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After a long break... (vids)

Cynan Machae

Smash Journeyman
Oct 3, 2007
Montréal, Quebec, Canada
SO, I haven't been playing brawl really since the beginning of the summer, and just started again like 3-4 days ago. Since I can't really play offline if I want to play decent people ( :( ), I started playing on GammeBattles on WiFi. Anyway, to cut the intro short, even tho I know that ZSS has some trouble online, I don't want to switch characters, ZSS rocks, and here I am again.

Last march I posted a thread with a few of my matches looking for pointers for improvement. I've watched them again and well... I'm not really impressed by the quality of my play back then :ohwell:

So I recorded a few matchs, and uploaded those that were against opponents about equally skilled (cause one-way ***** aren't really interesting). Here they are:

Cynan (ZSS) vs Nash (Snake)
Cynan (ZSS) vs IxxI (Snake)
Cynan (ZSS) vs Zephramrill (G&W) - Game 1
Cynan (ZSS) vs Zephramrill (PT) - Game 2
Cynan (ZSS) vs WestCoastNinja (D3) - Game 1
[url="http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=OPjH0m76fTI]Cynan (ZSS) vs WestCoastNinja (D3) - Game 2[/url]

So first of all, I'd like to know waht would need some improvement. I've been told that I use Plasma Whip way too much, but IMO since I'm not really using it to kill (except when it'S fresh when I jsut died), I don't really see the point of using it as much as I can. I'Ve also had quite some trouble vs smalls fast characters (pikachu, squirtle, etc; see video vs Zephramrill game 2), cause it seems that I can't hit much with my attacks (especially Plasma Whip and it seems I need to change my play >< . Also, I know that I do need to work on my recovery :(

Any input appreciated! Thanks guys.

James Sparrow

Smash Master
Sep 26, 2005
East Wisconsin
after just watching the first one, looked like you needed some improvements in your recovery style. timing the down b and second jump a little better could have saved you your last stock, and some percent earlier. along with that your DI needs to improve. like your last stock, you got ***** by the ftilt because you didn't DI the second hit upward to reduce the knockback's effectiveness. i know that's hard to do online, but those are things you have to start being able to anticipate.

maybe capitalize on your dsmashes a bit better with up b or something idk.

you looked like you were playing pretty solid with most of the right ideas for not having played much in a while.


Mar 16, 2007
You seem to know a lot about what you're doing, but nerves and/or wifi seem to be getting you down a lot. You're often sluggish in response time and your timing's off. I imagine you probably make a better showing in person.

That said, first of all, never listen to anyone that says you use Plasma Whip too much. Anyone who says that should have immediately entered your mind as someone who doesn't know how to fight against or as a ZSS. Use Plasma Whip as much as you like. It's a good move and has a lot of good followups.

Some things I think you could do better:

Use dsmash a bit more, especially when edgeguarding. Oftentimes people will try to roll or stand up from the edge and you can catch them in the dsmash. This can be really deadly. On another note, sometimes if you charge dsmash, it can throw off people's timing, and they'll often walk, jump or roll right into dsmash. I saw Snakeee doing this as C3, and I've incorporated it into my game. Seriously, it's too good.

On the other hand, you should not walk into obvious attacks. Someone very wise once said, don't walk into the ****, and several times you did just that. DDD fsmashes, Snake's explosives, etc. These are things you should note and avoid. You were particularly vulnerable while recovering.

Tangentially related to this, don't let your opponent camp you if you are ahead. If your opponent runs away and starts throwing projectiles at you while you have the lead. Go to the opposite ledge and just Flip Jump infinite edgegrab. Yes, it's gay, but your opponent started it. This would have helped you a lot vs that Snake.

Cynan Machae

Smash Journeyman
Oct 3, 2007
Montréal, Quebec, Canada
after just watching the first one, looked like you needed some improvements in your recovery style. timing the down b and second jump a little better could have saved you your last stock, and some percent earlier. along with that your DI needs to improve. like your last stock, you got ***** by the ftilt because you didn't DI the second hit upward to reduce the knockback's effectiveness. i know that's hard to do online, but those are things you have to start being able to anticipate.
Yea, my recovery is bad, it seems I'm very predictable and sometimes I just screw up and miss the ledge with down B like I did on the first stock of that match >< It need some work.

And yea, thanks for pointing DIing out, it's something I'm pretty sure I never focused enough on. Since I'm not that great at noticing good/bad DI, I don't pay enough attention to it myself :urg:

you looked like you were playing pretty solid with most of the right ideas for not having played much in a while.
Yea well while I didn't really play, I watched vids still and kept myself up-to-date with ZSS's metagame.

That said, first of all, never listen to anyone that says you use Plasma Whip too much. Anyone who says that should have immediately entered your mind as someone who doesn't know how to fight against or as a ZSS. Use Plasma Whip as much as you like. It's a good move and has a lot of good followups.
Yea, that's what I thought. I think it's a move that I handle well and don't want to change it.

Use dsmash a bit more, especially when edgeguarding. Oftentimes people will try to roll or stand up from the edge and you can catch them in the dsmash. This can be really deadly. On another note, sometimes if you charge dsmash, it can throw off people's timing, and they'll often walk, jump or roll right into dsmash. I saw Snakeee doing this as C3, and I've incorporated it into my game. Seriously, it's too good.
Yea, I saw those vids. Charging it seemed quite situational to me, but yea maybe I should try it out. Dsmash is such a great move anyway.

On the other hand, you should not walk into obvious attacks. Someone very wise once said, don't walk into the ****, and several times you did just that. DDD fsmashes, Snake's explosives, etc. These are things you should note and avoid. You were particularly vulnerable while recovering.
Will a lot of those were due to WiFi, it sometimes happen offlien and pisses me off. I jsut try to shield/dodge the attack and punish after, but I miss the timing and then get punished horribly. High risk little reward, I'd say. I need to fix that. On Wifi it's jsut 10x worse.

Tangentially related to this, don't let your opponent camp you if you are ahead. If your opponent runs away and starts throwing projectiles at you while you have the lead. Go to the opposite ledge and just Flip Jump infinite edgegrab. Yes, it's gay, but your opponent started it. This would have helped you a lot vs that Snake.
Yea... it seems that when I get camped I can't stop myself from trying to rush in. Some Falcos gave me that problem, and the same happens with one of my offline friend who mains Lucas, I guess I'll be "gay" lol.

Anyway, thanks guys!
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