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Aren't you just sick of rating teams? (oh well!)


Smash Apprentice
Oct 8, 2006
Orlando, FL
so yeah, i am kinda stuck and would like some help.
a few questions, that kinda thing.

in other words. rate my team?

it's a work in progress and i still have a few decisions to make like most people so.

here you go.

Infernape (nicknamed INFURNACE)
(item suggestion? NO CHOICE ITEMS)
Jolly nature (29 DV speed WHOOP)

Swords Dance
Close Combat
Flare Blitz
U-turn (to mix it up a little bit, the type coverage isn't wonderful but it's good when the little hot headed monkey's in a tight spot)

Gyrados (strangely nicknames GERADON)
(item suggestion? NOOO FRICKIN CHOICE ITEMS)
Adamant nature (you can reach a good enough speed with enough speed ev's anyway)

Dragon Dance
Earthquake (i don't trust stone edge's accuracy, plus double intimidate double earthquake is nice....)
Aqua Tail
Ice Fang (in desperate need of an ice move sooooo...)

Meganium (nicknamed GIGANIUM. how original.)
(have no idea what item to pick)
Bold Nature (needed defense on my team)

Giga Drain (i would do energy ball but i need the extra staying power)
Protect (nice for toxi-stalling/stayin alllliiiiiiive)

Blissey (nicknamed BELTESSY)
Leftovers (DUUUUH btw i don't want more than one of the same item on my team)
Bold nature or calm? which one should i breed for...

Aromatherapy (my wonderful aromatherapist)
Thunder Wave (needed paralysis support)
Seismic Toss
Softboiled (all hail blissey's staying power! thank god softboiled isn't affected by weather...)

Gengar (nicknamed KARNAGORE. oh the pun. =) needed a special sweeper
(Item please?)
Timid Nature (a timid gengar is like seeing a brave psyduck. it would never happen)

Thunderbolt (needed electric type move)
Shadow Ball
Mean Look
Hypnosis (i would have gone with Will-O-Wisp but sleepy is always nice considering burn is mostly good for physical sweepers and gengar's special defense aint hot enough to take a good special hit, should the situation ever arise)

Salamence (oddly nicknamed DERAMENCE)
(as you can guess, item?)
Jolly Nature

Dragon Dance
Dragon Claw
Earthquake (there goes the double intimidate double quake i was talking about)
Roost (i needed some decent staying power, and with good prediction it saves Mence from Rock-related doom and icy OHKOs.)

as a side note, infernape is nice and all, but i'm awfully tempted by my blaziken.
a few reasons.

the key difference between blaze and the ape is speed. Blaze has more hitting power (120 base attack, 110 SA when compared to fernie's 104 i believe on both stats) but the ape has a base 108 speed while blaze has something near 80...
sure the ape has 71 base for de and SD and the chicken has 70, big whoop.

the ape has 76 base hp and blaze has 80.


reason number two.

I was lucky enough to get my hands on a shiny torchic. breeded, with a jolly nature. and once you go shiny, you never go back.

it has incredible DV's (it must, i haven't checked it yet, but at lv. 100 it's stats are pretty neat.

HP 326
AT 301
DE 201
SA 252
SD 178
SP 243

the bad news? it wasn't ev trained, but that can be undone with berries and redone with patience.

it currently knows

Swords Dance
Sky Uppercut
Earthquake (i will probably regrettably replace this with stone edge)
Flare Blitz

any suggestions?


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
Consider replacing Infernape's U-Turn with Stone Edge.

Gyarados- Waterfall>WaterTail. And Taunt is a popular choice nowadays. I've always hated it, but a lot of people support it so I guess it must be good.

I wouldn't use Meganium as a toxic staller.
Go with Shuckle instead. Toxic/Wrap/Protect/Rest OR Toxic/Knock Off/Rest/Sandstorm

Blissey/Gengar/Salamance look fine. Just make sure Salamance doesn't get hit with an Ice attack or else Roost wont save you at all.

