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Air glide Toss Experiment Help


Smash Cadet
Dec 24, 2008
Cedar Hill, Texas and Hawkins, Texas (college)
Ok Diddy Boards. I have this experiment that I can't really test because I am currently lacking a Wii. Now the last time I had actually played Brawl I was busy trying to see if Toon Link could glide toss. (One of my friends plays TL and I didn't know about the Glide toss thread on SWF). Sad to say I learned he could not. he goes absolutely nowhere. Now just for fun I did it in mid-air. And I got a sort of melee air-dodge esque toss. Normally when you toss an item in mid-air you just keep moving in whatever direction you were just moving in and just toss the item. But when I did a mid-air dodge with TL and did a glide toss to throw the item he moved to in the opposite direction I threw it at. Kind of like a Melee Air Dodge.

Since I am without a Wii I was wondering if I could get somebody to test this out with other characters. Mainly Diddy. And see if: a) I was delusional and seeing things, b) If it was true and can only TL do it or can other characters do it, c) if the distance is the same with every character or does the ground glide toss help determine air glide toss movement.

If the answer happens to be A then we can just put that as me being noobish and delusional. If this has already been discussed ANYWHERE at all then can you please close this topic and put a link so I can view the topic. Thanks in advance.

(Hopes for no flaming for being stupid if this doesn't work out.)


Smash Cadet
Dec 24, 2008
Cedar Hill, Texas and Hawkins, Texas (college)
Hasnt been discussed yet and I've never heard of it. If you can find out a way to do that I'll love you.
Sadly I can't do the experiment myself. :( I am lacking a Wii and Brawl. So I have to ask on the Diddy boards if this is at all possible. I know it sounds odd but I do believe what I saw with TL. I've been meaning to ask but I keep getting sidetracked with other random stuff. Izaw's Combo Video with Link is too good.

white peachy

Smash Ace
Nov 28, 2004
Connecticut, USA
It's A. Sorry.

From a neutral shop hop to an input glide toss causes diddy to move slightly forward/backward because of (what I would guess) c-stick DI or the natural throwing motion.


GimR, Co-Founder of VGBootCamp
Nov 2, 2006
I know how to do a semi Glide toss in the air with diddy but I'm not saying how until I put the vid up.(A month or two)


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
Sadly I can't do the experiment myself. :( I am lacking a Wii and Brawl. So I have to ask on the Diddy boards if this is at all possible. I know it sounds odd but I do believe what I saw with TL. I've been meaning to ask but I keep getting sidetracked with other random stuff. Izaw's Combo Video with Link is too good.

Ya I'd like to see his link in action vs decent players. As for testing I been practicing mind games with that single dribble and practicing set ups for that single lock on my free time. Other than that, it's work. I'll do a little testing when i get off tonight and see what I can get.


Smash Cadet
Dec 24, 2008
Cedar Hill, Texas and Hawkins, Texas (college)
It's A. Sorry.

From a neutral shop hop to an input glide toss causes diddy to move slightly forward/backward because of (what I would guess) c-stick DI or the natural throwing motion.
It's not the natural throwing motion since whatever direction you throw can't cause you to move in mid-air. So I guess it falls under Smash DI and not actual glide tossing. If that's the case then apparently you can Smash DI your throws? Not sure if other characters can move more or if the distance is the same but that's interesting to know all the same.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
In the recent Ness discussion I learned that Ness players already know about this (I think this is what you're talking about), they use their double jump close to the ground and throw a banana or something and slide...err..something like that, they weren't very clear, but they told me that it was somewhat like glidetossing, just from the air.

white peachy

Smash Ace
Nov 28, 2004
Connecticut, USA
It's not the natural throwing motion since whatever direction you throw can't cause you to move in mid-air. So I guess it falls under Smash DI and not actual glide tossing. If that's the case then apparently you can Smash DI your throws? Not sure if other characters can move more or if the distance is the same but that's interesting to know all the same.

The distance is very minimal. It could even just be normal DI from the control stick (you have to input the rolling animation anyway...just in the air instead of the ground) I didn't test it out of a full or double jump but I can't really see any practical applications for this short hopped one. I know there's multiple methods of glidetossing, I use the standard c-stick variety. It would be nice if another diddy tested double/full hop single jumps, with DACIT or another variety of glide tossing I might not now about. Still nice to know I guess.
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