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A New Player is in Town!


Smash Rookie
Aug 3, 2008
Perth, Australia
Hey fellow Winged Warriors!

Before you ask, YES I have read the "read before posting" section, YES I have read ALL of your Guides, and YES I have read through all the advanced techniques.

I want to quickly address Arrow Looping.
What controllers do you guys use when doing this?

Because I usually use a Gamecube controller when playing Brawl, and I have tried for ages to perfect Arrow Looping with it, but to no avail. I can pull off the occasional loop, but I can't do it consistantly or effectively, and I definitely can't loop multiple arrows at once.

So my question is do you need the Nunchuk to perform the Loop properly? Or perhaps just a normal Wii remote by itself?

And also, how do you control the direction of the arrow without moving Pit himself? I end up moving Pit as well as the arrow.....

And here's a Pit story from me:

Me and my friends started something we call the "Smashfest" back when the first Smash Bros game came out. It's 4 players on a basic level (eg. Corneria) with items turned off. We have 99 lives, and the last person standing is the Smashfest Champ! It takes almost 3 hours to finish! (we also have a carnage award for most KOs).

We've done about 8 of them, and I managed to win the first one we ever did, and then just the other day I won the first ever Smashfest on the Brawl game (I've only won twice). And naturally I won as the awe-inspiring Pit!

Pit is just such a fun character, with great moves and very impressive recovery and speed. For the Smashfest I ended up with HALF as many kills (55) as the rest of the playes (110+), and also dealt less total damage. They weren't too happy about that.... I was called a cheap, *****y champion with no skill, and that Pit sucks.


I prefer the terms "intelligent", "opportunistic" and "survivor". Because it takes brains to be Pit. You can't just stand to the side and shoot arrows. Everyone will gang up on you. You can't just Fly around the whole time. Again you will be ganged up on. And you certainly can't just rush into battle and expect to last long in a fierce fight against 3 other people.

What I did was basically continually shield or dodge my opponent's attacks, and get in attacks of my own when the time was right. This involved a lot of rolling, and even some flying. Pit's running attack, his Down Air attack and his forward smash attack are basically his killing moves. How awesome is Down Air! I win half my games with it. I also used Angel Ring to deal damage and stop attacks, and also to reflect Pikachu's Thunder. Then there's the Arrows for cheap damage and for disrupting my opponent's attacks. I even did some chain grabbing too. And that was enough to win me the Smashfest. I was up against Ike, Marth and Pikachu by the way. It was very close, but due to Pit's recovery and his surprisingly good defenses, I was able to get a 3 life lead when it came down to the last two people.

That's my story. I hope you Pit players are proud of me ;)

I'm looking forward to the next Smashfest, but until then I will enjoy the bragging rights :laugh:


Smash Apprentice
Mar 11, 2008
Bellevue, WA, USA
Welcome to the community, and thank you for reading the stickied threads and guides before posting.

I use a gamecube controller, whose only control modifications are with tilt-up jump OFF. This is for several reasons- for one, Pit's up-tilt is a very useful attack, but hard to pull off without accidentally jumping.Also, I always use the Y button to jump anyway. Kupo is going to come in here and yell at me, but I really think the gamecube controller is a much better setup for Pit, or playng smash bros in general.

Back on the topic of arrow looping: Here are some pitfalls [pun not intended] that often prevent players from mastering this art.

1) Remember that you must rotate the control stick evenly around the 360* rotation. Perhaps you are accelerating too fast at certain parts of the loop, or absentmindedly skipping part of the upper 180*. A great way to check this is to build a custom course exclusively for practicing looping: Make a large-size course with thin platforms all the way up on the right or left edge. Control someone to climb to the top of the platforms so you maximize your view port, and practice. you should be able to see your arrow throughout it's entire trajectory. See my (ancient) looping practice video for visual example, and beware of craptastic quality. Also, this is before I turned up-tilt jump off. :<


2) Be aware that some courses have low deathlines in the ceiling. Deathlines are the invisible edges of a course that KO a player if crossed. However, they also dissolve arrows that come in contact with them. There ARE courses that do not have well defined deathlines, as I've seen old arrows come out of nowhere without intent of looping.

