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A samus in a small city, please rate


Smash Rookie
Jul 29, 2007
Antioch, California
Hello, ive been playing and maining samus most of my SSBM "career" and honing her many glitches and advance techniques, I live in a relatively small city and cant go to that many tournys, but have I have played in a couple of tournys going no further then second round :( and I would like to advance my samus's potential. Any tips or advice is much appreciated.

Video 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1luLNwCyxlE
Video 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLjh1F67Da4


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
Video 1:
I went 30seconds through and got this for you.

HOLY DASH ATTACKS BATMAN. Seriously, she has more attacks than Dash and N air. you might want to give a few of them a try, like missiles, bair, and fsmash. Get somevariety or expect to be shield grabbed often.

Why are you rolling so much? Samus' roll sucks. It is slow, has little invincability (I believe), and is very predictable. Try WD as a means of avoidence. Rolling just isn't an option with her.

Lastly, don't SWD. Please do not stand there trying to SWD when you could be wailing on someone instead. If you aren't good/lucky enough to consistently get a SWD, don't try to do it in a real fight.


Smash Rookie
Jul 29, 2007
Antioch, California
Those videos were 3 weeks ago and ive nearly mastered the SWD and dont use it as much, when I do its to get away from fox, falco, marth spam, I use missles alot more as you can see in vid 2 and its a friendly ill record a tourny match later, thanks for the advice ill keep practicing. and dashing is a good move I dont know what else to say. All i practice with is a marth so WDing doesnt get me out of range much.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 27, 2007
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
i only saw like a minute in your first when then i stopped watching. i suggest you learn to wave dash in the heat of battle, not when your opponent is half way off the screen. and so what if you master SWD? theres no good to it unless you SWD smash. I do it for fun in the heat of battle. i missle chase with a SWD.

but seriously if you want to improve your samus a lot, just learn how to wave dash and wavedash out of shields. (not saying wave dash with your shield there, but im saying block an attack with your shield, then wavedash out of it into a tilt, or jump out of your shield with a nair, or up+b out of shield.)

its not about whos the flashiest player, its about who gets to hit the other person off the stage more. so dont practice the high jump and swd if you can't put it to good use. take your time learning the more useful moves.


Mar 16, 2007
For the most part, your recoveries were very predictable. You always used the grapple cancel super jump unless it wasn't an option. There's really no use for this except to surprise your opponent. Start sweet spotting more.

Stop rolling. You've already heard this, and you know it, as I can see, but I'm going to reinforce it here.

Missile cancel whenever you're landing, even if you don't have time to finish the animation. You might fake out your opponent.

Speaking of missile canceling, don't just dash attack out of them. Try to mix it up with grabs if they shield. Run right past them and crouch cancel to a reversed Fsmash if they point dodge. You can also bomb their shield and Dair out of the bomb jump like Wes. If they make a habit of attacking the missile to cancel it out, then fire another one off immediately thereafter. Be creative.


Smash Rookie
Sep 27, 2006
Looks like you have a pretty good samus, I'd just recommend using more tilt attcks when your on the ground and close to the opponent rather than running straight into them.

Samus Syndrome

Smash Apprentice
Apr 20, 2007
Northern California
Do not roll, I don't always wd but I never roll. Once I started doing that I got a lot better.

Your charge shots are very predictable. I knew when you would use them 2-3 seconds in advance almost every time. You have very good timing with them however. Try ledge-hopping charge shots. Be creative.

Dash to downsmash, dash attack is good and keep on using it, but it is much harder to block a dash to downsmash.

Use your bombs to get back over their heads, fake bomb-jumps over them to mess with their timing. And yes, do not try to SWD. Your bombs are more useful than that.

You have great timing over all. Keep up the good work.


Smash Ace
Aug 20, 2007
Inside your Mom's sniz
Things to work on:
1) Dont use dash attack 99% of the time
2) Use Missles and your charged blast MORE
3) Wavedash during the match because like the others have said, Samus' roll is horrid and EXTREMELY predictable.
4) Missle Cancel!!!!! Those standing missles are so ugly
5) Work on mindgames because I saw none
6) Work on your short hops and L-cancels
7) Just a tip, when you hit your opponent up high dont just sit there and do wavedashes and dashdances since you arent even gonna use them in the game, charge up your B.
8) Try and use other moves besides the Nair, its good but you look ugly as shi,t using it 90% of your aerials. Try settin up combos and stuff with your U-air and F-airs.
9) I dunno but eventually try wavedashing out of shield and using a smash or soemthing, I see HuGs doing this ALOT and I just recently put it into my game, its rigged lol.


