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Announcement: Unity Ruleset v1.2 - The Creation of Infractions

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Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
To the Smash community,

Recently the integrity of our tournaments has come under attack. While most would agree having the best players possible at events is in the interest of the community, it should also be noted that it is only beneficial if these players are playing at their best capacity and not attempting to manipulate the tournament for their own collective good. The issue directly at hand is splitting, as it has caused what should be high profile, amazing matches, to instead become a battle of players not trying their hardest, using secondaries, or worse, playing "reverse mains" and also forfeiting. This, because the players have chosen, before playing, how to divy up the winnings of the tournament. This hurts the image of the individual tournament and of the overall Smash community, and this behavior will no longer be tolerated. The BBR-RC is taking the following stance and amending it's ruleset, partially mirroring and in the same spirit as recent decisions made by The Evolution Fighting Game Championship Series, in order to combat this awful practice that has already severely scarred the community (e.g. MLG DC and the Midnight Gaming Championship).

The first players to be infracted and receive a Yellow Card under the already established authority of the Unity Ruleset, Conduct Rule #5, in conjunction with the newly created Infraction System (category: Bracket Manipulation), are Mew2King, ADHD, and Anti. This is due to their actions at this weekends tournament-KTAR5, where the players agreed to a split the money allocated for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place, respectively. This has been confirmed by Tournament Organizer Keitaro. This Yellow Card will be in effect for a period of 6 months, ending Monday, November 21st, 2011.

We hope future action will not need to be taken, but the Tournament Organizers in the BBR-RC, representing the largest collective of Tournament Organizers ever in the Smash community, with over 50% of tournaments in the community now using the Unity Ruleset, has the unique ability to prevent future issues from occurring. We hope the entire Smash community can work together to collectively cry out in disgust at the all to common action of splitting, as it has deprived the community of prestige, integrity, and most of all amazing matches that participants of any tournament deserve.

-The BBR Ruleset Committee

The new section can be viewed in full below

Unity Ruleset Infraction System

Players found in contempt of rules within the Unity Ruleset are subject to the Infraction System. This is a system where players can receive either a Yellow Card or a Red Card in a certain category by the members of the BBR-RC based on evidence and discussion.


Yellow Cards are given for lesser offenses, or as warnings for larger ones. Players with a Yellow Card are under extra watch by tournament hosts for later offenses. If a player receives a Yellow Card in a category they already have an active one in, they will be given a Red Card for that category.

Red Cards are given for larger offenses, or by accumulating two active Yellow Cards in a single category. If a player has an active Red Card, they are unable to participate in any events hosted at a tournament using the Unity Ruleset.

Cards given to players will have a set expiration date determined on a case-by-case basis by the BBR-RC. Yellow Cards will typically carry longer active periods as a warning lasting approximately between one and twelve months. Red Cards typically carry lesser active periods lasting approximately between two and eight weeks, acting as a tournament ban. Expiration dates may be set differently depending on the severity of the infraction and repeated occurrence of them.

Cards are assigned a category when distributed based on the rule that was broken. Red Cards gained by accumulating two or more Yellow Cards only happens if the Yellow Cards are obtained in the same category. Categories also help represent the severity of a sentence, as some categories are more important than others. Categories will be decided on when the infraction is given by the BBR-RC. Some examples of categories (but not all of them) are listed below.


Bracket Manipulation: This category is for any offense that pertains to players modifying the outcome of a bracket based on factors such as (but not limited to) Prize Splitting, Intentional Forfeiting, Intentional Under-performance, and Outside Deals. This category may bring additional punishment immediately at the tournament by the Tournament Organizer such as being disqualified from the event or having your winnings forfeited to other placing players at the event.

Tournament Conduct: This category is for any offense that pertains to players acting out of line at tournaments. This includes factors such as (but not limited to) Fighting, Disruption, Theft, and Destruction of Property. This category may bring additional punishment immediately at the tournament by the Tournament Organizer such as being ejected from the venue.

Distribution and Operation of Cards

  • Everyone may view the status of all distributed cards including their category, expiration date, and assigned player in the following thread: (link to player blacklist thread)
  • Cards will be assigned by the BBR-RC as a whole after discussion following the event in question. Cards may be assigned at any time.
  • Cards do not have to be tied to a specific action at a specific event.
  • Anyone is able to contact any member of the BBR-RC to suggest the distribution of a card, as well as provide evidence that may aid in the decision of the distribution.
  • The BBR-RC may assign cards to players based on events not using the Unity Ruleset.
  • All events using the Unity Ruleset must abide by the player blacklist formed by the Infraction System.
  • Any host not using the Unity Ruleset in its entirety is still welcome to use the player blacklist if they choose.
  • Any player who receives a card is more than welcome to contact any member of the BBR-RC with a counter argument for why they should have not received a certain card.
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