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|| Aethercide || {The Ultimate Ike Clan}

Hallowed Storm

Smash Journeyman
Jun 25, 2007
[FONT=&quot]Aethercide was the first character clan on Brawl Central. While it isn't the first here at Smash World Forums, I'd like to say that in my opinion, it is one of the best clans in the Smash Community. It has its own, active forums, located > here <. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]If you would like to join Aethercide, all you have to do is register at the forums.
"Words can lead to both revolutions and wars. Ike will lead us to victory."

To any moderators: I don't believe this is an advertisement post. This is an actual clan, and I want to see if anyone from Smash World wants to be a part of it. Please don't misunderstand me: I still want to respect the rules here. If this is viewed as advertising, this post can be edited or deleted. I'm not trying to advertise for the Aethercide forums, I would just like to give people the option of joining this clan. Thank you.


Wii4Mii 99

Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2007
Registration complete. :D Can't wait to try out this powerhouse in Brawl.

Until wii meet again,
Wii4Mii 99

RoK the Reaper

Smash Lord
Jan 14, 2007
First off, Blood-4-Blood is the best Ike clan, and you shouldn't bring your ****ty like crap over here. First off, we're the clan; You gotta think of somethin' else and stop trying to cop our style. And also, we should do a clan deletion war. B4BC V.S. Aethercide; Keep your s hit on Brawl central where the noob stuff belongs.


Smash Master
Jan 12, 2008
edited again

I added the JK to be nice so you didn't lashout at me like you do the Roy boards HaHa i edited again

RoK the Reaper

Smash Lord
Jan 14, 2007
Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Cause I was sure about to, because I don't take crap =], and I don't like being ordered. Bwah ha. Which is why I always tell people "If it's not your battle, dont' raise arms, you're bound to be stricken down".

RoK the Reaper

Smash Lord
Jan 14, 2007
Mediator, I agree. Though; all in all I'm not too worried. Once Brawl comes out it'll be easy for people after sometime to distinguish the good clans from the bad; and with our good organizational properties within our organization, we'll take on new members and evnetually come out to be the only clan.

Hallowed Storm

Smash Journeyman
Jun 25, 2007
I'm not meaning to start anything bad. If you want me to take out the part about the "Ultimate Ike Clan", then I will. I don't want to start competition with you.
Your Blood 4 Blood clan's posting date says: "02-06-2008". Aethercide, on Brawl Central, was: "24 Jan 2008".
Blood 4 Blood was created 13 days AFTER Aethercide. It looks like WE actually came FIRST. Metroid_01, this also proves to you that I didn't make Aethercide just to have another Ike clan.

You can think what you want to. Aethercide may seem like crap to you. And I really don't care what you think about it. But just because we're more casual than others doesn't mean that you have to kill us for it. Aethercide is for casual users, Blood 4 Blood is for competitive users. I'm sorry if we don't see eye to eye on this, but we can both say what we want, and you're not going to stop me from asking people to join my clan.

And congratulations on having a successful clan.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2007
Riverside, CA.
Rok, quit it with your childish comments. It's the same thing all over again "this clan sucks, mine is better, wanna do a v.s match to see which is better?"
When are you gunna grow the **** up.
And we shouldn't have had more than one clan in the first place, it should just be one big Ike clan. Then we could most likely own any other clans that want to challenge us. But, I've said this once before, you people just don't understand. :/ shame.

RoK the Reaper

Smash Lord
Jan 14, 2007
Kr3w, you aren't one to talk anyway. I'm simply standing up for my clan and what I believe and let others know once they push into our territory that the B4BC won't stand for it.

Yes, I was going to Join the Dues de Animus (Back before it was known as that and more of "Zar's" guild). Though, he was offering invitation to Marth players which in turn, made me create my own. Aethercide states it was established before all of us; though he established it elsewhere and now coming into my dominion.

Next, your clan is less organized and in the long run could eventually fall apart. My clan is for seriosu Ike-players and serious main's of them. You're free to say I'm childish, but so are most people since we're getting this worked up over a game in the first place.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2007
Riverside, CA.
Rok, don't go calling anyone else childish. You were the first one to get worked up because some clan was accepting Marth players and you wanted it YOUR way. boo ****ing hoo, so you decided to make another clan and bash on ours. So what if ours is less organized, is that what defines a clan?
Now I'm looking forward to our vs match just so you can shut the **** up.


Smash Lord
May 22, 2006
Lynnwood, WA
wait is it a clan vs match cuz if it is... you have to beware. XD (not saying Rok cant beat you..) but a clan match... you might be biting off more than you can chew (i think thats how the phrase goes.)

lawl at flaming.

