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An Alt. Edge Option


Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2009
SoCal :I
Haven't seen anyone do this nor mention it. Basically, how to get a naner if you're hanging on the edge. There's 4 ways this is going to happen.

#1: You release the edge without fast-falling and simultaneously pull out a naner. After, use your second jump to Z-catch. You can make it back onto the edge or the stage with little charge of the rocketbarrels.

#2: You release the edge but fast-fall while in the animation of taking out a naner, you can, again, use your double jump to Z-catch it. This time though, you're going to need a bit more charge for the barrels, and you can't make it onto the stage, just back to the edge.

#3: You release the edge without the fast-fall and do the same stuff as before BUT in this scenario you mess up and airdodge(caught the naner though), this will work the same as #2 because of lost air/height/etc. and you will be unable to get on top of the stage, only the edge again.

#4: You release the edge and fast-fall, AND you airdodge but catch the naner. This is the failing part of the trick. You cannot recover, not onto the stage or edge, not enough time for sufficient charging of the barrels.

#1 = Success
#2 & #3 = Chance of a stock loss
#4 = Garuanteed stock loss.

Beware: Remember that you're vulnerable to being stage spiked. If it wasn't already obvious.

Hope this wasn't already discovered and helps anyone who didn't know. O:


Smash Cadet
Dec 28, 2008
Wow I like the first one. Just seems really risky if the opponent is close when you attempt it. Does tilting down when you do the DownB make you fastfall or do you need the Bstick to be able to pull this off?

EDIT:Btw this is Bellioes. Forgot to logout.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
yeah, I already knew about the first one. It's not that great because you have a good chance of being gimped when going up against characters like MK. I also found out when experimenting with this is that if you side-b after you Z catch in the 1st scenario, then you charge your barrels without having to turn them because you'll slide up along the stage on stages like BF and SV, and it's less of a chance they'll edgehog you
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