Smash Hero
Guys, we should give him a hand.Hey everyone...
I won't be at tournaments for at least half a year because on the way back from SiN, the driver fell asleep at the wheel and we drove off road and spun 5 times. During the spins I got launched out of the car, going somewhere from 75-80mph. I was wearing a seatbelt in the rear seat behind the driver. I ended up 10 feet away from the completely trashed car. The driver (only other person in the car) is completely fine (he stayed in the car).
I was given a 2% chance for living/not being a vegetable, but it seems I'll be okay. I got a neck fracture that was 1mm away from paralysis, and my right leg is really messed up (multiple fractures). I have a bunch of other relatively minor injuries around my body... it hurts to type this.
I didn't know what happened, when I woke up in the hospital. Now I'm at home starting a long rehab process. I might have to have knee surgery but I'm just glad to be alive.
That's all good luck to everyone while I'm gone.
To all tourny directors:
If your having a tournament for next couple weeks, hold a seperate event. Make an entry fee of $5 or $10 (or ANYTHING). Keep all of the earnings.
Give the earnings to someone attending Genesis. At Genesis, everyone combine all of their pots to make one big one. We'll have it delivered to Junk after the tourny (probably from someone of SoCal.
Please consider this everyone. Junk is lucky to be alive right now and although his personal details arent known, his whole recovery process cant be easy both emotionally and financially. Imagine how much of a contritubion we could make to him and his family if we had every tourny in the next month hold one of these just for him. It can really add up.
I'll be having one this weekend that will have the earnings sealed up and in my suitcase when I go to Genesis.
Let's help Junk!!!!