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A neat Doubles trick for Kirby


Smash Cadet
Mar 26, 2008
Alright so first off i gotta have that disclaimer that says if this is discovered, well known, lame, whatever here.

Now onto business. My lil brother and I came up with what we call the b l u berri lock. It's named after our team since jab lock is taken already. But go ahead and call it whatever.

It's really simple, but not as reliable as i'd like, but it sure beats the grab-release lock. You need to be teamed up with either another Kirby or Metaknight and possibly other characters that have rapidfire jabs (but Kirby's and MK's is better because the knockback doesnt send the opponent upwards if spaced right). Basically all you do is sandwich your opponent and hold A to beat them till whenever you decide to let them out. It's really only practical when it gets down to 2v1, but it's not impossible to get both opponents sandwiched.

Unfortunately it's not 100% reliable during the startup of the lock. For some reason they might bounce up and outwards from the knockback, but when it doesn't do that, they're pretty much stuck till around 400% depending on opponent's weight. My brother and I wait till around 200% and he'll do MK's Dsmash and i'll go for an up grab for a ceiling kill. Horizontal or Vertical death sentence is up to you at that point. =P

I'd love to post a vid, but can't. I can send a replay though if anyone wants it, but really it's laughably simple, so I don't think it really needs one to be understood..

So all you guys go find yourself another Kirby or MK for a partner. Either that or you can do that neat thing with G&W.

Pearl Floatzel

Smash Apprentice
Mar 21, 2008
Isn't this just the ken / isai team infinite thingy? I tried it in brawl a few months ago, it didnt work.
That's holding them and one person does Kirby's jab. (Or some other character's rapid jab)

What he's talking about is Kirby and a Kirby both using the jab with the opponent in the middle.

> O <

> and < are Kirbies, and O is the opponent. Kirbies are jabbing.
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