RoK the Reaper

Smash Lord
Jan 14, 2007
Yeah sage, it's a two on two clan match April 9th (One month after brawl comes out for the U.S.) Their best two v.s. our best two. =]


Smash Apprentice
Jan 11, 2008
Zephyr, don't settle for less just because some cocky kid comes in and thinks his clan is the best. Aethercide is the ULTIMATE Ike clan. Not the kind of ultimate Ike clan. Casuals and Competitives alike belong in the clan. The gesture to try to diffuse the situation with the kid is nice but I don't think it's necessary. Who cares about his opinion of Aethercide?

Don't let your view of SWF be tainted because of RoK. Little kids with cocky attitudes are just that. That mentality doesn't apply to the whole of SWF. Considering his reaction to this topic most reasonable people wouldn't join his clan anyways. Not many people like to join clans with childish leaders.

Not to mention you have the help of several intelligent people. There's a lot of change that will happen in Aethercide before the release of Brawl. As far as competition with B4BC clan goes you have nothing to worry about.


Smash Lord
Jan 15, 2008
in a box of fading memories, and everlasting knowl
Zephyr, don't settle for less just because some cocky kid comes in and thinks his clan is the best. Aethercide is the ULTIMATE Ike clan. Not the kind of ultimate Ike clan. Casuals and Competitives alike belong in the clan. The gesture to try to diffuse the situation with the kid is nice but I don't think it's necessary. Who cares about his opinion of Aethercide?

Don't let your view of SWF be tainted because of RoK. Little kids with cocky attitudes are just that. That mentality doesn't apply to the whole of SWF. Considering his reaction to this topic most reasonable people wouldn't join his clan anyways. Not many people like to join clans with childish leaders.

Not to mention you have the help of several intelligent people. There's a lot of change that will happen in Aethercide before the release of Brawl. As far as competition with B4BC clan goes you have nothing to worry about.
I do believe you just insulted me, sagemoon, black waltz, the mediator, roith, and epamek...

Even zar will tell you that at least half of the aforementioned people are reasonable. So why flame us?

RoK the Reaper

Smash Lord
Jan 14, 2007
I'll go ahead and end all of this crap now.

In the end, skills is all that matters; and everything else fades. The person with the skill and most power is the person who runs things. I could be the biggest ******* in the world, but if you can't beat me I'm better than you, this is how competition works, you don't want to be? Then get better.

Considering me childish for being cocky and arrogant is stupid. Childish definition is what exactly? Being "Mature" is what exactly? All in all, what it takes is a leader, and sometimes a leader has to do things that normally you wouldn't do. Alexander the Great and Hitler, they were people that had the possibility of ruling the whole world. Hitler was an *******, but look how much power he had; he went back on his word and that's how he got killed. Alexander the great met his end in an unfortunate way as well. Do I like these people? No, not really, but if you lived in their time you would have feared them.

It's a simple thing that even though they are arrogant, they have power to lead their said nation to victory as long as they don't let it CONSUME them. Trust me, when it's all said and done, B4BC will destroy all with a Blitzkrieg.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 11, 2008
I do believe you just insulted me, sagemoon, black waltz, the mediator, roith, and epamek...

Even zar will tell you that at least half of the aforementioned people are reasonable. So why flame us?
I said most. Not all. You can be loyal to your previous commitment and still be a reasonable person. Sorry if you took insult to what I said.

RoK, arrogance is what gets a person killed. Charisma is what makes a person a great leader. Hitler and Alexander the Great both had that. You also have to realize that fear doesn't quite translate into games where you can't actually die. Hitler and Alexander the Great both had fear on their side. However it's impossible for you to ever have that on your's.

And the childish part is coming into another clan's thread and acting like an ***. Not being cocky. That's why it was an adjective and not just part of child.


Smash Lord
Jan 15, 2008
in a box of fading memories, and everlasting knowl
I said most. Not all. You can be loyal to your previous commitment and still be a reasonable person. Sorry if you took insult to what I said.

RoK, arrogance is what gets a person killed. Charisma is what makes a person a great leader. Hitler and Alexander the Great both had that. You also have to realize that fear doesn't quite translate into games where you can't actually die. Hitler and Alexander the Great both had fear on their side. However it's impossible for you to ever have that on your's.

And the childish part is coming into another clan's thread and acting like an ***. Not being cocky. That's why it was an adjective and not just part of child.
can't everyone just let this topic die...



Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2007
Riverside, CA.
I'll go ahead and end all of this crap now.

