I've looked at a lot of matches involving Dedede players, and I noticed they never jump away from their opponents and throw out a Waddle Dee. I've found this to be incredibly useful, and have used it to counter even camping Falcos. You can go into another move more quickly in a midair toss, so you can rapid-fire the waddle dees. Playing games with the angle and timing, you can you can have two waddles be right next to each other as they hurtle towards the opponent. As long as you give yourself some space, you can nair, dair, and even inhale if your opponent tries to rush you. Additionally, you can zone out people's recovery options very easily with some preemptive "waddle wall" tosses. I'm thinking this is a cornerstone of DDD strategy, but I could be wrong. Can folks come up with matchup nuances where this wouldn't be appropriate? The only one I can think of might be against Ivysaur, since a crazy 7% can be recovered from a single hit against a waddle dee. Why didn't they nerf that?
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