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Anyone play Heroes of Newerth?


Smash Champion
Apr 13, 2008
Gold Coast - Australia
Honnn Honn Omg Honnnn <3<3 Love Honnn So Much Moar Than Everything Else Omg Honnn <3 Better Than Breathing And Eating Honnn Ohh Yeahhh! I Dont Even Blink When I Play It Cuz I Dont Wanna Miss A Second Of It!!! <3<3 Go Play Honnn.

Edit: Well that stupid yelling thing just ruined all my caps.


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2009
South Australia, Australia
I know it's like a upgrade to dota but does it have the same angry elitist community that dota does?
If not then i'll just stick with dota, the real fun in dota is watching idiots go crazy and start claiming how they are going to kill one another. Also when a noob is in the game, the payouts never end when that happens. If anything goes wrong its somehow the noobs fault. He should've been there to help u!

True Romance

Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2008
Perth, WA
As some one who was a very good Dota player (played in mym, runners up in state cpl and was a voucher in australian inhouse league) I will say HoN is an infinitely better game.

It's the same **** with more polish better game mechanics, an anti leaver system and in built rankings. Plus it has some of the most amazing net code you will ever see. However on that note it still has the same ****er community Dota has, mostly because half of the HoN community are ex dota players lol.

I'm over that whole genre of gaming tbh, and only have the odd game of HoN with some mates, but if there are people here who are thinking of switching from Dota to HoN I'd say you'd be making the right decision.


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2009
South Australia, Australia
Dota on Wc3 has changed quite a bit.
There is no anti leaver system, but there is an anti countdown leaver system. Game's will not start until all players slots are filled, if someone leaves with 1 sec to go, it aborts starting and waits for a new person to join. Also if the host leaves it means nothing, the game will still go on as it's hosted by a bot.
Bot's now host a large percentage of battle.net games now. These bots are fairly awesome, they tracks scores, stats and such. They run at 100mbps connections so there's never lag in game and now u can play with ppl from all over the world. It even prevents potential laggers or spoofed names from even entering the game.

There's no such thing as an anti-leaver system. People will just pull the plug or close the program. From what i just read all this ant leaver system does is put u as a leaver on ur stat record? Some of the features i seen though are pretty awesome.

It's obvious its better than dota.

True Romance

Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2008
Perth, WA
By anti leaver I mean if you have 20% leaves you will NOT be able to play any games that aren't hosted by non leavers. Gives you something to think about when you're considering rage quiting. Plus since you will *eventually* pay for your account it's not like you can just **** around leaving and you'll be ok, to get a new account is bad news.

Another feature I really have liked about HoN is the abillity to reconnect to games. If you disconnect you have a 10 minutes period to reconnect, which is awesome for some one with flakey net like me :)
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