of old
it's not zippy super fast mondo but you'd have to be ******** to make an analogy like that siblings one oops
Java's okay. It's not UBER 1337 LAWL IM AW3SUM, but it's alright.

I would give a real life example here as to why Java sucks balls, but no need cause heres the bottom line:
We're game development here.
How many companies make professional games in Java?
If there is a mainreason, I'd say its all because of how Java is in comparison to other languages.
If you REALLY want to know the difference between the two, do some research yourself. Nothing better than finding out info on your own.

I would say this though and this is the deal breaker here. A plus to C# is that you need to know it to use XNA. XNA is a beast within itself and promotes rapid and easy development of indie games. Look it up too. :] I have personally used it and it is pretty awesome.
XNA...I'll look into that.


Smash Lord
Dec 30, 2007
heres the bottom line:
We're game development here.
How many companies make professional games in Java?
fair, but C#'s dominance p. much only because of XNA

If there is a mainreason, I'd say its all because of how Java is in comparison to other languages.
lol super main reason

if you want to know why you're STILL wrong, go do some research yourself
the bottom line is that there is no way to justify the claim your siblings analogy makes

if instead you'd rather continue hating on 2005-era java so that people think you're 'in the know' bout these things go right on ahead smashboards is listening xfd


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
Alright I'll admit. I don't exactly keep up with the progression of languages I don't actively use. So maybe Java did become better while I was not paying attention(Or cared...). =\
Besides. Like I said, We're in game development, so the very bottom line here is C# has perks that make game development easier and/or faster(XNA, Direct3D, etc)


Smash Rookie
Feb 4, 2010
Being a space pirate, I hop from planet to planet.
Thought about it and I suppose I should point you in the right direction with XNA.

Download Visual Studios Express Edition 2008 for C#. Its completely free and works well. The builds you make however are only compatible with other VS Express 2008 for C#. So some tutorials you get won't work unless you recompile the source code.

Download XNA Game Studio 3.1

You can find both of those on google.

Riemers XNA tutorials here: http://www.riemers.net/
Seriously. His tutorials are awesome.
If you need help on anything specific, google it and they probably have a tutorial on it or someone has asked a question about it.

Being that I personally actively use XNA and I'm pretty friendly, you can ask me for help anytime. =)
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