3) It can be very difficult to learn and even harder to master. Give it patience and practice.

On the note of Pit moving around while attempting an arrow loop, it happens. There are ways to minimize the movement, none of which I regularly use. To be perfectly honest, I think the guides here overemphasize arrow looping, where tactics such as wing refreshing are many times more useful in getting KOs. I often see "pro" Pit players waste perfectly good KO oppertunities by screwing around with arrow loops. Remember what arrows do: minimal knockback, and 3-10% damage. If that's all you need to kill someone who is on the edge of a deathline, go for it. Just know that there are better options.

Also, congratulations on winning the smashfest. Pit is an excellent choice for something like that, as he has a very well developed offensive and defensive game and, despite being a midweight, he can be very difficult to KO. Ignore your friends that call Pit/you cheap, unskillful, etc. Here, they are called Johns. Johns are whiners, and nobody likes them. Pit may be easy to pick up, but has incredible depth that takes time to master.


Smash Rookie
Aug 3, 2008
Perth, Australia
Thanks for the kind comments!

Yeah I must admit that arrow looping does seem overrated. The only thing I wanted to do with it is Arrow Chasing, because that appears to be a decent way of getting an attack in on your opponent.

Turning the up tilt jump off is a GREAT idea! That never occurred to me. I use the X/Y buttons to jump anyway. So I'll definitely give that a try.

Speaking of Wing Refreshing.... let's just say it's a lot harder to do than it appears to be in your guides....


Smash Apprentice
Mar 11, 2008
Bellevue, WA, USA
Wing refreshing isn't too difficult once you master it's most effective use: chasing a recovering opponent. All you need to do is short hop, WoI immediately, and float after your opponent. All the attacking and extra jumping you'll be doing while fending off your opponent will handle the aerial jumps needed to complete the process. To break that down,

1) Short hop WoI
2) Fly, but attack to break out before it finishes
3) Do whatever, but make sure to use at least one aerial jump before...
4) WoI once more, with full power.

Like most of Pit's techniques, the best part is the expression on someone's face when you pull it off. Beginning to fly again after being pegged while recovering, the most well known Pit gimp, is a real double-taker. If your opponents don't know how it is done, they become more apprehensive to attack you while recovering. A lot of Pit's advanced game is... well... mindgames.


Smash Cadet
Apr 12, 2008
Thanks for the kind comments!

Speaking of Wing Refreshing.... let's just say it's a lot harder to do than it appears to be in your guides....
Not sure if you already do this or not, but i find that setting either R or X ( or Y, depending on what you jump with) to special helps. This way all you have to do is tap your jump button then immediately hit up+special, rather then crossing over the A button onto the B. This also helps in Wing dashing, since you have to immediately go into WoI to do that tech as well.

edit: Oh and btw, welcome to the pit community. That smashfest sounds fun, i'll have to try that out with some friends of mine.


Smash Rookie
Aug 3, 2008
Perth, Australia
NxC: That is the best and most clear explanation I have heard. Now I understand it completely. Thanks a million.

I read somewhere on here that Pit players had discovered a way of running without tripping. Can you elaborate on that? I ALWAYS trip over at key times and it's very frustrating.

I would also like to randomly state my hatred for Pikachu's Down Smash. No matter WHAT I do, I cannot shield, roll through or avoid that attack. If anyone has ANY advice against Pika's Down Smash, I'd love to here it!


Smash Apprentice
Mar 11, 2008
Bellevue, WA, USA
I read somewhere on here that Pit players had discovered a way of running without tripping. Can you elaborate on that? I ALWAYS trip over at key times and it's very frustrating.
"Running without tripping" refers to chaining angelic steps out of nothing. After you've mastered the technique of the angelic step out of let's say... the spot-dodge animation, try going into training mode at low speeds. Start on the left end of final destination, or some custom completely flat course. About face, and tilt to the right slowly while you're turning around, and hold right. Do NOT run. After you're done "turning around", Pit will then about face to look to the right. As this animation finishes, tilt left again so he goes to turn around, once again without running, and repeat this process. The result is a strange looking walk that is somewhere between running and walking speed, because Pit accelerates while he is turning to face the direction you're heading in.