Smash Rookie
Jul 29, 2007
Antioch, California
Haha guys thanks alot after about the 3rd person to talk to me I tried wavedashing...wow it makes the biggest difference in the world for samus gameplay, I used to charge up my shots ALOT but they just kinda faded over time for some reason and the word mindgames is blank >.< yeah I know thats horrible, Can anyone give me any examples of a mindgame against maybe a marth or falco? thanks


Smash Ace
Feb 13, 2007
i mind game is anything that sorta fakes your opponant out...
eg, charge a full shot and shoot it off straight away, do this heaps of time untill your oppanant figures "well hes gonna do that all the time", then charge a shot and wavedash into an edgehog, and then do an edgehopped shot...

probly not the best example of a mindgame... but the ones that work for me against falco would be wat you talked about before wd fsmash... it works well against falco when he comes for the dair shine cause if the falco you play is like my falco he will try to hit you dead on with it... but watch out cause good falcos actually try to get behind you on the dair and shine from behind....

other ones for marth wich i know work...
this is my hardest match up for samus and just about every other character.... but i find in this matchup you hqave a muych greater chance of victory if you frustrate him... marth has no long range attacks, you can ko from long range, you know this and he knows this... so run spend more time than you need just randomly running and popping off missiles when you have time (easier if you know how to missile cancel), but be careful he will chase and surely try to get you with fsmashs
and hopefully you will slowly but surely do some damage and he will be so annoyed that hes lost all thought of his game and is now concentrated on tearing your face off....
now play properly... chances are that you will win now.... cause he is angry and its a hell of lot harder to think when your angry...
this has happened to me many times... just cause your skill is less than your opponant, or your a few tiers down doesnt mean you cant win.. it just means you have to use your head

Now thats a mindgame...


Smash Cadet
Sep 6, 2007
Fairbury, Nebraska
those wizzle pretty good fo' sho'. you should jiznust rememba ta fizzay fall more so you can combo betta if you gots a paper stack. it wasnt hurt'n you against yoshi but against a brotha sippin' characta it would hizzy alot more


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2007
A few things:

-This was one of the slowest battles I've ever seen. Roll. Wait. F-tilt. Roll. Roll. Grab? Roll. D-tilt. Sex-kick. Roll. You probably won't place well in anything playing against a Yoshi whose only moves are smashes, fairs and rolling. I'm no pro either, but get out to some real tournaments, it really helps.

-Wavedash somewhere. Please. Move faster.

-Use more missiles. Use missile cancelling and chase your own weapons with wavedashes, then tilt/smash/grab/sex kick where appropriate.

Anyway, you mentioned Marth and Falco...

For Falco, use plenty of fairs and uairs. They hurt fast-fallers plenty. Spam upB if you have to against them, especially if they try to shine combo. Screw attack screws space fuzzies.

With Marth, and effective edge-guard can be walking off stage and sex-kicking if they approach low. If they don't, fire high missiles to dictate where they recover. Also, try to use wavelanding to keep away from his sword range. If Marth catches you in a fair juggle, DI as best you can. He can take out missiles with his sword really easily, but keep it up anyway. Sometimes all it takes is one missile to leave him open to some damage.

Also, on a final note, I think you might be looking more at Samus than your enemy. Keep your eyes on the opponent in battle, it makes reacting much easier. Good luck!


Smash Cadet
Sep 9, 2007
Yeah, Lol, you shouldn't go to a tourney if all you use are the very basics >_>; I'm actually just now trying out Samus and I can already tell you that,... do NOT hit R+A and/or Z -_- Samus' grab is really only good for surviving [wall-grab] -_- and I didn't really read what others said but,... try a wavedash every now and then...


Smash Cadet
Sep 9, 2007
those wizzle pretty good fo' sho'. you should jiznust rememba ta fizzay fall more so you can combo betta if you gots a paper stack. it wasnt hurt'n you against yoshi but against a brotha sippin' characta it would hizzy alot more

rofl, 3 words, what the and duck


Smash Champion
Aug 14, 2006
N.C, Bladenboro
Always read what others say, it makes the board actually work.

Never say "Do not" unless its totally disadvantages and dumb. Grabbing with samus can be effecitive either by putting them in shield stun (with a missile) or making them think you do not grab (by not grabbing for a very large portion of the match).


Smash Rookie
Jul 29, 2007
Antioch, California
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1R-9MF89FQ thats 5 days after the first vids I put up...Which is about a week before you guys even saw the first vids haha Ill record myself playing now, Ive progressed this month and yes and my main transportation now with samus is a wavedash and I quit trying to SWD I missle cancel more now, charge my beam when they die, edgehog, Im just an all around better samus now thanks for the support and help hopefully vids will be up soon =( need a capture card XD
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