Smash Apprentice
Okay so my Wii started messing up awhile ago, by not reading Brawl all the time. But it would still read it if I would eject and put the game back in ohh so many times. But then it wouldn't ever read it. And now it will pretty much never read any games. Accept Red steal. And I assume thats because that games on a CD not DVD like most games. Half the time the disc drive doesn't even spin. And won't read anything at all. The other times it'll try and fail (With the exception of Red Steal, and the other day resident evil but it only read that up till I got to the game menu). I've sent it into Nintendo but they won't fix it cause I had the HBC on it (I updated to 4.3 thinking it would make it so Nintendo wouldn't be able to tell I had the HBC). So basically now I'm stuck with a Wii thats unhacked and won't read discs. I have it open up though... So does anyone have any idea on how I can fix this?