In the end, skills is all that matters; and everything else fades. The person with the skill and most power is the person who runs things. I could be the biggest ******* in the world, but if you can't beat me I'm better than you, this is how competition works, you don't want to be? Then get better.

Considering me childish for being cocky and arrogant is stupid. Childish definition is what exactly? Being "Mature" is what exactly? All in all, what it takes is a leader, and sometimes a leader has to do things that normally you wouldn't do. Alexander the Great and Hitler, they were people that had the possibility of ruling the whole world. Hitler was an *******, but look how much power he had; he went back on his word and that's how he got killed. Alexander the great met his end in an unfortunate way as well. Do I like these people? No, not really, but if you lived in their time you would have feared them.

It's a simple thing that even though they are arrogant, they have power to lead their said nation to victory as long as they don't let it CONSUME them. Trust me, when it's all said and done, B4BC will destroy all with a Blitzkrieg.
Neo nazi's FTW!!
Please, Rok, your embarassing yourself, just shut up.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2007
Riverside, CA.
That isn't a neo-nazi opinion. Hitler did an amazing thing, be it good or bad. He had more charisma than george washington, who frankly would've made a better example...
OH, I really thought he was a neo nazi..???. and I'm not saying that he was a bad man, Hitler was an excellent leader, but thanks for the history lesson.

Hallowed Storm

Smash Journeyman
Jun 25, 2007
Aethercide states it was established before all of us; though he established it elsewhere and now coming into my dominion.
Your dominion? I don't think so. This is SWF. It's a MESSAGE BOARD. The only people who truthfully have authority over others are the staff members, and I doubt that they will actually get involved in this unless we actually need to break up this fight.


Smash Rookie
Feb 10, 2008
I'll go ahead and end all of this crap now.

In the end, skills is all that matters; and everything else fades.

Alexander the Great and Hitler, they were people that had the possibility of ruling the whole world. Hitler was an *******, but look how much power he had; he went back on his word and that's how he got killed. Alexander the great met his end in an unfortunate way as well. Do I like these people? No, not really, but if you lived in their time you would have feared them.
ok first. you skill is all that matters and everything else fades, well, skill in brawl really means nothing, it's just a game, and what will fade is your clan if you don't grow up a little.

and, comparing yourself to Hitler and Alexander the Great is quite possibly the dumbest thing ever. the end


Smash Lord
Oct 23, 2007
ok this is a guild u should post here if u wanna join im sure OP doesnt appriciate a quarrel in his thread..now please settle down


Smash Apprentice
Jan 16, 2005
Kr3w, you aren't one to talk anyway. I'm simply standing up for my clan and what I believe and let others know once they push into our territory that the B4BC won't stand for it.

Yes, I was going to Join the Dues de Animus (Back before it was known as that and more of "Zar's" guild). Though, he was offering invitation to Marth players which in turn, made me create my own. Aethercide states it was established before all of us; though he established it elsewhere and now coming into my dominion.

Next, your clan is less organized and in the long run could eventually fall apart. My clan is for seriosu Ike-players and serious main's of them. You're free to say I'm childish, but so are most people since we're getting this worked up over a game in the first place.
Seriously Rok, your treating clans like its going to be a gang war. I can understand why you would make your own clan because of the issues about invitations to marth players. Just because you created a clan for the Ike boards does not mean you own anything(besides the clan). You don't own any territory, these boards are not your dominion(i think you play too many mmorpgs or something). SWF owns this forum and the threads that are created within it.

If you are so sure that Aethercide will eventually fall apart, why do you have to criticize them about their clan. Are you threatened so much by there presence that you have to verbally attack them? Your seriously taking this to far with these attacks on other members of the forums. This is a game and should be treated as such. There should be no need for violence over clans.(there have been issues of people dieing in real life with clans because of online gaming).

What makes your clan the best clan around? If it is the clan itself as in its organization and whatnot I suppose you can make that claim( i wouldnt know). But if it is about player skill, there is no way you can make the claim of being the best Ike clan because
1) the majority of swf members do not not even own the game
2)there is not substantial amount of videos(or at least not enough) to determine who are good Ike players and who are not
3) the game has only been released for about a week( just wait before you make claims about being the best and stuff)
*there are other reasons that can be thought of

*I am not saying that you are a good ike player or a bad ike player, but it is just plain rude to insult a person for trying to make another clan and try to demean them by any means necessary.

*What i am mainly trying to say is cool it, its just a game.(i can understand if it is more than just a game to you, I also play smash on a tournament competitive level)

*I have no relation to any clans, I am just a member of swf who is interested in playing ike when I obtain the game upon release.
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