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"Animal Kirby, mk. I": The Kirby v. Diddy Kong MU Thread


Smash Journeyman
Oct 7, 2014

"Animal Kirby, mk. I": The Kirby v. Diddy Kong MU Thread

Welcome to the Kirby vs. Diddy Kong thread! This thread is an open-discussion thread detailing the matchup between Kirby and Diddy Kong. DK's nimble partner remains dominant after Brawl, but Kirby's improved since his Brawl appearance. What can be expected between the Ultimate Star Warrior and the Lord of Hoo-Hah? Discuss!


Smash Journeyman
Oct 7, 2014
This is an important post to everyone, so listen up!

It should be noted, that these are open discussions, meaning that we are not asking or wanting match-up ratios! We want an analysis of what each character can do to each other to help with how this match-up goes. Please stick with discussing all of the possible things that each character can do to each other.


Smash Ace
Aug 27, 2015
Ah, Diddy Kong. I would say that prior to patches 1.0.6 and 1.0.8, we lost this matchup BIG TIME. Diddy's Banana , F-Air, and Peanut Gun made approaching a tricky enough matter. But what really wrecked it for us was the good old Hoo Hah. Kirby being one of the lightest characters made it even easier than normal for Diddy to get a grab and send up into the blast line with an Up Air. Between really good frame data, speed, better aerials, projectiles, set up tool in the banana, and his broken kill set up, it was not a fun time for Kirby. The only notable edge we had was that a Diddy forced to recover with the Rocket Barrels was a relatively easy gimp and the Monkey Flip was predictable. Aside for a better off stage game, we really didn't have much going for us.

But as time went on, things changed. Nintendo saw how broken Diddy was and dropped the nerf hammer HARD. Diddy's frame data was toned down slightly such as having more lag on missed grabs, his Down Throw no longer confirmed into solid kill moves and Up Throw was slightly toned down, and his damage output as whole dropped big time. But most notably though, they nuked his infamous Hoo Hah. Without rage, it won't kill until very high percents and the Up Aerial has more end lag, hurting its combo potential.

Meanwhile, things have only gotten better for Kirby. Our jabs have become more solid, our Inhale is now viable, and we now have legitimate combos out of F-Throw that even Diddy isn't immune to.

How does this all mesh now? Well this matchup went from being pretty bad, to largely even. Thanks to all of Diddy's nerfs, we now last longer in the battle, and thanks to our buffs, we can rack up damage more easily and get his Peanut gun. It's not a matchup changer, but can come in handy, especially since Diddy loves to camp slow characters out at times. And now that we stand on more even ground, we get more opportunities to knock the monkey off stage and prey on his poor recovery which we can easily do with D-Air and Down B. Most of all though, his Hoo Hah is a shell of its former self. At most he can get some damage off with it, but he can no longer get an easy kill on us with it as we now have much easier time floating out of his combos.

Of course, can't sleep on Diddy. His continued, high performance in the metagame prove that while he's no longer OP, he's still a force to be reckoned with. His banana still gives him guaranteed follow ups in his still good Smashes, his speed still lets outmaneuver us, his F-Air can still keep us at bay, and his damage output is still better than ours. Also, while he has lost a crucial kill option in his Hoo Hah, he can still trip us with his bananas and bop us. We on the other hand still don't have a reliable kill option. (I think D-Air to D-Smash works relatively well on him but it wouldn't compare to having a reliable kill throw in Up Throw).

I personally feel that the matchup is still in his favor, but the gap is WAY smaller than it used to be. Diddy's strengths against us have been massively toned down while our strengths against him have become more practical. It's now a perfectable do-able matchup for us as long as we don't underestimate his less effective, but still potent strengths and options. And if we get good kill setup or throw, it'll probably become even.


Smash Rookie
Jul 21, 2015
I'm getting next to nothing out of this thread so I'll just add in a few things.

Diddy's Uthrow into Uair still gets him free damage so be careful of a Diddy carrying a banana in hand as Diddy's love to glide toss the banana into grab, the stupid little chimp just making a mess of everyone with a banana peel. We combo with Fthrow into fair usually, use Dthrow if you can't grab combo him anymore for damage.

Diddy has a load of movement, monkey flip into downb reverse is an option Diddy players are picking up so it's something you should be aware of. He's not so good offstage, if you tap him while charging rocket barrels his stock is gone. You should always threaten diddy if you think he will monkey flip for recovery, dair is great and a perfectly spaced bair.

If you get his banana you can use it against him OR just keep it near you. When diddy players don't have a banana they get steaming mad and want to fight because it's such a powerful tool for him. Ideal setups for if you use it against him would be Glide toss > Dair > utillts or if they are at kill percent feel free to do glide toss fsmash.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2015
Monkey Flip it's predictable, you can hit him out of it or trade in your favor with bair.

Do your best to take his jump and gimp the rocketbarrel with pretty much whatever you want!

Use your ftilts/dtilts, they are pretty dang fast and beat out his ftilt and uptilt, only his dtilt comes out super fast but if you space it correctly I believe it clashes with your own(could be wrong here?)
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