I hate to break it to you, but that doesn't make any sense. The fact that you've been saying things for three pages doesn't mean you've reasonably refuted anything I've said, and I'm not dismissing what you're saying for no reason at all.
I've refuted
everything you've said, multiple times.
You say 'Second hand smoke kills.' I show you logical reasons why it absolutely does not, and then present a study that shows that it doesn't provide a reasonable risk.
You ignore this, and continue to say it kills, when it doesn't. Aside from the fact that it does not kill, by the terms of my argument you still NEVER have to be around it. Some businesses will allow it, some won't, use the ones that don't. You never have to breathe in smoke, except when passing by someone outside who is smoking, and in that case you barely even smell it due to how fast it disperses. And you agree with me, that there should be smoking-allowed establishments.
Then you say that it has a risk, and therefore should be banned. I've already been over 100 times that EVERYTHING has a risk, it's a matter of whether or not it's a reasonable risk, in the case of second hand smoke NO, there is no reasonable risk to fatality. See said study, and logic. If you avoid smoke, there's simply no way you can take in enough to be damaged by it. That small risk inherent in smoke is inherent in anything else as well, you don't ban cars because they can get into accidents, you don't ban sharp objects because they may hurt people. Small risk is no reason to globally ban smoking in public places.
Then, you say that smoking is annoying. OK, I agree, it is, but that's no reason to ban it, you tolerate it. Just like I tolerate morons, people who blast loud rap music and people who sit in public and have a long text conversation on my phone. I overcome the desire to yell at them to just ****ing call the person, and go on with my day. Something annoying you is no reason to ban anything.
You say that it has no utility, but if people like it IT OBVIOUSLY HAS UTILITY. This isn't even an argument, you're just wrong, saying smoking is pointless and provides nothing is just ignorant. It obviously does, or millions of people wouldn't pay tons of money to do it...
You don't have any arguments past those, which I have repeatedly refuted. You don't even respond to most of it. I am simply saying that second hand smoke does not pose a risk to you, at all unless you choose to be around it. Smokers have the right to smoke, and employers have the right to allow or disallow smoking in their establishments. Most places will ban it, some will allow it, and if you don't like smoking then don't go into the few places that allow it. For the most part, what you say agrees with what I say, except you keep insisting, with no proof that second hand smoke just kills you. It doesn't. That doesn't even make sense, as I've demonstrated, and am not going to continue to argue, because you clearly aren't listening. The only way to get the problems of smoking is either to smoke, or to be around second hand smoking so much that you develop the problems a smoker would, and you choose whether or not to be in that situation. The only exception is a parent smoking around a kid, which is another issue entirely.