Sorry for the confusing explanation, I'll try to get a video up sometime or another of this. It's excessively difficult to do for minimal gain, since tripping only happens every so often.

EDIT: video up. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X94jBX8D8PA
I would also like to randomly state my hatred for Pikachu's Down Smash. No matter WHAT I do, I cannot shield, roll through or avoid that attack. If anyone has ANY advice against Pika's Down Smash, I'd love to here it!
If you tilt the control stick up and to the left, or up and to the right, you can DI out of the attack by the end, missing the high-knockback part of the downsmash.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee

Nxc: Nunchuck is the best for Pit. It is easier to control the arrows and all the buttons are right there for the WoI techs. I yell at you. You happy? lol ^_^

I guess you could change the R to special or the X(Y) to special depending on what you use to jump. Tap jump off, no question about it.

Im also glad you read the guides. Did you read the Ultimate Guide on the first page? We are trying to get it stickied and it has more than the "Read before posting" and the AT list is more organized. I recommend getting good at the basics before getting into the AT's. But if you want to play around with them thats ok. Just dont expect it to work wonders if your Basics are not where they should be. They are nothing without them.

Arrow looping I guess is overrated but it does work. It works better in certain situations then others. Arrow chasing is better than looping. It is where you chase after the arrow so you are close to the foe when the arrow strikes which gives you total control. Grab if they shield, smash if they spot dodge, Bair if they air dodge.

I thought the tripless movement referred to wingdashing or winglanding? You can trip without running and the Angelic step really is nothing more than a better pivot boost. I have no clue lol.

I totally agree with Nxc's comment about looking at the suprised looks on the opponents faces. It is priceless. Arrow looping, wingdashing, ART, you name it all are surprises you will truly enjoy. And feel free to tell the doubters they are wrong about these techs because there are many so be strong!

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
Welcome Fellow Angel!

Im curious on what angel color you use. Mine is obvious.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Pearland ,Texas
welcome to the pit community.

arrow looping works and if you are having a problem with it than it just takes time and patience.


Smash Rookie
Aug 3, 2008
Perth, Australia
My Pit colour is Black.

But if my friends are going a dark coloured character, I always change to avoid confusion. So sometimes I'm Gold or Blue.

I really don't see the point in mastering some of the advanced techniques. They look cool, but in the heat of battle, the benefits are very very limited. Wing Renewal yes. Arrow Chasing yes. Angelic Stepping? I think I'll pass. Not that I dislike it, but I don't have the free time at the moment to "perfect" the techniques. So I have to choose the important ones.


Smash Cadet
May 26, 2008
Hey fellow Winged Warriors!

Before you ask, YES I have read the "read before posting" section, YES I have read ALL of your Guides, and YES I have read through all the advanced techniques.
All i have to say is the gamecube controller is the best to me because ive always used it to play the smash games(dindnt play original,only on comp. emulaters)but on last game how i got so quick with the controller was by only playin lighting melle which was a big help.


Smash Cadet
May 26, 2008
I have used arrow lopping,Ftilt efectively at least 3 times on humans.but when the person catches on they will dodge after bein hit bye the arrow so then you can grab them.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 30, 2008
First off welcome to the Pit community!!!

Good to know you aren't a noob who just rush in, cool that you read the stickies. If you need any thing don't hesitate to PM me or AIM me at F1stzero.


Smash Champion
Jul 8, 2008
i used nunchuk 4 ages. but seriously once u learn gc controller. u wont go back


Smash Cadet
Apr 12, 2008
lol, doesn't look like it. I used to use the nunchuck also, i still would...but that c-stick is just too useful :ohwell: . After you adjust the controller setup a bit it's not that bad as far as button convenience goes.
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