Smash Cadet
Yes, not many people know about Lucas. The only place that they know him's from Brawl. Well, if you know, he came from the Japanese-only NES game, MOTHER 3. Lucas, as anyone who has the Prima Game Guide for Brawl, was an orphan, whose mother died. Well, ya only know him like this:
Yes, it's true. His mother and father died. He had a horrid childhood. Then came along Ness, who made his parents Lucas' parents (excuse me if I'm wrong). So, that's why Lucas and Ness are best buddies. Also, Lucas tends to be VERY timid.

Yes, it's true. His mother and father died. He had a horrid childhood. Then came along Ness, who made his parents Lucas' parents (excuse me if I'm wrong). So, that's why Lucas and Ness are best buddies. Also, Lucas tends to be VERY timid.