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Aerial Peanut Gun Cancel tech thingy - Mindgamez?


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
I started exploring this idea in this thread:

I don't know if anybody has already discovered it (Which is likely the case with NinjaLink :laugh:)

I'll explain it very basically and you can see the results for yourself.
(Also, I assume you use a standard setup for GC controller)

1. Hold Shield - And keep holding it for the duration of this tech
2. Jump (Try it with a full jump first)
3. Keep mashing B

Now with step three, what happens when you hit B? On the default setting for Brawl, you'll fire a peanut, but since you're holding shield, the peanut gun will cancel on the very earliest frame, and you'll be left in the neutral falling animation from which you can do anything as normal.

Now, since you're mashing B whilst holding L, it will basically do this over and over til you hit the ground.

Now, the odd thing about all this is, is that as far as I can tell, Diddy is the only character capable of doing this. Every other character with a shield button cancelable special that I've tried this with doesn't have the same effect at all.

Try it with different characters. I've found that all that happens, is that they charge their specials in the air, and they bring their shield back up on the earliest possible frame upon landing.

As for the usefulness/practicality of this tech, I've not a clue whether it could be used for anything more than a funny mindgame or two. You could cancel the first charge, and release the second from a short hop and that kind of thing.

In a way, this is already known. If you cancel the pop gun in the air very very quickly, Diddy won't fall into an air dodge animation, instead, he'll return to the neutral airborne animation from which you can do anything you normally could.

Anyway, I'll leave it to you guys to try out post your thoughts on.


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2008
I posted somewhat the same idea in a different diddy thread a while ago. But I thought about quickly tapping the stick back to add that weird momentum to your jump. I havent been able to practice this due to limited play time, but the idea is to jump, fire peanut and tap back (to get the momentum) and cancel the same peanut. I dont know if its useful though. But its worth finding out. Maybe, (like you said in this thread) you can use it for a mindgame sometimes.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
It's almost the same thing as Sonic's ASC shield cancelling, or side-B shield cancel.

Kinda funny, since I use that stuff ALOT in my gameplay, and I randomed and got Diddy once and lolld at using peanut gun cancels for my baits.
2222 funny


Smash Journeyman
Apr 11, 2008
Atlanta, GA
I saw a combo video in which the player used the popgun repetitively and completely destroyed a Ness' recovery. This is probably the best application.


Smash Cadet
Oct 27, 2008
There's a cool trick where you jump, reverse your peanut pop gun, cancel it, then nanner pull.
Works great when you jump off of the ledge, then bring it out.

Luigi player

Smash Master
Jul 29, 2004
There's a cool trick where you jump, reverse your peanut pop gun, cancel it, then nanner pull.
Works great when you jump off of the ledge, then bring it out.
Ah, that might get useful. I sometimes want to combo into a banana pull or edgeguard with it but I'm facing the wrong side, so maybe this helps...
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