lol at that marth failing the grab release CG. But yeah those were some good matches really. I would say you need to spend less time throwing out smash attacks and more time racking up damage. More jabs, more ftilts, more aerials in general, more PK Fire. Marth can have a really hard time getting in if you space PK Fires really well.
You really need to work on your recovery. PKT2 shouldn't have issues with being edgehogged except from very long distances. Just angle yourself upward more so that you'll wall hug if the opponent is staying there or else aim for just slightly above the ledge a little bit. This way if the opponent gets up from the ledge you can fall back down to it or else just land on the stage and take whatever minor punishment they have time to give. And don't forget the rope snake is your friend. I usually try to recover low rather than high because it's more difficult to edgeguard and you can get to the stage faster with the rope snake. If you do have to recover high try to magnet pull to give yourself some more options. Also on the subject of recovery from a different sense, when being hit upward Dair immediately to live to higher percentages. Your DI in general is somewhat lacking. DI away from Marth's dancing blades and you'll escape his downward variation's final hit everytime.
You really should be fast falling your Dairs. Fast falling aerials can be a pain when B-sticking I know. That's the main reason I don't use it. You need to either find a way around it or settle on c-sticking. There is nothing worth compromising your aerial mobility for. Nair to Utilt is highly overrated. Look at 2:15 of the third video. You Nair to Utilt and leave yourself with zero options and allow Marth a free hit on you. In general you're better off with an autocancelled Nair final hit and chase with SH Nairs, Fairs or PK Fire. Figure out where that final hit of Nair really is. It'll help you a ton. Lucas sucks at juggling. Best option I've come up with is FH Nair properly spaced followed immediately by Uair if they airdodge. Just Uair if they attack since it'll hit through a lot of things and has an oddly shaped hitbox.
Rolling is rarely your best option and rolling toward your opponent is often suicide. Work on it.