You guys have to admit that after 3 years of development and 3 delays.. 35 characters.. which include clones
and a robot (lawl?) is a shortcoming.
Okay then...
Super Mario Galaxy fails hardcore. You guys have to admit that after a long time of development and delays... only 2 characters... which include a clone since Luigi has the same moves of Mario with only different movement. Since stages are not important nor is music, the game sucks.
Okay okay, that was pretty bad... disregard that.
BUT, there's three things to keep in mind:
1. This same exact thing happened with Melee also, lots of people HATED the roster, ect.
2. Most fighting games nowadays have a number around this also, sometimes even less. Heck, GGXX:AC only has... 21 guys I think? I'm not sure, but it's in the 20s. Oh noes, that means the game is made of fail because there aren't that many guys! Now seriously, developers generally only go for a certain number of characters and not all they can cram in. Why? Because of BALANCE. While it's almost impossible for a game to be perfectly balanced, if they have more characters then they have the power to test a lot and balance out, the game can get ugly. Example? SSBM. Now let's look at Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution. THAT'S balance. There still is a tier list, but that game was balanced quite well. SSBM, however, had 6 clones, and not a lot of different guys were used in play.
Be honest with yourself, would you rather have 50 guys that are unbalanced with only 5 to 10 used in competitive play, and one single character that a newbie can start with and immediately start kicking butt with? I'm talking Sheik here, and remember, she was on the top for a long time.
3. The Dojo updates spoiled most of you. Seriously. LOOK at all the fan favorites that got in! King DDD? R.O.B. (I'm tempted to main him, I like the little bugger, although he isn't really a fan favorite..)? Pokemon Trainer? OLIMAR? LUCARIO? IKE?!?!?!? META KNIGHT?!?!?!?!? Geez, if you didn't know ANY of the roster before hand, you'd be flipping amazed I bet!
I mean, let's do the math here
26 guys in Melee. Let's cut Roy, Dr. Mario, Pichu, and Mewtwo. 22.
The total of guys to play in Brawl is 39 (Sheik, ZZS, PT).
39 - 22 = ..... 17..... 17 new guys! That's more new guys than Melee's 14! You guys just checked the Dojo a lot, so you knew most of the roster beforehand. Imagine if you DIDN'T know any of the roster beforehand! Again, plenty of fan favorites got in!
Also, keep in mind the ATs. You know, what they did to include characters that wouldn't be good to them as a PC? Oh yeah, Bosses too!
I wished a few characters were PCs, but after looking it over, I find the roster amazing. The number of stages is also staggering, and all the other stuff they cramped in? Amazing.
In the end, it's just your view take on it, but I love the roster.