I'm sorry to say this, but there's no redeeming your shiny Blaziken once it's reached level 100. Sure, you can reduce the crappy EVs it's earned, but since it's at level 100, it cant gain any more EXP and therefore cant earn any more EVs. You could use vitamins, but that only goes so far.

PS: Infernape is better. Speed, yo!


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2006
San Juan P.R. PKMN D/P FC - 4940 2077 9502
-Go Bold on Bliss (lol), and that's the standart moveset so its ok. 252hp 252def 6spdef.
-I have seen timid gengars, they can outspeed lot of stuff. But why Mean Look? I f you can't Batton Pass, or don't have the proper moveset, Mean Look is useless. Replace that with Sludge Bomb. You can run with Sludge Bomb, Shadow Ball, T-bolt and Energy Ball or something like that.
-Gyarados is good the way it its.
-Don't run a Jolly Mence if it knows Dragon Dance. He will outspeed almost anything if not anything. DD, EQ, Stone Edge and Dragon Claw?
-Run Blaze if you want him that much :D it look flashy.
-Meganium, Bold is ok. Leech Seed is pretty good IMO, and Sub. Stick with Gigadrain, and perhaps Aromateraphy/GrassWhistle?

Nice team.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 8, 2006
Orlando, FL
ok we got people postin lots of neat stuff that i said i didn't want.


It aint reliable enough for me.

meganium isn't used as a toxi staller, that's just a bonus.
I figured i would be running with a different moveset with meganium anyway.

I considered putting aromatherapy on meganium and either scrapping blissey or replacing aromatherapy with something else.
i decided against it, but if someone can come up with somethin good i'll consider it.

and sludge bomb is NOT THE GREATEST MOVE EVER ON GENGAR. sure it gets stab and hits hard, but poison type moves SUCK offensively. ok maybe they're not that bad, but it aint beautiful for type coverage anyway.

and last i checked blaze's EVs can be undone via berries and redone by using the PC storage.

(If you don't believe me, ev train a pokemon and before it gains a level, put it in the pc and take it out. it should have its proper EV gains on it)

and i need item suggestionnnnns!!

btw, thanx for the advice so far guys, appreciate VEEERY MUCH. =)


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
and last i checked blaze's EVs can be undone via berries and redone by using the PC storage.

(If you don't believe me, ev train a pokemon and before it gains a level, put it in the pc and take it out. it should have its proper EV gains on it)

and i need item suggestionnnnns!!
No it cant. I've tried it. Maybe in the older versions, yes, but not anymore. Eitehr way, Infernape still>Blaziken, but do whatever you like. We all have our favorites and not using them just because they're inferior is no fun at all.

Infernape-Life Orb/Expert Belt
Gyarados-Life Orb
Blissey-Leftovers duh
Salamance- Choice Specs

For Salamence, consider going with a special sweeper.
Draco Metoer/Dragon Pulse/Flamethrower/Surf


Smash Rookie
Jun 14, 2007
Meganium is a pretty bad poke in general. Cresselia, Bronzong, Skarm, Weezing et al. make much better walls, and that's what it seems you are using Meganium for. Here are some 'sets to consider to replace Mega:


~Sleep Talk
~Calm Mind
~Toxic/Ice Beam/Psychic/filler

Will stay out FOREVER. Cressy has amazing Def, SpDef, and HP. Distribute EVs accordingly between those three.


~Thunder/Fire Blast/Explosion
~Shadow Ball/Sludge Bomb/Explosion

Hazes stat ups and is a great physical tank. Pwnt by psychics though. Explosion is nice for finishing up and you may want to stick it in there somewhere but it's not necessary.

and of course, Skarm:


~Drill Peck/Steel Wing

Spikes to annoy, Whirlwind to haze, Roost or Rest to ... you know, and Drill Peck/Steel Wing to actually attack. xP The classic wall.

Any of those would be better than Meganium.

Oh, and use Infernape.
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