I don't like them. I'm terrible at killing them. I get all shaky when I get out a magazine or something, and when I hit it, I basically run away and then come back because I get so squeamish around them.
But the thing I really get scared around are centipieds. My god, those things are freaky. They aren't that common to see, but one time, I was in my basement reading this instruction book for something, and I saw one. I hate those things deeply, because when you hit them, they keep squirming. And they move so freakishly...So anyway, I saw a pretty big one, not like those tiny things, more like 2 inches long, and I flip out cause the thing was pretty fast. I lifted the open book over my head, and just threw it downward. I just threw it straight at the ground and got freaked out and backed up. I lifted the book to find a squished centipied on it. I threw the book back down and went upstairs to get my mom to get the thing off.
I am really that bad. I can't dispose of insects for some reason...But especially centipieds. I have...um...Centiaphobia...or something.