My avater is not a Sheik avatar.
There has been talk about changing the knock back to .9.
Even though that the thread is entitled 1.1, people have still talked about .9.
Everyone is concerned about who gets new infinities, locks, CG's ext. ext.
It seems to me like it is one of those things that people know little about and is afraid of. So here is my solution, we learn. If we know what we will be changing Brawl into then we wont have any unexpected surprises and we can compare Brawl.9 to Brawl.
So here is what I propose. Us at the smashlab can get a very fun project out of this. We can explore new combos, lock and infinities as well as the old ones with every character. I see the project going very quickly even if only a few people work on it.
Here's my post on the thread:
Once we have all of the data together we can show it to the community and see how things go.
I will run the thread and edit everything found into here.
So what do you say gents!? Are ya with me!?!?!?!?!?
There has been talk about changing the knock back to .9.
Even though that the thread is entitled 1.1, people have still talked about .9.
Everyone is concerned about who gets new infinities, locks, CG's ext. ext.
It seems to me like it is one of those things that people know little about and is afraid of. So here is my solution, we learn. If we know what we will be changing Brawl into then we wont have any unexpected surprises and we can compare Brawl.9 to Brawl.
So here is what I propose. Us at the smashlab can get a very fun project out of this. We can explore new combos, lock and infinities as well as the old ones with every character. I see the project going very quickly even if only a few people work on it.
Here's my post on the thread:
So I was just testing this some.
It seems like MK becomes the new Wolf.
You see, fast fallers like Sheik and Wolf can now SDI down and shield none grab infinities and some grab infinities don't seem to infinite anymore because it doesn't have enough knockback to make them do that little spin thing.... watch Falco in this vid to get what I mean by spin thing:
So.... here is what I found out:
If Oli grabs MK at very low percents he has a buffered CG until like 60 or 70% which he can possibly end with up B. Very deadly IMO.
Falco gets an amazing d-throw but I bet you that it is escapable at low percents be previous fast fallers and maybe some normal people like MK since it they impact the ground so soon. 1 and 2 frame jabs wanted.
IC's could originally CG Sheik with d-throw until 60%ish... now it is more like 100%ish.
But hey, this is just one match up.... even though it is my main.
So from what I am seeing this will make some match ups worst and other better. The one that I do see getting better is MK. If everyone has very legit ways of locking him this game will allow more characters to progress.
This also allows for new combo's to be exploited. For example, at .9 Sheik can d-throw> u-tilt> grab> d-throw> Uair
Sheik has like no low percent combo's as it is.
Pretty much everyone has combo's out of throws now. So if a character doesn't have a lock they will get legitimate ways to combo up some damage.
Also, as everyone guessed, people die at later. So even though they can get locked or combo'd to ***% they still have that high percent point where there are few to no combo's and it comes down to spacing.
I support this. It will drastically change an unevolving game yes, but wouldn't a new revolutionary tech do the same? Yes, there will be more locks, but in the end 60% of damage is just 60% of damage. Whether you done that with a lock, CG or combo, they still received 60%.
I will bring this to the smash lab. It would be an easy and very fun project to who gets new infinities, locks and deadly combo's.
Once we have all of the data together we can show it to the community and see how things go.
I will run the thread and edit everything found into here.
So what do you say gents!? Are ya with me!?!?!?!?!?